6 Undeniable Reasons Why You Should Buy Luxury Makeup

Over the last decade, the beauty industry has exploded into a multi-billion-dollar industry. Dermatologists, beauty experts, and celebrities alike are launching their own high-end beauty brands. Not to mention, drugstore makeup widened their range of beauty products. You have probably once thought why do some makeup products, which all appear to be similar at first glance, carry different price tags?

Well, some products may seem like an investment, but the benefits are vast. If you are considering investing in luxury or high-end makeup, here are some reasons why it is beneficial to spend more on the products that you apply to your face.


You will keep reaping the rewards for much longer when you invest in luxury facial serum, body oil, or fragrances. Luxury brands offer richer, deeper, and more premium kind of beauty experience that comes with longer lasting results. When you invest in high-end beauty, you pay for ingredients that are meant to last.


Drugstore beauty brands may have active ingredients such as retinol, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin. However, the amount can be negligible compared to luxury brands. Luxury brands offer pure, authentic ingredients, which may be harder to source. While both high-priced and low-priced products can have the same ingredients, the former tend to have more potent ingredients.

Karen Kagha, a Los Angeles-based board-certified dermatologist, shared that she “like for the ingredients and studies/results to inform my opinion about a product’s performance.” She highlighted that many luxury brand names have combined effective ingredients and great branding over the years.


When purchasing luxury makeup, there is always somebody qualified to help you both before and after the sale. Whether you are in the physical store or purchasing online, you can chat or live chat with the beauty consultant to help you find a product that suits your skin best. Apart from the premium ingredients, you are investing in the expertise of these beauty consultants too.

Some of the typical queries of customers are finding the right color to purchase the right foundation and finding the correct style of lipstick to suit one’s lips. Brands that offer beauty products at a cheaper rate are generally self-serving and provide no aftercare if you need further help afterwards.


Luxury makeup looks more pleasing when you pull them out of your bag. Apart from its attractive exterior, it is unlikely that high-end makeup will come with a smashed palette, product faults, and broken mechanism. These products come with quality brushes or appropriate applicators instead of the standard widely produced sponges. These applicators make a dramatic difference in how your face will look and how well you apply the products.


Strategic marketing is a big part of luxury brands. Luxury brands spend a chunk of their budget to entice customers all over the world. The packaging or how the product dispenses can make the consumer feel good about their makeup. The feeling of exclusivity and value should not be discounted as it can help boost someone’s overall confidence!


Whether you have been saving up for a luxury makeup item or have extra money to spend, you deserve a bit of luxury. With the mask mandate slowly easing, our face is the first thing that people see when we meet them. Take care of your face by putting quality products that will last long. Do not be shy to walk inside the luxury beauty stores at The Shoppes Marina Bay Sands and simply enjoy the experience. If you have enough money saved up and you are not hurting your credit score, you can treat yourself to luxury beauty items every once in a while.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Start and end your day feeling beautiful – because you are!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Is It Cheaper to Go Healthy in Singapore?

The rise of social media influencers in recent years made healthy living trendy again. Quinoa meals and Tracy Anderson-esque workouts are no longer limited to celebrities. From salad bars to cold-pressed juices, we are increasingly surrounded by healthy lifestyle options trying to get us to convert.

Before you embark on this significant lifestyle change, you need to understand the monetary costs and benefits of having a healthy lifestyle. When friends or co-workers tell me they do not eat healthily because it is more expensive, I get it! A simple salad can cost S$10 to S$20 if you are dining at a restaurant. In comparison, a hawker centre meal costs about S$5, while a fast-food set meal averages to S$6.

At a glance, it makes more financial sense to choose the less healthy options. However, spending a little more money on healthy, balanced meals goes a long way. For starters, eating healthy lowers the risks of being diagnosed with diet-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that a healthy diet helps manage one’s mental health and stress.

On that note, let us discuss how much it costs to choose the healthier options in Singapore.


The inconvenient truth of converting to a healthier lifestyle is – you’ll have to learn how to cook. Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy is not limited to boiled chicken breasts and eggs for the rest of your life. Eating healthy steers away from processed food, empty-calorie meals, and sugar-rich treats.

A 2021 article estimated the amount you will spend weekly when you make regular, semi-healthy, and healthy meals in Singapore. According to the article, a regular meal costs S$114.62, a semi-healthy meal costs S$129.65, and a healthy meal costs S$171.10. Based on these calculations, healthy meals cost S$56.48 more than the regular meals and S$41.45 more than the semi-healthy meals. Although the prices for produce and ingredients have increased today, this article gives us a taste of the differences between healthier and least healthier meals.

Eating healthy may not be a cure-all, but it can help you lower down the chance of getting diet-related illnesses. The additional costs of eating healthy meals per week sound like a better deal than dealing with the medical costs attached to diet-related illnesses.


One of the first things that pops to mind when talking about lifestyle vices is smoking. A packet of cigarettes costs about S$13. If you consume one pack of cigarettes a day, that could take you back by S$195 per month. In a year, you will have spent about S$2,340. Isn’t that insane? Successfully kicking this harmful habit to the curb could potentially reward you with a holiday trip overseas.

Instead of subscribing to harmful vices, you can incorporate healthy vices into your lifestyle. Healthy vices include regular sun exposure (your source for Vitamin D), adequate sleep (at least 7 hours for adults), and getting massages (to help reduce the secretion of stress hormones).


It is no secret that owning a car in Singapore comes with a hefty price tag. Apart from the petrol and parking, you must shell out money for its maintenance. For others, their additional transportation expenses include taking a cab or Grab on weekdays. If you are serious about getting in shape, then you can walk whenever possible.

If it’s too hot, you can take public transport for a portion of your journey and walk the rest of the way to work. Think of all the money you will be able to save and the pounds (lbs) you will lose if you can keep this going.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Consistency is key in maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Do not assume that eating healthy meals for only two weeks will have positive effects to last a lifetime. In fact, if you take dramatic dietary changes frequently, you will be putting your body through unnecessary stress. Enjoy the health benefits of eating and living well by making consistent and conscious choices. Do not give up and stick to your plan!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How to Overcome the Fear of Trying New Things (Again)

The new Year of the Rabbit is the perfect time to take the leap by learning or trying something new. You can take up ceramics, learn French, start a book club, plant a seed, go back to the dating scene, or try indoor rock-climbing. As for me, I have to learn how to drive again.

I started learning how to drive in 2016 and encountered several accidents in the first few years. As time passed, I became more fearful and started to avoid driving by myself. I do not want to quit just yet. I am slowly regaining the confidence I once had.

The thing that no one mentions about stretching yourself is that it really sucks sometimes. Yes, trying new things is exciting, but it can also be terrifying and embarrassing. Getting over the initial fear of trying new things and actually having fun is part of the journey.

On that note, here are four strategies you can apply to overcome the fear of trying new things.


People tend to approach a new experience in two ways – wanting to learn a skill or wanting to master it. The former encourages the learner to make mistakes and figure out how to do the process while having an enjoyable time. While the latter finds delight in doing well, impressing others, and discovering their natural talent in something.

Learning a new skill and having the ability to laugh at your own mistakes takes off the pressure. Creating mishaps is part of the process. For instance, you want to finish a marathon. Running in under two hours can be your goal, but getting in shape and meeting new friends are worthy outcomes too.


No matter what new skill you are trying to learn, it is more likely that you won’t have a blast at the beginning. Organizational behavior researcher Keith Rollag once highlighted: “From an evolutionary standpoint, trying new things, for much of human history, could have been dangerous. Your performance can have a big impact on your status.” Status affects our ability to get the resources we need to survive. The fear of trying new things was an issue of survival.

One of the challenges of starting new experiences, joining new groups, and meeting new people is the anxiety of being the newcomer. Not loving the process right away is not a sign that you have made a terrible mistake. Instead, it is part of being human.


Anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin. Ever notice that all these feelings manifest in the same way? Whether you are nervous or excited, you get butterflies in your stomach and sweaty palms. You pace back and forth. Notice a man in his first job interview and compare it with a man who is about to propose. Both men feel adrenaline coursing through their veins. The body interprets the high-stakes situation in the same way.

This just shows that the brain is creating the story we tell ourselves. Bringing awareness to this fact will help us to manage our feelings better.


The best way to deal with your current situation is to break down a task into manageable steps. When Michael Phelps competed in the Beijing Olympics, he had to swim with visual challenges. His goggles began filling with water the moment he dove in the 200-meter butterfly race. He recalled the race in an interview with CBS News:

“They started filling up more and more and more. And about 75 meters left in the race, I could see nothing. I couldn’t see the black line. I couldn’t see the T. I couldn’t see anything. I was purely going by stroke count. And I couldn’t take my goggles off because they were underneath two swim caps.”

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Despite not being able to see where he was and where he was going, he counted the strokes. He bagged the gold medal in that race and broke the world record. Breaking down the task into several parts motivated him to finish the race. A person who is learning how to drive can start by learning the safety protocols and theoretical background of driving, before practicing in an actual driving course.

Learning takes time and your journey is uniquely yours.

Sources: 1 & 2


Grocery Shopping Mistakes That Might Be Keeping You Poor

Championing your grocery runs takes experience and skill. As a young adult, you may encounter challenges and make shopping mistakes along the way. As you become more experienced, you will be able to pick the right items while trying to save money.

From buying only name-brand products to buying fruits that are out of season, here are some supermarket mistakes that are slimming your wallet.


Say you enter the halls of the grocery and find countless options in the aisles. Keep your eyes peeled on the products in the topmost or lower shelves. These shelves often stock up on generic or store-exclusive products. You can get similar-quality products for a fraction of the price when you do not snob these generic products. Brand does not always equate to quality.


When you are buying fresh produce, a good indicator of value for money is the price per kilo on its label. Do not always presume that loose produce is the best option. Sometimes, packed fruits and vegetables are cheaper. Get the best deal every time you shop by getting into the habit of comparing loose produce to different packaging sizes.


Various vegetables and fruits are less available during certain times of the year. The shortage of supply influenced by the high demand hikes up the price in the supermarkets. When this happens, you will be paying more. Keep track of what is in and out of season through helpful charts. Not only will the produce be tastier, but it will be cheaper too!

For instance, blueberries can cost up to S$10 when it is off-season compared to the price of around S$5 when they are in season. During the off-season, you can look for canned substitutes such as peaches and pineapples.


Do not pick up the first packet of meat you see, as tired as you might be. Inspect the food first, before leaving the store. Visible brown spots are telltale signs that the meat is about to go bad. Check the sell-by date too. You do not want to waste your money on meat that is about to reach the end of its shelf life.


Did you know that some supermarkets provide free services such as descaling and filleting? If you are a newbie cook or you just do not have a good handle on fish, it is best to take advantage of the free services offered at the supermarket. Otherwise, you will ruin a good fish.


Making a meal plan for the week will help you reduce your waste and encourage more savings. Make a list before you visit the nearest supermarket. Remember to check what is available in your own home too before you start planning what you are going to bring home.


The longer the amount of time your meat spends in room temperature, the higher the chances of bacteria growing on it. When there are more bacteria on the meat, its lifespan becomes shorter, even if it is kept in the fridge. So, if you have an extensive list of items to grab, let meat be the last item before heading to the cashier.


The appearance of fresh produce is often manipulated by manufacturers to make it look more attractive to consumers. When fresh produce looks unnaturally spotless, it is usually because of the wax or pesticides that make them look fresh and shiny. Avoid these chemicals by embracing fruits and vegetables with natural spots or specks.


Many people go through the supermarket aisles and only look at the prices. While it is an excellent idea to pay attention to the price tag, you should also consider the size of the products that you are purchasing.

While one item on the shelf may be cheaper, due to packaging, you may get less product on a similar item that only costs a few cents more. When you are aware of the package price and size, you can make a more informed decision. Spend more money on things that will actually last longer.


Coming inside the grocery store with a list in hand does not always end up the way you want it to. Even experienced grocery shoppers buy too much of what they need. When it concerns highly perishable goods (e.g., strawberries, broccoli, and spinach), buying in bulk often results in food wastage. Items tend to go bad before we have a chance to consume them.

Although it is tempting to buy more than what you need to get the sweet deal of 10 for S$10, avoid unnecessary spending and stress. This does not apply to parents who have a huge family with many mouths to feed.


Cost per kilo and cost per unit are important in making informed decisions. When we think of bundles, we usually associate getting more items for an affordable price. However, this is not always the case! Compare bundles with standalone items to get your money’s worth.

For instance, you are buying cartons of juice.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

2 cartons of 275ml juice cost S$5, which totals to about S$0.009/ml
1 carton of 500ml juice costs S$3.50, which totals to about $0.007/ml

The difference between these prices may seem minute, but it can affect your savings in the long run. Remember to check the price of the item versus its quantity. Additionally, you have to compare the prices across the available brands. These steps may take time, but your wallet will surely thank you later.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Great World is the place to be for all your V’day needs!

Want to impress your partner? Have a loved one who would appreciate a Valentine’s Day celebration? Or looking to score extra brownie points from your new love interest?

Great World has got our back this Valentine’s Day. It’s the one-stop destination for all your gifting needs, dining options, and pampering sessions.

Don’t believe us? Read on.

Dining Spots

COLLIN’S® (#B1-106)

Take advantage of the 2-course Valentine’s Day Set Menu with complimentary 2 glasses of house pour red/white or Beverage of the Month at just $59.90**.

  • Sharing Appetiser – Shellfish Marinara in spicy Tomato sauce
  • Choice of 2 Main Course: Prime Black Angus Ribeye Steak with Seasonal Vegetables, Shoestring Fries, and Tomato Curry sauce OR Grilled Norwegian Salmon and Cacio e Pepe in rich Tomato sauce

This limited-time offer is available for dine-in only from 6 – 19 February 2023. Prices are subject to a 10% service charge and prevailing GST, where applicable. Not valid with other promotions, membership privileges, and vouchers, unless otherwise stated. COLLIN’S® reserves the right to vary these T&Cs without prior notice. Photos are for illustration purposes only.

Kuriya Dining (#01-127)

Lunch Omakase – from $108 – $230

Dinner Omakase – from $168 – $300

Omakase, which translates to “I will leave it to you,” is a Japanese custom in which the chef is entrusted with the whole dining experience. Omakase goes beyond what is listed on the menu at Kuriya Dining. Each course will take your taste buds on a sensory journey while showcasing seasonal and luxurious ingredients from Japan. Reservations are recommended, call 6736 0888 to be guaranteed a spot at the Omakase counter.

Ryan’s Kitchen (#B1-146)

It gives Ryan’s Kitchen great pleasure to feature its award-winning Okan Wagyu Tomahawk, renowned for its rich flavor and exceptional marbling. Enjoy this succulent, aromatic, and incredibly juicy steak for 3 to 4 people with sides of roasted herb potatoes and seasonal vegetables. Ideal for double dates and only $228++! For reservations, contact them at 6767 0118 or 9638 3020 via WhatsApp.

Jewelry Magic

Bliing (#01-173)

You can explore, browse, learn, and discover in Bliing’s enchanted forest of endless summer. Discover new stones, experience the fun of mixing and matching earring studs and drops, while discovering your innermost desires. This Singaporean brand seeks to make fine jewelry fun.

Curious Creatures (#01-175)

Curious Creatures is dedicated to creating timeless pieces that anyone can wear and mix with items from previous, ongoing, and upcoming collections. Their Permanent Bracelet, a novel replacement for engagement rings, is fitted specifically to the wearer’s wrist and welded securely with no clasp. Folks searching for something unique should give this a go. Zapping service is available at Great World on 4, 5, 11, and 12 Feb.

Pampering Gifts

Spa Esprit (#03-107)

Book yourself and your loved one a 60-minute Classic Scentsational Massage at just $145/pax. It’s a luxurious, traditional oil massage to calm your body and mind completely. Choose from one of the nine essential oil formulations offered and enjoy a relaxing ritual that combines aromatherapy with age-old Swedish, Indonesian, and Hawaiian massage techniques. Don’t forget to take advantage of the 15% off promotion for a couple spa this February!

Valid for one-time redemptions and weekday bookings till 28 February 2023. Other T&Cs apply.

Bath & Body Works (#01-133)

Bath & Body Works’ Dream Bright Collection is a newly launched creation. It’s a floral-fruity fragrance dream come true—brilliant, unforgettable, and bold for that special someone. Comes with fragrance notes of sapphire berries, night-blooming orchids, and crystalized vanilla. You can get your hands on Shower Gel, Body Lotion, and Fragrance Mist products in stores now.

Lovely Gifts, Flowers & Sweet Treats

Papermarket (#01-120)

Know of a loved one who adores all things Kate Spade New York? Get these mini heart-printed products from Papermarket now:

Veronica’s Florist & Gifts (#B1-126)

What is Valentine’s Day without flowers? Grab your fresh bouquets from Veronica’s Florist & Gifts. The team believes that presents and flowers are an outward manifestation of the warm and empowering love we experience internally. Loving hearts and hands are evident in all they do, and the team is honored to serve your Valentine’s Day floral needs.

Janice Wong Pure Imagination (#B1-K119)

Experience the craftsmanship of handcrafted treats from renowned pastry chef Janice Wong’s latest collection this February. These sweets are ideal for impressing your loved ones and guaranteeing a memorable and indulgent Valentine’s Day 2023.

Awfully Chocolate Cafe (#01-K102)

Get drunk on love with Awfully Chocolate’s new Cocktail Chocolate Truffle Collection. Gift these gorgeous chocolate truffles in 12 delectable flavors such as Kirsch Cherry, Irish Stout, and Champagne from $25.

Châteraisé/ Sweet Symphony (#01-116)

Don’t miss out on Châteraisé’s seasonal gorgeous mandarin orange and strawberry mousse that comes with a layer of strawberry jelly, and a hint of bitter chocolate plate almond biscuit at the bottom. Available on 13 & 14 February only, you can also get your hands on their heart-shaped pink double cheesecake. Wonderful for cheesecake lovers!

And don’t miss out on these for additional savings:

Great Rewards Members’ Exclusive (6 – 28 February 2023)

And if you have been following our posts, we have shared the perks of being a Great Rewards member. From 6 – 28 February, you get double Great Rewards points when you spend a minimum of $20 at selected stores. For details, visit shop.greatworld.com.sg. Limited to the first 3,000 redemptions.

With love from us and Great World. Have a love-filled Valentine’s Day!