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There is a considerable amount of weight in Newton’s third Law of Motion. According to him: “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Simply put, forces always come in pairs! No matter how small your action may be, it can either cause a positive or negative influence in the workplace.
Aim to radiate a pleasant effect in the workplace by considering the following ideals:
A Two-Way Street
Let us start with the basics. Without a shadow of doubt, influence is a two-way street. The more that you let others to incorporate their ideas to your vision, the more that they will be open to incorporate your ideas to their work. Take time to listen to your co-workers’ opinions and acknowledge their worth. You may also encourage other people to speak up.
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Being Polite Goes A Long Way
During a child’s crucial years, etiquette is one of the first things that you are expected to instill. You need to highlight the importance of treating others in a way that you want to be treated. Being able to say “please and thank you” in suitable situations can cultivate mutual respect. Whenever you are delegating a task to your subordinate or asking a favor to your boss, it is better to display good manners. People will go above and beyond to assist you when they are treated with courtesy and admiration.
Having good manners shows that you care about your co-workers the people around you. Furthermore, it can open doors to building lasting friendships.
The Familiarity Principle
I am going to introduce you to an interesting concept in Social Psychology – the Familiarity Principle. According to this principle, we are attracted to the people who are familiar to us. Repeated exposure to “familiar people” will increase our attraction toward them. We are magnetized by the people who share the same interests, attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs. Apply the Familiarity Principle to your workplace by finding a common ground between you and your co-workers.
Start by making time for casual conversations. Ask them about their weekend or rejoice over the upcoming holiday. Small talks can uncover parts of their personalities (e.g., food preferences) and can lead to meaningful conversations. Remain professional without prying or over-sharing. Building positive interactions with the people you work with will make challenging situations less stressful.
Bond with your co-workers outside of the workplace by taking the initiative to plan events or to dine outside. Having a good relationship with the team makes any workday fun!
Show Your Flexibility
There are two types of people in the workplace. The people who are receptive of change and the people who are resistant of it. Assertiveness is a truly positive trait. However, pushing your own beliefs to others can work against you in the long run. Showing your flexibility in every situation and accepting better opinions can increase the respect that people have for you. This does not mean that you have to let go of your beliefs entirely!
Firmly hold on to your beliefs when someone contradicts you. Then, arrive at a mutually acceptable solution. No matter how stubborn a person may seem, they are more likely to approach you when you show your flexibility.
Let Them Help You
Do you believe you know everything? Well, think again! You are not an omniscient being, nor is your boss. Every day gives us an opportunity to learn new things. Broaden your knowledge by learning something new from your peers and supervisor. Intellectual curiosity proves your humility and maturity. After all, you must let others to influence you in a positive manner before being able to influence them in the same light.
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Never be afraid to ask questions or to request help. If you are stuck with a certain project or assignment, ask for help! Accept support instead of settling for a mediocre result.