Here’s why you should not hire without asking for job references

a lady having a job interview

You’re about to make your next big hire, and you’re feeling confident about the process.

You’ve reviewed resumes, conducted interviews, and made your decision. But are you done? Not yet. One final step in the hiring process is to ask for job references.

References can provide additional insight into a candidate’s skills and qualifications, and they can give you a sense of how the candidate interacted with former employers. It can also help you verify the information on a resume.

So, don’t skip this final step in the hiring process. Ask for references from your top candidates, and then follow up with those references to get the most accurate picture of who these individuals are.

Provide valuable information

Not only do references give you an idea of how potential employees performed in their past roles, but they can also provide practical discernment into the individual’s character and personality. References can tell you a lot about a potential employee.

For example, if one of your candidate’s references says that they were always late for work, that might be something you want to take into consideration. Or if another contact says that the candidate was always willing to go above and beyond, that’s something you will want to know about too.

Learn about a candidate’s work ethic
two colleagues in an unhappy discussion

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References are a great way to find out what a person is really like when they’re at work. Are they the type of person who delivers on time and gives more than 100%? Or do they always leave work early and take long lunches?

References can also tell you how well a person works with others. Do they always take credit for their work? Or do they give credit to their team members? Do they cooperate and collaborate or do they butt heads with everyone?

References give you an idea of how a potential employee will fit into your company culture, and they can help you avoid making a bad hire. So don’t skip this step in the hiring process—ask for job references!

Asking for job references is a professional approach

When you’re hiring, it’s necessary to err on the side of caution and ask for job references. This will give you a sense of who the candidate is as a professional and if they’re someone you can trust.

It also shows that you’re approaching this seriously and that you’re not just winging it. By asking for job references, you’re signaling to potential candidates that you’re a boss who means business. And that’s something they will appreciate—especially if they’re looking for a long-term career opportunity.

As we close, employers should never hire a candidate without first checking their job references. That’s because references provide insights that are difficult to derive from resumes or interviews. They can attest to the candidate’s skills and abilities and deliver understanding into past performance reviews. If you’re an employer, be sure to always ask for job references from prospects. If you’re a job seeker, make sure you have a list of references ready for your interview.


Simple ways to show your employees you appreciate them

praising an employee publicly

Thanking your employees is an essential part of any good employer strategy, but sometimes it can be hard to know how to show your appreciation in a way that feels genuine.

Here are a few suggestions for simple ways to say “thank you” that will make your employees feel appreciated.

Thank them publicly

Thank your employees publicly for a job well done. It helps to build morale and shows them that you’re paying attention.

You could do something as simple as posting on LinkedIn or sending out a company-wide email. Or, if you want to go all out, you could even throw a luncheon or award gift cards. No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something heartfelt and personal.

Get to know your employees

When it comes to showing your employees that you appreciate them, it’s not about just saying the words. It’s about taking the time to get to know them as individuals.

What are their hobbies? What are their life goals and aspirations? When you know more about them as people, not just workers, you can start to see how you might be able to help them achieve their dreams.

And that’s really what appreciation is all about—helping your employees feel like they’re not just hired to clock the hours, fulfill tasks, and leave. When they feel like you care, they’re likely to be more pumped for work.

Show appreciation in small ways

We understand it can be tough to show your employees that you appreciate them. You might not be used to thanking them, or you might not know how to show your gratitude in a meaningful way.

How about small gestures like sending a handwritten note, taking them out for coffee, or leaving a little something special on their desk? These little things can mean a lot to some employees and can go a long way in making them feel appreciated.

Encourage a positive work-life balance
happy colleagues at work

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It can be tough to find a good work-life balance these days with mental health issues at their peak. Most people dread the thought of working all day and then going home to have to reply to work emails or messages. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can encourage a positive work-life balance by implementing some no-frills policies. For example, you can allow your employees to work from home occasionally or give them some flexible hours on Fridays. This will help them better manage their time and make them feel valued.

Acknowledge their good work when you see it

Most bosses aren’t used to thanking their employees for a job well done. But it’s necessary to do so, especially if you want them to stay with you for the long haul. One way to show your appreciation is to acknowledge their good work when you see it.

If an employee does something that goes above and beyond, take a moment to thank them for it. A simple comment like “thank you for going the extra mile” right on the spot can make a big difference.

Another way to show your appreciation is by giving them a mid-year bonus or year-end raise. Of course, this isn’t always feasible, but it’s something to keep in mind if your budget allows it. Whatever way you choose, show your employees that you respect their hard work. It goes a long way towards keeping them satisfied.

Give employees the resources they need to succeed

This could mean providing them with the tools and equipment they need to do their work well, or making sure they have the training and support opportunities they need to be industry-competitive. It could also mean giving them the freedom to do their tasks in a way that works best for them.

If you want your employees to feel appreciated, you need to make sure they feel like you trust them and that you’re willing to invest in them. Being content is a huge motivator, so make sure your employees know that you’re grateful for their contributions.

Thanking your employees may seem like a superficial thing, but it can mean a lot to some individuals. It makes them feel treasured, and it can motivate them to put in 101%. If you do not want to forget how to show your employees that you appreciate them, bookmark this article so you can refer to it again in the near future.


Why Are Millennials So Challenging to Manage?

Fully understanding how the minds of Millennials work is a near-impossible task! However, it is crucial to address a few generation-defining characteristics to help enhance your understanding.


Regardless of their co-workers’ relative seniority, level of education, or other remarkable accomplishments, Millennials view themselves and other generations as equals. You can either interpret this as a sign of entitlement or a sign of secured self-image. The perception of equivalence is partially rooted from the fact that they bring a unique skillset to the workplace, and they know it.

Millennials are fluent in technology compared to previous generations. Their recommendations often provide increased organizational efficiency, and they expect to be taken seriously for that.


Previous generations considered Millennials as more sensitive. A part of it is true and it’s not all bad. Millennials have low tolerance for injustice, disrespect, and hostility.

They are willing to speak up about the quality of their experiences (i.e., the good and bad) and are willing to apply compassion in what they do. Thus, they are aware of the harm inflicted by toxic management. They are wary of its risks including burnout and diminished performance arising from unsupportive working environments.


According to data from Gallup, 60% of Millennials are open to new job opportunities, making them the generation that is most likely to change jobs when they get the chance. Millennials are eager to climb the metaphorical ladder. They keep a constant eye out for professional growth.

The desire for professional growth may be influenced by social comparison and social media. From peers publishing their latest accomplishments on LinkedIn to the implicit follower counts on other platforms, Millennials often measure their accomplishments against their peers.


Millennials have seemingly insatiable craving for feedback and instant gratification. In response to technology, the Internet has become a background noise for constant positive and negative feedback. Beyond the noise, this generation has come to rely on crowd-sourced data to guide their every move.

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Regardless of whether you are giving constructive feedback or compliments, it is important to understand their expectations about frequency when determining how to communicate with them in the workplace.


If you are concerned about how to manage them in the workplace, you need to learn how to communicate in a way that encourages them to stay open. For instance, you may start by saying: “I am going to be frank with you about your performance because I see your potential and I trust that you can handle this feedback.”

Using this strategy frames the feedback no matter how difficult it is to deliver. Moreover, it puts your employee in a position where being receptive to feedback affirms their reputation as a respectable peer. Additionally, you can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Millennials can be your greatest allies and your hardest working group of employees if you manage them correctly. Consider the generation-defining characteristics mentioned above to guide your leadership style!

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The top reasons you shouldn’t hire an intern

a female candidate in an interview

You might be considering hiring an intern to help you out in your business, but before you do, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

While interns can be a great asset to your team, they’re not always the best hiring solution for every company. Here are the top reasons you should think twice before hiring an intern.

Short-term help

You might be thinking that getting an intern onboard would be a smart way to get affordable help, but that’s true only to a certain extent.

Interns are looking for a short-term learning experience that matches their academic schedule and most will leave after three to six months. If you’re looking for long-term help, you would be better off hiring an associate or executive.

Lack of time to train

Think about it—interns usually need a lot of training, especially if they’re very new to the workforce. They need to learn about the way you do things and how to complete their tasks properly. That’s a lot of time and energy that you don’t have to spare.

It’s much better to hire a full-time employee who is already familiar with the industry and knows what they’re doing. This way, they can hit the ground running and start contributing to your team immediately.

You need someone with more experience
guiding interns at work

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You may be thinking, “I don’t have enough work for someone full-time, but I could use some help.” And that’s where an intern can be a suitable option.

But before you decide to hire an intern, you need to be sure that the work you’re asking them to do is appropriate for their level of experience. For instance, if you’re looking for someone to do basic content writing, an intern can be a great option.

But if you need someone with more experience in SEO and who can help you rank your website on Google or other search engines, you might want to consider hiring a full-time employee instead.

You’re looking for an individual to fill a specific role

Are you looking for someone to fill a particular role in your company? If so, an intern might not be a good fit. Full-time employees have specific job descriptions and are usually trained to do those tasks well.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for someone to help out with a range of tasks and you don’t have the bandwidth to train them yourself, then an intern could be an okay option. They are more likely to be eager to learn and will be willing to try a hand in various areas.

There are many justifications as to why you should be hiring an intern, but there are also grounds for reconsideration. For example, interns may not be as qualified and can lack the experience they need to get things done well. Since they may not stay with you for very long, you might have to start from scratch again when a new hire comes in. Do you have the time and energy to spare?


How to negotiate with a talented employee who’s planning to leave

handing in a resignation letter

You’ve just learned that one of your top employees is planning to leave. This person is competent and you don’t want to lose them without a fight.

But how do you deal with them? It’s not going to be easy, but with the right strategy and a bit of finesse, you can keep them on board—and maybe even get them to stay longer than they planned.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of negotiating with a talented employee who’s planning to leave.

Talk about what they want

If the good news is that this person is still interested in staying with the company, they just want a better contract, you can try to talk about what they want. What are their goals? What are their needs? What can you do to make them feel valued and appreciated?

Next, be willing to compromise. Can you meet them halfway? Or even better, can you exceed their expectations? If you can address their needs and show that you’re willing to work with them to find solutions, then you might be able to persuade them to stay.

Make a case for why they should stay
colleagues in a meeting room

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Make a case for why it’s in their best interest to stay with your company. Point out the opportunities they will miss out on if they leave now and highlight the advantages of staying with your organization.

Let them know that you’re committed to helping them grow and develop their skills. Be prepared to offer incentives to sweeten the deal. This could be a promotion, a pay increase, or even added annual time off.

Let the employee know that you value their skills and would like to keep them on board. And don’t forget to express your gratitude once they’ve decided to stay. But if the employee is adamant about leaving, then you may have no choice but to let them go. But remember, you can always try to poach them back in the future.

Inquire about the reasons for wanting to leave

When an employee comes to you and says they’re planning to leave, it’s good to inquire about the reasons for wanting to leave. This will give you a sounder understanding of what’s driving them away, and it might provide you with some insight that can help you keep them on board.

Keep in mind that there are usually several reasons why someone might want to leave their job. It could be something as straightforward as they’re not being paid enough, or they’re not getting the recognition they deserve. But it could also be something more complicated, like a clash of personalities or a lack of opportunity for career growth.

No matter what the reason is, it’s necessary to approach the situation with empathy and try to find a way to address the employee’s concerns. If you can show that you’re ready to work jointly to find a common ground, they might be more likely to stay on board.

You’ve worked hard to recruit a talented employee, and the last thing you want is to be told that they’re planning to leave. Don’t panic—there are ways to negotiate and keep them on board. Start by understanding their reasons for leaving. Maybe they feel undervalued or unappreciated, or they’re not given many chances to grow. Address these concerns, and show them that you value their contributions. You could also offer them a raise or a promotion, or suggest new opportunities that can help them grow professionally. Be willing to compromise, and remember that it’s better to try to retain a skillful worker than to lose them altogether due to pride.