5 Ways to Cut Down the Hiring Process Costs

With 2022 coming to a close, many employees will be making the most of the opportunity to reflect upon their careers. January presents a fresh start, with endless career opportunities and renewed optimism. It is the perfect time to hire fresh staff for your team, isn’t it?

Before you begin hiring new employees, you need to fully audit your own recruitment process. Identifying potential savings is a fantastic way to keep your recruitment fit for purpose. On that note, here are five ways to save money and time when it comes to the hiring process.


You need to have a different game plan than your competitors. Companies that hire in January need to be competitive with their job offers and move fast to get a shot at securing their preferred candidates. It all starts with Human Resource planning.

What are you looking for? The company must then compare their needs to the expected number of qualified candidates in the labor market.


Costs have indirect and direct links. It is important for you to identify both. The direct costs of the hiring process include referral fees, external assessments, background checks, agency fees, LinkedIn Premium or Recruiter accounts, onboarding, training, and creation of contracts.

For indirect costs, it includes candidate dropouts, poor hires, poor team morale, and time away from work. Slow assessment periods or delayed offers can generate hidden costs too!


In specialist markets, it is likely that you will have to invest in paid job advertisements. Many employers invest in LinkedIn, Jobstreet, Indeed, and Facebook to promote jobs. It is hard to resist the temptation to make sure every single potential candidate sees your opportunity.

Look closely at your advertising channels and create a comprehensive list of all these. Make sure to sort and manage your channels by estimated total cost per year, current usage, and payment models. You will be able to predict your top performing acquisition channels upon assessment of this list. Junk the unnecessary!


If you can save time and money by automating manual tasks, do so. Time lost at any stage of the hiring process quickly dominoes resulting in the lengthy time-to-hires and lost candidates.

Here are the manual tasks that can be automated or templated:

a. Application alerts
b. Responses to candidate applications
c. Disqualification emails
d. Getting candidate contact details from CV
e. Creating recruitment related tasks in your project management tool
f. Adding candidates to mailing lists
g. Sending assessments to candidates
h. Sharing candidate history and CV with hiring managers
i. Booking time in hiring managers’ schedules
j. Booking interview times with candidates

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Automating tasks will keep your hiring process more efficient.


As organizations grow, the communication lines between recruiters and hiring managers often become more distant and weaker. Combat this by using collaborative hiring. Collaborative hiring happens when you engage more employees in the hiring process.

More employees beyond the recruiter or hiring manager give the candidate a more cohesive vision of what it would be like to work in your organization. Additionally, you will get more feedback on the candidate. Included other employees in the interview, introduction, and assessment phases.

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Ways to encourage your sales team on a bad sales day

colleagues in a meeting

Every boss wants their sales team to be pumped up and motivated daily, but what do you do when they’re having a bad sales day?

It can be tough to know how to encourage your team when they’re feeling down, but remember that a little support can go a long way. Here are things you can do to help your team get back on track.

Use rewards

It is no surprise that sales reps are constantly under pressure. Sales do, after all, come with a lot of rejection.

Additionally, it’s not uncommon to have your sales representatives burn out or experience slumps if they don’t feel valued or compensated for their efforts. Drive them to meet those increased quotas by giving them rewards to strive toward.

Shift the focus

Even the toughest of spirits will become worn down by relentlessly pushing for achievements.

Why not assist your team in developing a set of daily and weekly objectives that will lead to the achievement of an ultimate goal?

For instance, daily goals can be to initiate five new sales calls or advance at least three deals to the following step of the process. Short-term confidence is generated by completing such smaller tasks, which can aid a salesman in getting out of a slump and feeling better.

Be a cheerleader
a woman with animated actions in a meeting

Image Credits: betterup.com

Anyone in the sales industry deals with rejection, hostility, and frustration on a weekly, if not, daily basis. It’s challenging to overcome all obstacles and maintain motivation on a routine basis. Cheer on your team!

Foster collaboration

Although competition among salesmen of the same team can be detrimental, it is in their nature to be competitive. It causes some people to neglect their coworkers while making others resent them.

To counter that, encourage cooperation over rivalry. The objective is to compete with other businesses and not with one another. Encourage collaboration by rewarding coaching, expertise, and cooperative efforts to outperform rivals.

Find what motivates each individual

Different salesmen are driven for various reasons.

Friendly sales competition among the entire team can inspire some employees while some people are motivated by reaching quotas.

Some individuals are pushed by career perks, while others are driven by their influence on the company. There are also likely many people who are motivated by income. Use the motivators that each person has to communicate with your team.

When your sales team is having a bad day, it can be tough to get them motivated again. But with the right tips, you can encourage them to get back on track. By using the abovementioned tips, you can help your sales team rebound from a bad sales day and start selling better than they usually do.


How to keep employees happy without breaking the bank

happy coworkers

Your budget may be tight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t offer your employees other forms of compensation and motivation.

There are plenty of things you can give your employees that don’t involve spending a lot of money. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Get to know your employees

What do they like to do outside of work? What are their hobbies and interests? Are they married and do they have children?

The more you know about your employees, the better you will be able to tailor your speech in a way that speaks to them personally.

Employees want to feel appreciated, and you can do so by taking an interest in their lives outside of work. So get to know your employees, and show them that you care.

Create a positive environment

This means ensuring that your employees have a good working relationship with their colleagues, that they feel appreciated, and that they have opportunities for growth and advancement.

You can also offer your employees flexible working hours, or the opportunity to work from home occasionally. And don’t forget to celebrate your employees’ successes—give them recognition in front of their peers, and let them know how much you appreciate their hard work.

Promote a healthy work-life balance
a woman happily knocking off from work

Image Credits: thebalancemoney.com

It’s no secret that work-life balance is crucial.

But it’s not just about giving your employees the occasional early off.

It means letting them take time off when they need it, whether it’s for a doctor’s appointment or to take care of a sick family member. It also means not bothering them unnecessarily with work requests outside of official working hours.

Encourage professional development

Give your employees access to online courses, or you can send them to industry-specific conferences. You can also provide them with the tools and resources they need to do their jobs better.

Even if you’re unable to sponsor your employee for a course, allowing paid time off to be absent from work can show that you support their decision to upskill. Think of out-of-the-box ways that won’t impact your budget directly.

The importance of employee satisfaction

Let your employees know that you appreciate them. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making someone feel valued.

You can also give your employees opportunities for growth and development. Help them see that they have a future with your company, and they will be more likely to stick around for the long haul.

Finally, make sure your employees are comfortable in their work environment. This includes everything from the temperature in the office to the opportunities they have for feedback. Create a positive workplace culture, and your employees will be grateful for that.

You don’t need to break the bank to reward your employees—there are plenty of things you can offer them that will make them happy and motivated. As mentioned above, get to know your employees on a personal level, create a positive working environment, promote a healthy work-life balance, and encourage professional development. But with that said, if you can afford a salary raise, by all means, don’t skimp on that!


Why use a VPN to trade cryptocurrency?

Trading cryptocurrencies is a growing business, but it is not safe from hackers and malicious groups. These entities can inflict severe damages, such as investment scams, email phishing, fake apps, and blackmail.

To protect yourself against these threats, a VPN is your best bet. In this article, we’ll count down seven reasons—and a bonus reason—why you should be using VPN to trade crypto.

What is a VPN, and What Does It Do?

Cybercriminals carry out crimes like scams and phishing by tracking your digital footprints. In other words, whenever you connect to an unsecured internet connection, you leave a trail behind that hackers, your ISP, and even your government can view.

On the other hand, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a tool that can encrypt an unsafe internet connection making it secure from any unwarranted threats and attacks.

Reasons You Should Use VPN for Crypto Transactions

Here are some benefits crypto traders can enjoy by using a VPN.

1. VPN Helps Bypass Firewalls

There are many instances where your ISP provider might set up different firewalls to stop users from connecting to crypto-related websites using their network. Several reasons could be behind it, including your ISP not wanting to associate with crypto trading.

But a VPN allows you to bypass all of these firewalls easily without getting detected by your ISP, meaning you can carry on your business without anyone putting limitations on it.

2. Makes Internet Traffic More Secure

Whether you’re using a home or a public internet connection to carry out your transactions, likely, it will only use WPA2 for security purposes. Although this might seem secure, it isn’t and always puts you at risk of being exposed to cyberattacks.

But when you connect a VPN to your internet connection, it automatically encrypts every bit of data going to and from your computer, making it safe and secure.

3. Hides IP Address

When you visit any trading platform, including your blockchain explorer, they can view your IP address. Therefore, they might also get a hold of your crucial information, such as your country, city, zip code, and ISP.

On the other hand, connecting your internet via a VPN masks your original IP address with a remote one, effectively making you untraceable on the internet.

4. Security from Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are among the most go-to methods for hackers to steal cryptocurrencies — these attacks are conducted using various ways, including spoofing and fake giveaways.

To tackle this problem, some VPNs provide a blocklist service that stops users from landing on a phishing website.

Must-Have Features for VPN to Trade Crypto

In addition to the regular benefits, a VPN can provide some extra features, especially for crypto trading.

Kill Switch

A Kill Switch is one of the new and vital features of premium VPNs. It acts as a line breaker and shuts down your internet when you get disconnected from a VPN, so you can easily surf the web without worrying about your identity being exposed.

No-log Policy

When installing a VPN for your crypto trading, ensure it’s a no-log one. Because if even the VPN starts to track your movements on the internet, then there is no purpose of being invisible in the first place.

Split Tunneling

Split tunneling creates an additional route for the user that they can use for all of their activities that don’t need encryption. It gives users freedom and helps in cases where the VPN connection is bottling their internet speed.

How to use a VPN for cryptocurrency transactions?

You can follow these simple steps to use VPN as an additional barrier to crypto transaction security.

  1. Register for a VPN service.
  2. Download and install a VPN app for your devices.
  3. Connect to one of the servers.
  4. Browse any crypto exchange website or app you want and start trading securely.



Walking meetings: The new way to get down to business

colleagues talking while walking

You might be thinking, “walking meetings? Are you kidding me?”

But before you write them off, let us explain why you should at least give them a try.

We’re not saying that walking meetings are the right solution for every business, but there are various good reasons to consider incorporating them into your routine.

If you’re not fully sold, check out this post for more information on the benefits of walking meetings, as well as some tips on how to make them work for your business.

What are walking meetings?

You may be wondering what walking meetings are.

Well, they’re just what they sound like—meetings that are conducted while walking.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Isn’t that a bit too informal? Won’t we get sidetracked if we’re walking and talking? Well, we can tell you from personal experience that walking meetings are a wonderful way to stay on track and focused.

The benefits of walking meetings

There are countless benefits to walking meetings.

For one, they’re amazing for your health. When you walk, you get your blood flowing, which is awesome for your brainpower. And when you combine walking with talking, you’re getting the best of both worlds.

Not only that, but walking meetings are great for brainstorming. When you’re walking, your mind is free to wander and come up with new ideas. You’re also more likely to be active and vocal in a walking meeting, which can lead to better collaboration and more creative solutions.

How to hold a successful walking meeting
female coworkers walking and talking

Image Credits: jotform.com

So you’re thinking about giving walking meetings a try? Fantastic decision! Here are a few tips to help make sure your meeting is a success:

  • Make sure everyone knows the agenda ahead of time. This way, everyone can come prepared.
  • Choose an appropriate location. You don’t want to be walking through a busy street or in an area that’s difficult to navigate.
  • End on time. Just like with any other meeting, it’s necessary to end at the predetermined time so that everyone can move on with their day.
Tips for making the most of walking meetings

Now that we’ve talked about the benefits of walking meetings, let’s talk about how you can make the most of them. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make sure you have a clear goal for the meeting.
  • Dress comfortably and be mindful of your body language.
  • Keep your meetings short and sweet, preferably not longer than 45 minutes.

You may be skeptical, but walking meetings have a lot of benefits—both for you and your small team. If you’re looking for a way to jumpstart creativity, increase productivity, and promote better health, walking meetings may be the answer. Try them out and see for yourself how they can help you and your team stay focused and fruitful.