7 Surefire Signs That Your Boss Is Horrible

Research showed that your horrible boss does not only impact your work but also other your life. Avoid this harmful “spillover effect” by knowing the 7 Surefire Signs That Your Boss Is Horrible…


Surely, you have encountered a person who thinks that he or she is never wrong! But what if that person is your boss? It affects everything – including employee job satisfaction.

If your boss does not admit that he or she is wrong then it means that pride outweighs all. Furthermore, it means that your boss is not willing to go out of the “comfort zone” for you.


When your boss likes to decide in the moment with no clear long-term plans, you work in a very dynamic industry that is bound to have its flaws. With little to no goals to accomplish as a group and as an employee, your company will have no distinct direction.


Great bosses make decisions in the most quick and accurate way because they know that time is money. In contrast, horrible bosses make tentative decisions which they frequently re-analyze. This failure to decide may cost you and the company itself.


Since the schedule was given to you beforehand, you made your plans for the day. Or so you thought! You see, your boss decides to change the schedule on the day itself and extend for a few more hours. It has happened to me before and I was not happy about it.

To avoid this, ask your boss to explain and justify why there is a need to change the schedule. If your contract entails rotations in your schedule then, you are good. But it is a different story if your schedule is supposed to be fixed.


As we live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, it is important to get your wages on time. If your boss pays your salary late for the first time or due to valid reasons then it is acceptable. However, if he or she does this on a regular basis, you must contact your superiors to address the problem right away.


Horrible bosses give amazing perks, consistent raises, and special assignments to the employees whom they like the most. In contrast, great bosses encourage their employees to excel in their own way.


After staying for a year in the company and your boss does not grant your vacation then, it becomes a legal issue.

Once you are covered by the Employment Act and have worked for at least 3 months, you are entitled to annual leave of at about 7 days (for your first year). You will be entitled 14 days annual leave on your 8th year (of service in the company) and thereafter.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

It is important to know your rights before entering the workforce.

Sources: 1, 2,  3, & 4


4 Enchanting Ways To Run A Business Like Taylor Swift

Whether you are captivated by her or not, Taylor Swift is a smart businesswoman who has been making all the right decisions lately. A proof of her success was her album 1989 that sold millions of copies worldwide. To top that off, her current net worth is US$80 million (about S$111 million) according to Forbes.

From nurturing her relationship with her fans to embracing her authenticity, here are the 4 Enchanting Ways To Run A Business Like Taylor Swift:


If your product has a limited-edition content, customers can create a common circle wherein it is exclusive to them alone.

For instance, Taylor Swift’s CDs sold successfully not only because of her infectious music but also because of her personalized memorabilia (such as the limited Polaroid photo sets) as well as special fan codes (to win a personal meeting with her). Those who buy the CDs will immediately share its contents to their friends or social media. That is free advertising at its best!

Mimic this by offering occasional discounts and exclusive promotions. Keep your customers in the loop by sending out electronic announcements and decorating your shop with attractive posters.


Aside from talking to them genuinely, you must actively listen to what your target audience has to say. Take it from Taylor who not only showed her audience that she listens to them but also gets in their inside jokes (in reference to the “no its becky” tee).

Business owners who want to make the brand seem more approachable can interact and join in the discussions of the consumers thru social media. Accept feedback and take necessary actions to improve your business.


If you closely observe Taylor Swift during the awards season, you will realize that she is singing and dancing like she owns the place! She is not afraid to be her fun and quirky self that marches to the beat of her own drum.

As entrepreneurs, it is your duty to uphold your values and vision even if it is not aligned with what is on trend today. Avoid losing your consumers by staying true to yourself in your advertising/marketing campaigns.


Aside from her killer dance moves, Taylor is known for having a strong bond with her fans. In fact, she personally invited 89 of her fans to her homes to provide feedback and listen to her 1989 album before it was released. This is a great technique to increase consumer satisfaction.

Channel your inner Swift by showing gratitude to your loyal consumers. Manifest your appreciation to your consumers by saying “Thank You” in person or by sending an electronic “Thank You note”.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

This simple and inexpensive gesture will impact the way they view you and your company as it will make them feel valued and special.

Sources: 1 & 2


Most Popular Recruitment Agencies In Singapore

Extraordinary – that is the perfect word to describe Singapore’s workforce.

Singapore is a popular destination to many foreign workers and a starting point to some locals who want to further their careers overseas.With that said, the competition is as fierce as can be!

Stand up from the rest and improve your chances of getting hired by seeking the services of credible recruitment agencies. A recruitment agency is a business paid to find suitable workers for various companies and organizations. It plays a vital role in connecting the employers with the potential candidates.

To help you in your quest, here are some of the Most Popular Recruitment Agencies In Singapore…


From its inception in 1996, Recruit Express has expanded their staffing operations across the Asia-Pacific regions. In fact they have offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, and Bangkok.

Listed as one of the top Singapore agencies at JobsDB.com, Recruitment Express uses their vast network of resources and extensive database to match the right people to the right organization within the shortest time.


A relatively new agency established in 2011, Careerhub Consultants has been ranked as one of the best Headhunter in Singapore by Dougles Chan. Dougles Chan is the author of Financial Success in Recruitment Industry and Job Seeker Power Manual).

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

This recruitment agency offers a myriad of job opportunities in fields such as hospitality, finance, and engineering.


Aegis Recruitment is one of the leading agencies in Singapore that boasts with excellent reputation. Just take a look at their sleek, neat, and user-friendly website right now. Do you see what I mean?

From real estate to advertising, the Aegis consultants do not just work by “word matching”. Rather, they use extensive methods and prompt actions to ensure that the requirements are thoroughly understood and met.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Although these agencies are potent, you must not heavily rely on them to secure a job. Do not just sit back and relax at home! Put in additional efforts to observe the odds in your favor.

Sources: 1 & 2


16 Occupations That Can Earn You More Than Facebook’s Zuckerberg

Based on the data provided by Hudson Singapore Salary Guide 2015, these 16 occupations are paid with higher annual salaries than Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The reason behind this will be revealed later on.

Information, Communications, & Technology Sector

1. Application Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$80,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$120,000

2. IT Consultant
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$100,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$150,000

3. Customer Support Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$100,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$120,000

4. Consulting Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$60,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$120,000

5. Training Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$120,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$200,000

6. Channel Operations Director
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$200,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$450,000

Sales and Marketing Sector

7. Events Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$50,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$80,000

8. Sales Engineer
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$48,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$70,000

9. Media Group Head
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$72,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$105,000

10. Market Analyst
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$70,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$85,000

11. Public Relations Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$84,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$110,000

12. Agency Managing Director
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$200,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$300,000

Human Resources Sector

13. HR Officer
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$50,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$75,000

14. HR Manager
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$80,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$160,000

15. Organisational Development Consultant
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$80,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$150,000

16. HR Director
Average Minimum Annual Pay: S$200,000
Average Maximum Annual Pay: S$250,000

Why These Occupations Pay Higher Than Being A CEO (Facebook)

Mark Zuckerberg, the innovative founder and CEO of Facebook, chose to take home a salary of US$1 (S$1.40) each year. Since 2013, Zuckerberg joined the dollar salary club alongside Zynga’s Mark Pincus and HP’s Meg Whitman.

He was quoted saying: “I’ve made enough money. At this point, I’m just focused on making sure I do the most possible good with what I have.”

Despite this move, he is still worth US$48.2 (S$67.38) billion according to Forbes.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

So in a sense, most Singaporeans (including yourself) are getting salaries that outweigh that of Zuckerberg’s.

Sources: 1 & 2


6 Brilliant Tips To Get Your Work Done

Stay ultra productive at work with these simple and affordable tips:


A well-lit room increases concentration and effectiveness. In fact, a study by National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that employees who were exposed to natural lighting stayed focused on the task longer that their “sun-deprived” counterparts.

Replicate the effects of this study by positioning your table by the window or by placing a bright table lamp on your desk (here’s an IKEA table lamp for only S$4.90).


Although most of our lives are spent while sitting, we are not designed to sit at desks all day. This is why people who are working a full-time job at the office may experience occasional back pains and other long-term problems. Avoid this and the costly hospitalization costs by investing on ergonomic chairs. Ergonomic chairs are designed to support your posture and boost your comfort while you work.

Purchase yours at LAZADA for as low as S$49.90!


Stay focused by eliminating all the unnecessary distractions such as noises and social media. Avoid online distractions by closing tabs that you do not need, keeping your phone on silent, and by not logging onto your social media accounts. Afterwards, drown out the background noises by wearing earplugs or headphones.


Excess litter and scattered rubbish can make you feel overwhelmed and distracted. Clean up your work space by organizing important documents inside drawers or labeled boxes. Also, organize your files with descriptive folders in your laptop or computer.


Aiming for better time management skills and increased ability to beat the deadlines? Consider spending 30-60 minutes of your time per day to exercise. According to science, keeping your blood pumping at work may elevate your productivity for about 15%!


The colors of your workspace automatically stimulates you and induces color-motivated behavior. Thus, you must alter your space based on your desired goals. If you want to boost your alertness and creativity – go for yellow. For improving reading and relieving stress and fatigue – go for green.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

And if you want to reduce your feelings of aggression and irritation (with your demanding co-workers or horrible boss), decorate the space with nothing but pink!

Sources: 1, 2, 3 & 4