How do you bargain for a higher salary?

The Straits Times recently published an article on “Why a safe job is risky business for Singapore”, which urged young job seekers to change their mindset about the risk and remuneration issues apparent in local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). While these are common issues faced by SMEs which often have limited resources to offer competitive salaries that may inevitably compromise their company’s growth, it is time to rethink the prevailing practices surrounding employment and compensation. Indeed, considerable funding support from SPRING such as the SME Talent Programme for SMEs should provide a strong impetus for SMEs to strengthen their competitive edge in today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving world by offering pay packages commensurate with each individual’s qualifications, experience and competence.  

To all job applicants: It is not too late to “flaunt” your attributes, but please convey your gifts in a measured way. The diagram below just serves as a reference guide.

To the employers: It is never too late to start appreciating your potential hires’ talents that may prove invaluable to your company’s development and progress.



4 Highest Paying Jobs That Introverts Can Excel On

A common misconception of introverts is that the dislike socializing. Contrary to the popular belief, introverts are drained by social interaction. Many introverts can socialize easily…they just prefer not to. So, as long as the job does not require tons of socializing face-to-face then, it is suitable for an introvert.

In fact, certain jobs that require extensive research and great listening skills are better off with introverts. That said, here are a few of the highest paying jobs that introverts can excel on:


Average of S$47,399 per year

It is common sense that one of the most in demand jobs today is computer programming. Diving into computer programming requires knowledge on Computer Science or Information and Technology. It involves lifelong learning of the constant evolving technology and coding. As a computer programmer you will spend countless of hours in front of the computer while having minimum real-life interaction.


Average of S$47,642 per year

With the overflowing dependence on digital technology, businesses all over the world had been hiring social media managers to enhance their marketing strategies. All you have to do is to spend most of your time online with minimum real-life interaction. Visual interaction is done through answering the feedbacks of Twitter followers or Facebook fans. Having your own nest at home while earning money makes this job perfect for introverts!


Average of S$53,238 per year

Statisticians are focused on the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative information. Rather on contemplating about the conversation topics, they rely on numbers for small talk. This job is rewarding for introverts, not just because they are paid well but also because they are mostly immersed in spreadsheets and equations alone.


Average of S$120,000 per year

Interestingly, the highest paying job on the list allows more interaction with the environment than with people. Geoscientists can specialize as geophysicist, geochemist, hydrogeologist, geologist, and sedimentologist. Learn more about this introvert-friendly occupation, here:

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Hard questions you need to answer before becoming an entrepreneur

While many people aspire to be their own bosses, few actually make the move to incorporate their own businesses and commit to the life of an entrepreneur. It may seem easy in the eyes of most people, but the truth is far from reality. After meeting and consulting various CEOs from diverse industries throughout my writing career, I begin to distill certain essential traits common to all of them. They are by no means prescriptive, but I believe that they serve as useful indicators for prospective entrepreneurs.



How To Keep Employees Happy And Efficient At The Workplace

Beyond costly monetary benefits, you can keep your employees happy and productive at the workplace by knowing the underlying factors that induce motivation. Daniel Pink, the renowned author of “Drive” book, highlighted that the three elements of motivation include purpose, autonomy, and mastery.

Applying these elements realistically, here are the three key ways to keep your employees efficient and happy:


Having a meaningful cause larger than oneself drives the deepest motivation. Generation Y employees, in particular, want to feel that their work is making a difference. This is why they are drawn to work or patronize products of TOMS. TOMS is company that equates their sales into helping people in developing countries. For example, whenever they sell a pair of shoes, a new pair of shoes will be given to a needy child.

Even if your company does not include a direct social mission in the system, you must do your best to practice altruism. Have the social responsibility to donate to charity whenever possible.


I am sure that no one enjoys being micromanaged especially in a small business! Employees work happiest and most efficient when they have personal control over the situation as they can freely express their creativity and solve the problems by themselves. When employees feel that they are able to make tangible impact to the company through regular brainstorming, they are more likely to give their all for the company.


Mastery is formed when there is a comprehensive knowledge or skill built in the company. Employers can hone mastery by encouraging further training or education as well as conducting regular performance feedback. A sense of progress in oneself contributes to the inner workplace motivation. Allow your employees to grow by empowering a new responsibility. Everyone wants to feel that they are getting better at things.

Image Credits: AJC via Flickr With Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike

Image Credits: AJC via Flickr With Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike

Sources: 1 & 2


Is Hiring A New Employee Worth It For Your Booming Business?

Having a flourishing business sounds well doesn’t it? But, for a business owner who has not planned about growth, it is possible to find himself or herself in the crossroads – not knowing where to go next. Furthermore, the challenge rises when the perfect employee for the job is asking for a competitive salary.

Employers must calculate the hiring budget and the total cost of hiring a new employee. Additionally, they can find new ways to gain the help they are looking for on how to keep hiring costs low.


Since the workforce of Singapore consists of a diverse mix of employees in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity, employers are strongly advised to practice fairness especially in the matters of talent recruitment.

This fairness expands to the general obligations of the employers. For instance, the cost of hiring a new employee includes the taxes issues for foreign employees and the Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for the local employees. CPF is mandatory for all local employees including Singaporean citizens and Permanent Residents that earn more than S$50 a month. And, the maximum CPF contribution rate for the employer is 16%.

Aside from this, the recruitment process can cost you if you are planning to pay for a job advertisement. Fortunately, you can post cheap or free position Ads online through various websites that are available here.

Once you select the perfect candidate, you may have to accommodate to their needs such as purchasing new desk, computer, writing materials, and other tools. Lastly, the hourly wage or the base salary heavily affects the cost of hiring a new employee.


After analyzing all the factors that contribute to the cost of hiring a new employee, you may come to a conclusion that you are still low in hiring funds. This is when creativity and alternative ways to get help comes in.


Instead of hiring a new employee, enhance your current employee’s skills to meet your company’s needs. As the business grows, relatively increase the level of responsibility and the amount of salary. By doing so, you can enhance the current employee’s productivity, effectiveness, and loyalty to your company.

Upgrading your employee’s skills does not necessarily equate to burning your pocket. You can search for a variety of affordable workshops that offers. Here are just some:

a. Instead of hiring a social media manager, learn with the 3 Hr Branding + SEM + Facebook Marketing Workshop for S$28.

b. Instead of hiring a graphic designer for a few projects, learn with the Adobe Photoshop CC Online Course from for S$23.


If your company’s needs are temporary only, hire a part-time employee, as it is more cost efficient. A sense of flexibility, in both the salary and employment benefits, is undeniable when hiring part-time employees. The working hours of these employees are less than 35 hours a week.

Image Credits: Alex France via Flickr with Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Image Credits: Alex France via Flickr with Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

With all these in mind, ask yourself this: “Is Hiring A New Employee Worth It For Your Booming Business?”

3. Outsourced Staff

Of course, if you’re truly in need of the assistance and short of human resources staff, you can always rely on a good old recruitment agency to help you out.

It has become a trick of the trade for most companies to hire a Philippine, Indian or China recruitment agency. Should there be a temporary vacant spot in the company’s roster, companies choose to outsource a temp instead of having their current staff pick up the slack. This also guarantees that everyone in the company stays focused on their core tasks.

Sources: 1 & 2