5 Helpful Steps To Talk To Your Elderly Parents About Money

Money gives people, of all ages, the decision-making opportunities they need. Unfortunately for elderly parents, research has shown that financial decision-making ability declines after age 53. This maybe attributed to the 2013 survey done by National Endowment for Financial Education which found that 7 out of 10 adults have difficulty discussing to their families about who will make the financial decisions on behalf of their elderly family member.

Talking about the aging parents’ finances is a good idea but that does not mean people actually do it. Some people avoid the subject because it raises uneasy situations (e.g., quarreling over the estates or feeling “extra” sensitive toward the elderly). Resolving this negative mindset will help your aging parents to organize their financial life. And, that is the most important thing right now.

So, here are 5 Helpful Steps To Talk To Your Elderly Parents About Money…


You have one goal – to organize your elderly parents’ financial life. Know what issues or topics to discuss that will aid this goal. Due to the declines in someone’s body as they age, topping the list is healthcare. Also, you must consider their life insurance, medical insurance, or long-term care coverage policies. Then, talk about estate and other assets. Having a last will and testament ready is a crucial thing.


After researching the topics to discuss, you must prepare the documents needed. These documents are the banking statements, credit card bills, tax records, insurance policies, and so on. Put these documents in one safe place such as a relatively small safe deposit box at home. Grant access only to the people who are really trusted (e.g., the lawyer or immediate family member).


Before talking to your parents, build a strategy that will work for your family dynamics. For instance, some families are more comfortable with having everyone around while other feel that they are being ganged up by their children. Another tip is to talk to them as if you are talking to your adult peers with objectivity and compassion. Do not make them feel that you are treating them as young children.


All your homework led you to this moment. Emphasize on the benefits of the talk and speak with love. Delaying the talk will only be more expensive because as health declines, premium prices increase. Ease the flow of the conversation by adding real-life experiences as examples.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)


Traditional financial advisors suggest that parents save for their own retirement first before saving for tertiary education. This is because you only have one shot at retirement while there are many ways to get student loans. With this experience, you must realize that it is necessary to save as much as you can for retirement during your peak years (i.e., aged 20-35) in order to age gracefully.

Sources: 1 & 2


Best Resources For Retirement Planning In Singapore (These Are Free Too)

In 2014, a survey by DBS bank showed that over 76% of the participants said that their key long-term financial goal is to have sufficient for retirement. Why are these people not ready? Perhaps time and awareness are the factors.

Majority of people think that saving for retirement can wait until you are more stable later on in life. Some may get caught up with their spending patterns and life events such as celebrating weddings and raising children.

There is never a “great” time to start planning for your retirement. But, there are good advantages if you started early. However, if you are starting late today then, you will have to work harder to grow your retirement fund. Moreover, you cannot afford to lose money anymore so; you must avoid investments with higher risks.

After shedding a light into the importance of retirement planning earlier on, here are the best yet free resources for retiring in Singapore (aside from the fantastic Money Digest) :


Aviva is a British multinational insurance company that provides services across 16 countries. Since they have a branch in Singapore, their website features a retirement calculator that tells you how much money you need to live comfortably in your golden years. Also, it takes expected inflation into account. Personally, I found Aviva’s Retirement Calculator as easy and user-friendly but I still want to get more information out of it.

Get it here.


As I said, I seek more functionality from the above retirement calculator. Which is why I continued my search. In my conquest I found a comprehensive retirement calculator that is validated and created by Central Provident Fund (CPF).

CPF is a social security savings plan that has provided the working Singaporeans with confidence and a sense of security for their retirement years. A part from this, they offer online guides and resources such as the Retirement Savings Interactive Calculator. This calculator allows you to assign values for your current age, desired retirement age, desired retirement income, return of investment, and so on. The results will show the number of years you need to save and the cumulative savings necessary to age gracefully. Furthermore, it provides charts and graphs to enable you to understand the numbers more.

Get it here.


A premier international website for retirement information is owned by the Vanguard Group – an American investment company. Vanguard’s retirement resources are divided into three categories namely: saving for retirement, nearing retirement, and living in retirement. They provide tips, guidance, and advice using simple terms that would not require a genius to understand. Additionally, it offers retirement planning tools such as creating a realistic retirement budget.

Browse it here. 


Going local, you may browse through the articles by HSBC Singapore. These articles feature detailed information about the future retirees in Singapore, 8 steps to have a confident retirement, and a guide to retirement planning. Also, it includes localized researched statistics, charts, tables, and graphs. But, I cannot deny the fact that it advertises HSBC’s own retirement services too.

Browse it here.


Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)


Preparing For Retirement: Should You Spend Less Or Earn More?

American Advisor Group

In order to make your dream of retiring early a reality, you generally have two options: to spend less or to earn more. If you are an avid reader of personal articles, it is no surprise that spending less is included in “Ways To Save For Retirement”. But, when you want to focus on maximizing your earning potential then, you will have to do several measures to earn more.



Spending less gives an a more instantaneous result compared to earning more due to its direct nature. It is easier to accomplish because of money management and budgeting techniques.


There is a limit to when you can spend less before you hit a boiling point. For instance, some people restrict their way of life to the point that it is extremely uncomfortable and unsatisfactory.


  • Lower your utility bills by unplugging cables, turning off the lights, and minimizing the air conditioner temperature.
  • Cancel your hand phone plans and switch to prepaid in order to regulate your telecom bills.
  • It is important to track where your money is going through the last month’s bank statements and receipts. Notice what you have spending too much on and reduce it.
  • Cut down your T.V. bill by canceling your cable subscription and opting for watching at Toggle.sg. Toggle.sg lets you watch episodes of your favorite shows at Channel 5, Channel 8, Channel U, Okto, Suria, and Vasantham – for free! But, viewing of premium content is on a subscription basis.
  • Lastly, if you are buying a new appliance, make sure that it is an energy efficient model. Smaller appliances not only help you save more on space but on bills also.



The ways you can earn are endless. Ultimately, it is based on your good financial choices, a ton of effort, and a sprinkle of luck. Additionally, here is no limitation in the amount you can possibly earn.


Making more money takes time and effort. You will need to find a better job or to work more hours in order get a start-up capital for your small business. The flow of profit after the initial business launch takes time too.


  • Increase your earnings by upgrading your skills. To upgrade your skills, you can enroll to workshops or courses. Consider going down to your community centre (CC) and find out the affordable courses they offer. Transform the awesome skills you learned into viable freelance businesses or part-time occupations.

Related Article: 4 Community Centres’ Workshops That Can Really Make You Money

  • Start your own small business such as an online clothing shop. Online business allows you to sell your product or service at the convenience of your own home and your own time.

Related Article: How And Why You Should Start An Online Business Now

  • Lastly, contemplate on proposing a salary increase or a leaving the company for a better company.


On your way to save for your retirement fund, frugality or spending less is the first step. Once you are financially stable, it makes more sense to seek for higher income.
You can earn millions of dollars but if you are spending irrationally, you can get into financial problems. And, even if you are cutting down your spending, you may not reach your goal if you do not earn a decent amount of money. So, the best way to reach your retirement goal is to have a combination of both options.


(Image Credits: 401(K) 2012 via Flickr)

Source: 1


Retire In The World’s Cheapest And Most Beautiful Countries

In 2013, Live and Invest Overseas and International Living examined the best countries worldwide where you can retire for S$1,760/month or less.

Live and Invest Overseas is a trusted online publication dedicated to giving information on retiring, living, and investing overseas. With a similar goal, International Living, established in 1979, had surveyed experts and contributors to get the cost of living information of countries around the world. These are the latest large-scale data available to date:


Nicaragua, a multiethnic country of approximately 6 million people, is one of the most beautiful countries in America as it boasts its Pacific coastline, Caribbean beaches, and freshwater lakes. You can live for about S$1,350 a month inclusive of utility bills (no air-conditioning), groceries, entertainment, rent, maid (3 times a week), and health insurance. Not a bad way to retire!


Philippines, a picturesque country consisting of 7,107 islands, ensures that you can enjoy a low-cost island life once you retire. For about S$1,410 a month, you can avail services such as electricity, water, gas, cable TV, Internet, grocery shopping, rent, and entertainment costs. Relax in the beach and reminisce the old times while sipping a fresh coconut juice that will cost you lest than a dollar!

Image Credits: Brian Evans via Flickr

Image Credits: Brian Evans via Flickr


How about retiring close to home? In Malaysia, you can retire for a cost of approximately S$1,450 a month. This is inclusive of utility bills, handphone bills, Internet services, maid (4 hours/week), transportation, health insurance, and entertainment. Keep your healthy physique by buying a bagful of fruits that will cost you only S$5.

Image Credits: Tatiana Vdb via Flickr

Image Credits: Tatiana Vdb via Flickr


Aside from English, if you are fluent in Spanish then, you may consider living in Ecuador. With mostly Spanish-speaking citizens, Ecuador known for its rich ecosystem that hosts many species of plants and animals. For approximately S$1,760 a month, you can indulge on utilities, grocery shopping, health insurance, maid (2 times a week), Internet services, cable TV, handphone services, entertainment, and transportation. The top choice of most American retirees is the wonderful city of  Cuenca due to its glorious weather and affordable real estate.

Image Credits: andresmbernal via Flickr

Image Credits: andresmbernal via Flickr

Age gracefully by retiring in a comfortable place where you are at peace with your finances! The world is your oyster. 🙂

Sources: 1 , 2, and 3