How to Nail Your Exit Interview

Exit interviews are conducted by the employer or the HR personnel to learn more about the position and the reasons for turnover. The organization wants to know why you are leaving. Moreover, they want to take it as an opportunity to think critically about your experience. Use this to provide feedback and suggestions.

What did you learn from your position? How might the organization improve? Here are some things to keep in mind.


Jobs play a huge role in our lives. Leaving a job can stir a pot of strong emotions. So, it is best to prepare. Treat the exit interview like any other interview by practicing your answers. Anticipate the questions and research the possible answers.


Regardless of your experience, you need to find something good about it. Perhaps, you learned a new skill from your boss or had incredible workmates. This is the time to be specific about the people who helped you along the way.


Be honest and calculated when it comes to answering the exit interview questions. Consider the following sample answers.

a. Why are you leaving?

“I really enjoyed working here and learned a lot over the course of my employment. However, I found a job with more opportunities for growth. It is time for me to go in a different direction.”

b. How do you feel about the management?

“Overall, I am grateful and satisfied with how the management guided me with the position. However, there is always room for improvement. Management sometimes overlooked the ways they could utilize my role and I felt stagnant. You can empower the employees more by encouraging innovative ideas and providing new tasks that will ignite their creativity.”

c. Did you receive proper and adequate training?

“The best thing you can do for the new hires is to make sure that they understand their roles and supply them with tools to perform their job well. You can also incorporate the discussion of career enrichment in the onboarding process.

Personally, I did not always feel that the resources were enough for me to do the job well. I think new hires can benefit from more frequent training. To fully prepare new employees to meet the company’s expectations, management might consider additional training for them. Current employees may also get refresher courses to maximize their abilities.”

d. Would you recommend the company to others?

If your answer is yes, please explained why you want to genuinely endorse them to your friends and family members. If your answer is no, you can consider the sample answer below.

“If someone asked me if they should apply here, I would ask them to elaborate their background and preferred work environments. This organization may not be suitable for everyone, but it could really work well for certain people.”

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On an employee’s last day, the organization wants to gain context around why an employee is leaving.

End the exit interview conversation by wishing everyone well and by opening doors for (potential) return.

Sources: 1 & 2


6 Tips to Cultivate Teamwork at Work

Why is teamwork vital in the workplace? Well, teamwork can lead to multiple benefits including greater efficiency, workforce productivity, increased innovation, higher employee morale, and improved retention.

Given that some or most of the staff are working remotely, fostering teamwork in the workplace is not easy. This article offers suggestions for cultivating teamwork both in virtual and physical settings.


Describe what each employee is supposed to accomplish and not how they should accomplish it. Explain the expectations in terms of the outcomes and elaborate the team’s goals. How each employee meets these expectations will vary. You need to trust them.


Cultivating an environment were asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Getting the work done requires time and focus. When you need inspiration or support, ask for it. People who are experts on the field can teach you new ways to solve the issue at hand.


Teamwork does not mean everyone does one task together. It requires breaking each component into parts. Then, the team sorts out who will do each part according to availability and expertise. A credible project manager will help with the organization of these parts.


Review meetings enable the team to be on the same page. It gives each team member the chance to politely critique the team’s work. Encourage the employees to question the project from different angles. Often, you will catch things that would otherwise get missed.


Appreciate the challenging work of each team member. Take time to extend your gratitude for the specific contributions to the team. Celebrate your wins together as you achieve a milestone towards your goal.


Teamwork does not only benefit the organization, but it can also boost camaraderie and increase job satisfaction. Working in teams provides employees more opportunities to unleash their creative ideas. Having a sense of belonging sure helps in reducing stress too. The dynamics and strength of your team directly affect business outcomes.

Sources: 1 & 2


How to Politely Get Out of a Meeting

From the moment you receive an invitation, you can already predict whether the meeting will be unproductive or not. How can you decline politely?

A meeting will take more than an hour of your time, so you can see if the other party would be willing to update you over email or short phone call.

Sometimes, even well-meaning people forget that time is not infinite. A straightforward query or reminder can help. Here are other strategies that you can apply.


Not all meetings are created equal. Just because you have been invited to one does not mean that it is essential. Start by examining which meetings are important to attend and which are not.

The most essential meetings are the ones in which decisions will be made. If your team is choosing to launch a project, you cannot make the decision over email. Meetings that will need brainstorming or sharing of opinions should be done in person or through a teleconference.

You must also attend strategic meetings, which allows you to develop a unified vision of where your organization is headed.


Make it challenging for the other party by asking the following questions upon receiving an invitation:

1. What is the exact topic?
2. What is the meeting’s duration?
3. What is the time and location?
4. Who will be in attendance?
5. What decision needs to be made at the meeting?
6. Why is my attendance crucial there?

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Many organizations have staff meetings for information sharing. These meetings involve listening and learning about the current plans and events affecting the team. You may not have a crucial role in this meeting, but you need to stay informed.

Bring up the idea of having someone keep meeting notes during the session, so people who will not able to attend can have access to the information that was shared. Read the meeting notes instead.


If the meeting no longer pertains to you, politely ask if you can step out. It is alright to request to leave early, especially if you are busy. Message the meeting organizer to explain that you are trying to manage your time and prioritize tasks.

Meetings take up an average of 62 hours per month of employees’ time. Many professionals attempt to cope in a passive-aggressive way by showing up late to meetings or by fiddling with their gadgets.

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The strategies above provide a better way to politely get out of meetings to protect your time.

Sources: 1 & 2


Potential Benefits Of Part Time Job For Students

If you’re one of those people who do not know what a part time job is, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will be discussing what is a part time job and as a student, what benefits you’ll be reaping from any sort of part time jobs. So, let’s not waste time and dive into the main crust of this article.

What is a part-time job?

All in all, as compared to full-time employment, a person who is working part time works less than 35 hours in a week. The most important factor that comes into consideration is that part-time employees are paid on an hourly basis and are not salaried. This means that they have the option of increasing their workload and then set aside some cash.

So, a person who is working part-time will not be considered as a permanent employee of the organisation that he/she has been hired. They even might have to work during nights, weekends, and sometimes during holidays.

Benefits of Working at a part time job

If you’re a student and you’re away from home, you will need a job to fulfil your expenses, right? Well, if that is the case then getting a part time job is the best option for you. However, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a student or not, you can always get a part-time job to meet your daily expenses.

Below, we’ve compiled a profound list of some of the most compelling benefits of working at a part time job. So, grab a cup of your favourite coffee and read until the end to get the most out of it.

You’ll Have Time For Your Family

Let’s suppose that you’re working 9 – 5. When you come home, you’ll be so exhausted that you’ll have no energy for your family members. Whereas, when you’re working part-time, you can take time off during weekdays or schedule your work according to your busy routine.

You’ll Have Time For Your Education

If you’re a student, or you want to study, getting a part-time job is your best choice. Why? Well, you may have an ample amount of time for focusing on your education. However, if you have a full-time job, you might not get enough time for your studies.

You Can Pursue A Hobby

When you have a part-time job, you can rest assured that you will have more than enough free time during the week that will allow you to build other skills. You can indulge yourself in any sort of hobby, such as attending music classes, sports, gym, arts & craft, or any other endeavour.

You’ll Develop Time Management Skills

Since you will be working part time, your employer would want you to complete the tasks assigned to you on time. This will help in developing time management skills for you. Along with that you’ll also be learning as to how you need to balance work and your personal life all together.

You’ll Earn More Money

Who does not want to earn more money? One of the main reasons why people choose part-time jobs is because it helps you to save money for any sort of specific goal. Most people fail to save money with their full-time jobs, so they earn extra money by taking any sort of part-time job.

You’ll Have Energy For Other Things

Since you’re not working 9 – 5, you’ll have more time to rest. During your off-time, you can go out for a walk in the park, cook, or even watch TV. If you’re well rested, you will for sure have time to care for yourself.

You’ll Save Money From Transportation

Most of the part-time employees work from home or they’re required to visit the office a few days in a week. If you’re working fewer days in a week then you’ll also be saving money that is spent on transportation to and from work. And if you opt for public transportation, you’ll be saving on bus fares and ride-share fees.

Increases Chances For Career Advancement

Let’s face it, you’re not a permanent employee of the company. But still you’ll be working as hard as the full-time employees just to let your supervisors know that you’re working. That’s how it goes. There is a greater chance that if your supervisor likes your energy and work, you might be offered a full-time job at the same company.


Depending upon the country you’re living in, even as a part-time employee, you will be receiving some benefits. Your employer might also extend some exclusive benefit programs to you. So, indulging yourself in any sort of part time job is always better than staying at home while doing nothing.






5 Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances

Many believe that only business owners need to have financial literacy in order to pay taxes, fulfil day to day accounting needs, etc. What they fail to recognise is that these businesses have numerous resources to support their financial needs, if it’s a large scale business or a startup they are sure to find the right MYOB pricing, or a different resource that’s well priced. However, because of this many overlook how essential financial literacy is even for individuals, and there are much fewer resources to manage personal finances, making it absolutely necessary to at least understand the basics to fulfil the individual needs. Reinstating the importance of finance in financial literacy and personal finance are both very important aspects of your life, and improving them can benefit you in many ways, such as helping you make informed decisions about how to handle your money, reducing the stress and anxiety you feel when it comes to your finances, and even helping you to earn more money in the future as a result of having more knowledge about your money. Here are five ways that you can improve your personal finances so that you can be better off financially in the future.

5 Ways To Improve Your Personal Finance

1) Calculate your net worth

Net worth is a big picture number that is an excellent starting point for your financial literacy. You can calculate it by taking your total assets and subtracting your total liabilities. When you start investing, look into how each investment affects your net worth; at a glance, you’ll see if you’re building wealth in one area while draining it in another (or if your investments are actually adding to your net worth). Also consider using personal finance apps like Mint or YNAB that track all of these numbers for you automatically—at least as an easy way to check up on yourself. They’ll help reinforce financial goals, keep you accountable, and alert you when things aren’t going so well.

2) Check your credit score

Before you set out to improve your personal finances, get a credit score. There are numerous ways to check your score, but it’s best if you do so with a reputed credit agency in your location. Remember that your score will differ at each agency, so make sure you check with a variety of places before taking any action on improving your scores. Once you have a firm grasp on where you stand with credit rating agencies and what it takes to improve those numbers, set about establishing financial literacy for yourself. A few ways you can start is by reading financial journals, books, or even listening to podcasts surrounding wealth.

3) Create a budget

Without a budget, you may be tempted to spend beyond your means and dig yourself into debt. Creating a budget and sticking to it will help you gain a greater degree of financial literacy and ultimately save you money. It’s hard, but setting up a budget is essential for anyone trying to take control of their personal finances, and it’s been a practice ever since the time of ancient Babylonians. There are plenty of great resources online (and elsewhere) that can guide you as you start or manage your first budget. A simple Google search should yield enough material for hours of work; when you’re done, not only will your finances be in better shape, but also so will your mind-set.

4) Create an emergency fund

Everyone should have an emergency fund. This is money that you can access easily in case of financial disaster, such as a job loss or illness. An emergency fund can be invaluable for keeping your finances on track when life happens. The average length of unemployment is four months, so having three months’ worth of expenses set aside in an easy-to-access account will keep you from racking up debt while looking for a new job. Many utilise their pension plans or 401Ks as emergency funds, however, having a separate account specifically to save up for emergencies can be beneficial. In a bank opening a high yield savings account can definitely help some, or maybe you need to get an insurance plan. Ultimately, your emergency fund should work for you both right now and in the long run.

5) Analyse your spending patterns

Keeping track of your spending is probably one of the most effective ways to improve your personal finances. It helps you see where you’re wasting money and gives you an idea of what sort of budget categories are most important. Once you have a grasp on your spending, it’s easier to make changes. For example, if entertainment is eating up too much of your budget, there are lots of cheap or free alternatives (think public parks) that can help save money while still providing a pleasant experience. If you’re looking for more specific advice, try searching for personal finance software or visit one of many personal finance blogs on any topic that interests you. Analysing your spending can also help you discover specific patterns about yourself such as what actually drives your spending, which can heavily impact your overall life.

In today’s world having your personal finance in check is important, especially with all the uncertainties and the rising costs of even essential products. The earlier you start in your personal finance journey, the better.