(Image credit: Lenny K Photography, via Flickr)
It’s common for Singaporeans to complain about the rising costs in this country, especially when Singapore has stayed on the charts for world’s most expensive city two years in a row. You can even call it a favourite pastime of residents and foreigners living here.
While it’s amazing how we’ve growth so much in a short span of time, it’s also taking a toll on us mere mortals, who can only dream about being one of the countless millionaires choosing to live here. We work hard, but it seems like we’re not going to see much increase in salary or bonuses in the year to come.
Still, it’s not impossible to save money in Singapore. The SingSaver team recently pulled together tips that have worked for us and published them in a free eBook, “100 Ways to Save Money in Singapore”. From shopping to dining out to general tips, we’ve covered every aspect of typical expenses the average Singaporean has.
Here’s an excerpt from their eBook:
- Know Where to Save
Stuffing your money in a pillow is as good as losing it. Due to the inflation rate (about 3% per annum in Singapore), your cash is worth less each year.
Always compare the different rates between fixed deposits, or products such as Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs), before deciding where to store your money. You will want the highest interest possible for your deposit. Speak to a financial advisor about the best options, as they change on an almost weekly basis.
- Keep the Expense Ratio Below 40%
Your expense ratio is your necessary expenditures compared to your monthly income.
For example: say you earn S$3,000 a month. You have to pay at least S$300 a month toward utility bills, your phone line, loan repayments, etc. Your expense ratio is thus 10% (S$300 / S$3,000).
You should put a freeze on expenditures that raise your expense ratio above 40%.
- Pay with an Optimised Credit Card
Dining with friends? Pick a credit card with the best rewards or cashback for the restaurant, then place the entire bill on it. After that, collect your friends’ shares in cash. Because the card is giving you a discount in some form (cashback, more reward points, vouchers, etc.), you will usually save money.
There’s a lot more where that came from. If you want to save more or just want to cut down on your expenses, this guide will help you. Well, it’s definitely helped us.
Download your free copy of “100 Ways to Save Money in Singapore” here.
(This is a guest post by SingSaver.)