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Having a wrongful attitude toward money can cost you in the long run. The earlier you alter your belief system, the sooner it will pay off. Here just some of the attitudes that you can slash off:
If you relieve the weight on your finances, you may start spending carelessly. Saying money does not matter is like saying that you can live in Singapore without having to work. Money is valuable as it lets you exercise choice. You can choose to change jobs or to retire early. It helps you to afford the options that will change the way you live.
Just because you never attained a “Diploma in Banking and Finance” does not mean that you cannot learn to manage your wealth properly. Having the negative attitude that you are not good with money can increase the fallout in your finances. This ideology is more common than you think.
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According to Kathleen Kingsbury, a financial author and money coach, women typically complain about being too stupid to learn about finance. This is not true! Since women learn by conversing, realize that your lack of financial knowledge is due to the lack of socialization related to money. An individual may join an educational club about personal finance as a solution. These matters can be applied to main as well.
As we live in a predominately Asian nation, talking about salary or money in general is taboo. This may lead to poorly equipped individuals. You see, money has been a source of many conflicts. This is why most people skip this topic.
The downside is blatant ignorance. It is your duty to separate money facts from fiction. To get your facts straight, you must search for answers. You may not get the right information if you remain silent. People may not be able to help you in huge monetary decisions too.
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Do you have these harmful financial attitudes? Perhaps, it is time for change.