(Image credit: mothercare Singapore)
Aren’t you excited with the Great Singapore Sale 2015 starting this Friday?
mothercare Singapore will start the ball rolling by offering up to 75% off their maternity and baby products.
From Feeding and Babycare Essentials to Cots, Strollers and even Toys/Treats for your little ones — it is one of the biggest sale for expectant moms and first time parents.
Save up to $379 with the Philips Avent Twin Electric Breast Pump bundled with the 4 in 1 Electric Steam Steriliser.
Need a Travel System? Don’t miss out the Xpedior 4-wheel Pram & Pushchair System which is going at $499 which comes with a free infant car seat. (U.P $599)
BabyBjörn baby carrier is also available in limited quantity at $79.
Don’t you want to pamper your baby or kids with these? I’m sure your little ones will love the YGlider Scooter.
There are many more items on sale, so check out the promotion flyer:
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