Clever Tips To Save Money On Your Mobile Bills

If one of your resolutions in 2018 is to reduce your expenses, a good place to start would be your monthly mobile bill. Do not underestimate the few dollars saved each month as they can add up to a significant amount at the end of the year.

Here are some clever tips to save money on your mobile bills!

Monitor Your Usage

The first step to reducing your mobile bill is to monitor your mobile usage. How much data, talktime and messaging do you use each month? Track your usage easily with your telco’s mobile app. For instance, M1 customers can download and use My M1 App to track their local or roaming data, talktime and message usage anytime, anywhere. If you are always exceeding your data, perhaps you can consider data add-ons, or switch to a mobile plan with bigger data bundles to reap plenty of savings in the long run.

If constant monitoring is too much of a hassle for you, opt-in for SMS notifications to be alerted when you are about to exceed your data bundle. M1, for example, sends you SMSes when you have reached 75%, 90% and 100% of your monthly data bundle.

Consider SIM-Only Plans

If you do not require a new phone, it’s time to consider SIM-only plans. These plans, as compared to conventional smartphone plans, come with lower subscription and bigger data bundles. M1’s SIM-only entry plan only costs S$20 per month for 5GB data, as compared to an equivalent smartphone plan at S$40 per month. By going with a SIM-only plan, you get to save S$240 over a year!

If you are hungry for more data, go for M1’s Unlimited SIM-only plan, which comes with unlimited data, talktime and messaging at only S$98 per month.

Save As A Family

Telco operators allow customers to maximize their mobile plan usage by sharing data, talktime and messaging bundles with their loved ones. For example, subscribers of M1’s mySIM plans can add up to 2 supplementary plans at S$12/month each to co-share the main plan’s bundles. Such supplementary plans will suit family members with various data consumption behaviour.  For instance, the millennial in the family may be a heavy user of social media and is therefore likely to use more data. Meanwhile, the stay-at-home mum may only require little amounts of data to stay connected via instant messaging platforms. By co-sharing the main plan’s bundle, this helps to consume pockets of data that would otherwise be left unutilized by the end of the month.

As such, if you have multiple devices in the family, this option of adding supplementary plans may work well for you too. When you share the big data bundles on mySIM plans between the devices, you’ll be able to gain access to all the entertainment you need!

Get Cash Rebate On Your Mobile Bills

Finally, the last step to saving on mobile bills is to get cash rebates on them! By using cashback credit cards to pay for your mobile bills, you can earn cashback or reward points that help to reduce your mobile bill. For instance, the Citi M1 Credit Card provides up to 10% Citi rebate if you set up recurring M1 bills via GIRO. Furthermore, charging your purchases at M1 stores earn 1% Citi Rebate.

Follow these handy tips to start saving money on your mobile bills in 2018!


Here’s how much you may get when you sell your old iPhone to pay for the iPhone X

Singaporeans looking to support their iPhone habit would do well to heed Apple’s release schedule

SINGAPORE, MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 – Now that the iPhone X is straying perilously close to costing an actual kidney, trading in your old iPhone to help defray the cost of a new one is a more popular option than ever. But because the market has a tendency to push prices down when there are more people looking to sell their old iPhones (a well-observed economic principle – price goes down when supply goes up), you wouldn’t know if the trade-in price offered at your telco or handphone shop is a good deal or not.

To help you avoid rip-offs, we asked everyone’s favourite online marketplace Carousell what your soon-to-be-replaced iPhone is worth on the second-hand market. Here’s what we found out.


What Do the Numbers Mean?

We apologise for triggering all the traumatic flashbacks of Statistics class you’re probably suffering right now. We wanted to make sure we dealt in scientific data, and not simply hearsay from a lazy walkabout at Tanjong Pagar Plaza. Quick explanation: The median price represents the midway point of each model’s price range. So in the case of the iPhone 7, 50% of all handsets were sold for more than S$820, and 50%, less than that. How much higher or lower? For that, we look at the numbers in the next two columns to the right. These give us a good idea of what low and high prices look like for that particular model. They do not represent the absolute lowest nor highest prices for each model. So, putting it all together: If you get offered S$800 for your iPhone 7, that’s a bit on the low side. S$850 to S$950 would be an ok price, and you shouldn’t hesitate to take any offers coming in at S$1,000 or more.

The Value of Older iPhones Declines Exponentially

Eyeballing the figures from Carousell, you can see that the value of your old iPhone suffers a dramatic decline after one generation. As at September 2017, an iPhone 7 commands a respectable median price. You’ll also notice that the spread between prices is still relatively tight.

But when it comes to an iPhone 6, the median price plunges by more than half. And it gets worse as we go down the ladder to older iPhone models, but you were probably expecting it anyway.

Actual Selling Prices Differ According to Condition

The actual price you will get for selling your old device will depend on a number of factors. Chief of these is the condition your handset is in. “While little scratches and scuffs aren’t deal-breakers – many of our users are upfront about these details and still successful in their sales – people will generally prefer and will pay more for iPhones in the best possible condition,” says Lucas Ngoo, Co-founder and CTO of Carousell. As you’d expect, a perfectly working model with all its original parts intact will fetch a higher price than one that had undergone part replacements. (Think about how damaged the internal circuitry must be after going through at shocks serious enough to shatter the screen.) If you can provide the original box and accessories (such as charging cable and adapter, and never-been-worn headphones) you can probably command top prices. And, because this is Apple we’re talking about, you can expect to charge a little higher for devices with larger storage.

Is it Worth Selling Your Old iPhone?

At this point, you may be wondering if it is even worth selling your old iPhone. The answer is: yes, especially if it’s the latest model. As Carousell’s data show, the iPhone 7 is trading hands at prices near to those of a brand-new set direct from the Apple store. This is probably as good as it gets. But even if all you have is an iPhone 6 or earlier, you can still sell it off and use the money to pay for other things you need or want. For example, while the S$60 you’ll get for selling your iPhone 4 puts nary a dent in what you have to pay for the iPhone X, you could still get a decent pair of shoes for it, or a new computer game.

A Result of Planned Obsolescence?

In case you’re not familiar with the term, planned obsolescence is an actual thing that manufacturers are doing. Basically, the products we buy are designed to last only up to a certain period. Beyond that, they are expected to fail. This practice corrals consumers onto a schedule for replacing the things that we’ve come to rely on. And it’s not just consumer electronics, car or light bulbs either. When it comes to iPhones, the message seems to be: keep up with Apple’s schedule; it’s the most rewarding way to enjoy their products. Especially in light of the record-breaking price of the iPhone X.

This article first appeared on

Read Also: Receive up to S$150 worth of Grab vouchers from now till 15 Nov 17


6 Practical Solutions For A Sustainable Home

These practical lifestyle changes can often save your money and energy.


Score up to 60% less than your regular water usage by installing a low flow shower-head. Some modern shower-heads are adjustable, which means that you can change the settings to low flow. Imagine having a controlled water flow while lathering up and an active rush while rinsing!

Alternatively, you can buy a low flow shower-head for only S$14.74 at Monotaro. Installing one could mean huge savings on your water bill.


There are two ways to freshen up your space naturally. You can either build a proper ventilation system or make use of shading. Install ventilation by switching to ceiling fans that can facilitate air flow throughout the room. On the other hand, shading is done by closing the blinds at certain times of the day.

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If you are undergoing the process of renovation, ask the architect to include passive cooling designs to put your air conditioner to rest.


Energy (and cash) is wasted when there is a mismatch between your appliances and your lifestyle. Instead, you must patronize energy efficient appliances that boost its intelligent designs. Pick the right appliances by understanding your family size, frequency of use, and capacity requirements.

You may also adjust the energy consumption of your appliances with the innate smart programming.


I can still recall the day when my uncle imparted a practical solution, which saved me a considerable amount of cash. He knew that I usually boil pasta on a regular basis due to my fondness for Italian cuisine. So, he taught me to cook with residual heat. Simply cover the pot and switch off the stove after the pasta has been boiling for 7 minutes. Let the pasta sit for 5 minutes more.

You may also apply the same technique when boiling noodles.


If environmentalists were tasked to replace your bulbs, they would turn to the power of Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL). CFLs were introduced in the ’80s and were improved a decade later. These are perfectly suited for study rooms, home office, and other spaces that need extra brightness. You see, CFLs last longer than traditional bulbs and use up to 80% less energy.

Philips Singapore has a range of CFLs. The only catch is that the price of these bulbs are more expensive upfront. However, the steeper cost of your utility bill makes it worth your money.


Embody the “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” slogan by hosting a rummage sale in your community. Doing so allows you to save more space in your closet and to earn extra money on the side. There will be no resources or energy wasted on producing new stuff.

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Furthermore, you may include your neighbors to attract more customers.

Source: Greatist


Clever Tips To Keep In Mind When Buying A New Phone

Seeing a working landline set is always nostalgic for me. Do you remember when you are limited to making calls in your living room? Well, those days are long gone. These type of sets still exist, but the majority had switched to the portable smartphones.

When choosing the best device on the block, keep these factors in mind:


Whether you are committing to a new phone on a postpaid plan or on its own, you should do your research first. Widen your knowledge to acquire the best possible specifications that money can buy. Take note of the processor, camera quality, and the batter life. You do not want to flush away your hard-earned money on devices that blow up while charging. The wise selection process will give your investment a significant amount of future-proofing.

Say you want to sign on high-end smartphones such as iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Wait for the discounts offered during holidays or the Great Singapore Sale. These type of smartphones hold their resale value over time. Thus, they are easy to sell if you want to upgrade.


The longetivity of your potential phone depends on many factors such as its screen size and its operating system. Any phone that can withstand nine hours of straight 4G LTE browsing has a decent batter life. Other determinants of the battery life includes the batter capacity. Look for a phone with at least 3,000 mAh.

Compare the endurance of the phone that you have been eyeing for by reading various tech reviews.


A worthy investment includes features that are both necessary and desirable. As obvious as this may sound, high-end models includes almost everything that a user can ask for. However, you shall consider mid-priced models if your sole purpose is to do simple tasks such as calling and browsing. There are countless mid-priced models that have the premium features for the fraction of the fancy model’s price.

Remember that you must not pay for something that is beyond what you need.


Our socially connected world embraces the relay of images on popular social media platforms. This is why many users believe that the second most important feature after the battery life is the camera megapixels. Talk about taking the perfect selfie!

But, tech experts beg to differ. Some believe that you must ignore the megapixels in favor of special features such as the dual lenses and lower aperture. Keep these things in mind when you are shopping.

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To prolong the life of your beloved phone or to prevent any costly damages, you must buy a case and a glass protector. I, for one, coat my iPhone with the famed tampered glass. Doing so will boost the phone’s resale value when you are ready for an upgrade.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How To Generate Cash Using An Instagram Account

Social media has infiltrated our lives in ways that our ancestors cannot imagine. Let us focus on one platform – the trendy Instagram (IG). Instagram offers you the opportunity to widen your income or to receive free products by posting photographs. Contrary to popular belief, earning money thru this venue is not limited to becoming an influencer.

There are many methods to capitalize on your IG presence. Here are just of them:


To make decent amount of money on the side while feeding your Instagram addiction, you can consider becoming an influencer. Start by treating your feed as a C.V. (Curriculum Vitae). Strategically curate your account to invite as many brands as possible. The wider your feed or portfolio is, the better.

Maintain your Instagram presence by using consistent posting schedules, pristine images, and witty captions. Andrea Chong’s account is an example of a strong local influencer. Remember that you attract the brands that match the content of your feed. For instance, you may be hired as a brand influencer for a detox tea if you exude enthusiasm toward fitness.


You have a knack for photography. If you have numerous quality images that companies and individuals may want to pay for, you can display it on renowned websites such as Shutterstock. Another (relatively uncommon) option is to upload your portfolio on Instagram.

Make sure to add a watermark and a detailed caption to each of your image. This will not only protect your rights, but it will also clearly direct your potential clients.


Do you own a budding small business? Well, you better listen up! This method allows you to establish the diverse angles of your brand using a single post. You do not have to pay for an upgrade.

Instagram has solidified its status as an efficient platform for sharing singular square-shaped photographs. Instagram did its best to sway with the dance of modern technology. It has since expanded to adding videos and time lapses. Furthermore, the Facebook-owned company introduced the slideshow feature. Users can post up to 10 pictures that will appear in one post. This move seeks to help advertisers (like you) to tell sequenced stories. Ensure that your photos follow a unified theme or filter.


Various websites display their partners with sidebar banners. This type of publicity is called affiliate marketing. The same principle applies when you are rolling out your affiliates over to Instagram. Affiliate marketing will enable you to receive commission for the products or services that you will promote. Use catchy hashtags and high-resolution images to drive more traffic to the affiliate code or URL.

Step up your game by mentioning the brand on your Instagram stories. Simply edit the text and type “@” followed by the brand’s username. A notification will be automatically sent to the brand’s inbox right away.

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BONUS TIP: You can promote “flash sales” by posting on your 24-hour Instagram stories!

Sources: 1,  2, & 3