The Lure Of Income Investing

We have often heard of the term “Income Investing”, but what is it and why it should concern you? Income investing is essentially investing into assets that produce income for you. This could range from investing in stocks that reward investors with dividends, purchasing a residential property and renting it out, etc. I particularly want to zoom into the stocks side because that’s what I have been doing and more people can benefit from this article because owning a property requires a good amount of capital, which not everyone may have at their dispense. 

Why Income Investing?

What if I told you that your money has the capacity to grow at a “fixed” rate irregardless of market conditions. Would you be interested? I want to introduce you to dividend stocks where companies pay out dividends that could range all the way to double digit dividend yields if bought at low prices. The benefits of investing in dividend stocks is that you enjoy potential capital growth as well as get to take home some cash every year or even every 3 months. 

Picture this, you bought Stock X at $1.00 and based on past dividend history, it has consistently given off $0.05 of dividend per year. This translates to 5% dividend yield per year. What it means is that even if the stock price goes to $1.10(Scenario A) or $0.90(Scenario B), you’ll still get your $0.05 per year. If you consider in terms of returns, for Scenario A, it would mean that you made a 15% return for the year and for Scenario B, it would mean just a 5% loss (-10% + 5%). Your capital gain/loss is amplified or mitigated by your dividend yield. 

Fixed Deposit or Dividend Investing?

Some of you may be contemplating between FDs and Dividend Investing. I will leave it up to you to decide at the end of the day, but I will show a comparison between the two. 

Fixed Deposit

  1. Lump sum/Progressive capital investment with a minimum lock-in period. 
  2. Principle amount usually guaranteed. 
  3. Some allow you to take home a small sum every year while deducting it away from your principle amount. Meaning less compounding power. 
  4. Fixed but relatively low interest rates and long lock-in period with penalties for early surrender. 

Dividend Stocks (Increase risk, increase return)

  1. Increased risk, although not necessarily high if due diligence is conducted. 
  2. Potential capital gains. 
  3. Possibility of increasing dividend yields through increased dividends or averaging down the share price. 
  4. No lock-in period, no minimum sum. 

For people who aren’t interested with stock markets at all or don’t know how to select companies may prefer the fixed deposit option. However consider this, when you take on a little more risk and spend time to learn and understand companies, you can mitigate the risks you take. There may be losses, but for the same period of say, 25 years, with dollar-cost averaging or other strategies that you may apply, you’ll likely see returns that fixed deposits can never offer you. And besides, have you ever heard of anyone getting rich by putting their money in fixed deposits alone?


6 Budget-Friendly Ways To Be Healthy Now

Here are doable and inexpensive ways to lead a healthier life…


Say you have a stressful day or you under slept, you do not have to go to the spa to loosen up the tension…spending 10 minutes or less in breathing exercises will help. Deep and controlled breathing keeps your mind and body at their optimal function, lowers your blood pressure, and improves your relaxation. Know about the 6 breathing exercises: Equal Breathing, Progressive Relaxation, Guided Visualization, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Skull Shining Breath, and Abdominal Breathing Technique here.


Research showed that those who work out with their partners were more likely to stick to the exercise program than those who were alone. Start your off-day with a 30-minute exercise with your partner or friend. Then, motivate each other to do your best. If possible, you can join an exercise group in your community.


Middle age and older women had lower risks for diabetes once they moderated their coffee consumption. So, have a cup of coffee without the add-ons (e.g., creamer or sugar).

Image Credits: Filippo Diotalevi via Flickr

Image Credits: Filippo Diotalevi via Flickr


Cardiovascular diseases are topping the list of morbidity in adults. Have no more than the recommended one drink a day because drinking alcohol on a regular basis has been linked to increased blood pressure. It also increases the calories that further lead to weight gain.


After your physical activity, have a bowl of whole-grain cereal to lower the risk of heart failure. Whole grains have been scientifically proved to help reduce the chance of having high blood pressure.


Be sure to have healthy bites such as a pack of nuts or cut fruits in your reach.

Image Credits: Arya Ziai via Flickr

Image Credits: Arya Ziai via Flickr

This will not only prevent you from having a candy bar from the vending machine but also increase your energy to keep you boosted for the day. Also, it may help you cut back some weight because healthy snacking and drinking water in the afternoon can help you avoid overeating during dinner.


5 Reasons Why You Should Be Planning A Trip To Europe Now

A trip to Europe is a dream destination for many, but let’s be real: you would not be travelling to Europe the same frequency as much you do with Batam and Genting without feeling financially stretched.

Good news – now you can check that off your bucket list and here are 5 reasons why you should travel to Europe in the year 2015:

Weaker Euro


Many people might not know what this number means, but for traders and FX dealers you would have probably guessed it right.

That’s the exchange rate for how much Singapore dollar you would need to give up in exchange for one Euro dollar.

In other words, it would cost you S$1,490 to exchange for €1,000 at you local money changer. (or a saving of $200


Its dramatic decline marks a new lowest milestone for the first time since 1985. With dismay Eurozone’s prospect, economists are expecting it to drop even further and soon reaches parity with the greenback.

For many of us, Europe is getting cheaper and if you’ve been postponing your European vacation and it is about time you book your air tickets now. (Lucky you – because FX traders won’t be competing with you to book the cheapest air tickets as they are held back to ensure their portfolio does not suffer the same fate when the Swiss National Bank lifted the peg)

Falling Oil Prices

A cheaper Euro is not the only factor that is in your favour.

Oil price has hit rock bottom with a 50% drop in 2014. This would translate to a cheaper airfare as airlines cut fuel surcharges with both Singapore Airlines and SilkAir announcing the cut for tickets issued after Feb 26. This would means travelers can save between $6.80 – $112.90 depending on the distance and class of travel.

Crude Oil Prices

Cheaper Accommodation

The best time to travel to Europe is during its low peak and shoulder season from Easter to Mid-June. That’s the Spring period and the crowd are not as bad as during the Summer period. Airlines and hotels know this and they set their price according to the basic of economics of demand and supply.

A check using our hotels search engine shows that hotels in Europe are generally 20 to 30% cheaper if you book during the shoulder season from April to Mid-June.

Read also: How to save money with cheap hotels booking

Gidleigh Park Spa Suite

(Image credit: Victoria Winters, via Flickr)

(Gidleigh Park Spa Suite) – “Complete Indulgence.”

Spring is also the best time to travel due to its cool weather. It’s not too cold or warm that makes you battle with the temperature throughout your entire trip.

Stronger Purchasing Power

With a weaker Euro, it translates to a stronger purchasing power for consumers and this is a huge advantage for travelers.

Now you don’t need to feel the pinch to dine in those classy French and Italian restaurants. You have a good excuse to go heavy on delicacies like foie gras and Parma ham before ending off with a visit to Pierre Herme for macarons.

For shopaholics, you don’t need me to tell you your next move – do you?

With more moolah, you can grab a few more Chanel 2.55 and Hermes Birkin bags.

Branded Bags

(Image credit: Wen-Cheng Liu, via Flickr)

..or a Nespresso Coffee Machine. These sleak-looking machines and its capsules cost a bomb in Singapore but way cheaper in London and Europe.

Nepresso Machine

There are many things which you should get and it’s a good time to stock up on those premium chocolates, perfumes, leather shoes and watches.

Wait, did i mention that you can also claim a VAT refund?

Events and Activities

No one enjoy going to a dead city but at the same time you don’t want to go during the busiest period and spend your entire day in the queue. Autumn and Spring pack some of the most exciting events and festivals held in Europe.

For example, Milan is preparing to host the Expo 2015 Milano in May this year with over 145 countries taking part, over a six-month period. Milan will be transformed into vibrant hi-tech city offering free Wifi, brand new parks and trails.

If you prefer historical places and heritage, head over to Rome as they celebrate the birth of Rome on April 21st. Expect a parade by the Romans, Gladiators’ shows and even a Roman banquet in this Roman festival.

Not your type? Look no further to the Queen’s Day (or Koningsdag) in Amsterdam where the entire city of orange liven up in celebration of the Queen’s lineage. There will be plenty of street parties, free flow drinks and even flea markets as you mingle around with the friendly and fun locals. Note: you are expected to don yourself in orange clothings!

Queens Day

(Image credit:

Amsterdam also celebrates the Tulips festival in Keukenhof from 20th March to 17th May in 2015 this year. If you are a flower enthusiasts, don’t miss this Dutch festival located in the small town of Lisse. (I’d personally recommend Hotel de Duif for convenience as you it’s located within walking distance to the festival)

There are plenty of other festivals and carnivals going on during this period so it pays to do a little research on upcoming events in Europe. Can’t make it this Spring? No problem. Head over there in October where you will see the locals celebrating Oktoberfest in Munich or the Chocolate Festival in Belgium.


(Imge credit: Alexandra Beier/Getty Images)

If you have been postponing your dream vacation to Europe due to budget-constraint, you may want to reconsider as it’s your best opportunity to leverage on the weak Euro. You basically get more bangs for your bucks than if you travel a few years ago.

Read also: How to travel Europe on a shoestring budget


Prevent Emotional Eating Without Costly Therapy Expenses


Reflect and identify the trigger that caused your ill feelings and work out an immediate solution. For example, if your kid is doing poorly in school, make an appointment with his/her teacher so both of you can improve the situation afterwards.


Run outdoors and feel the glimmer of the sun to feel better. Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day (5 times/week) can reduce the symptoms of depression. While, sunlight reduces stress and improves one’s mood, according to the researchers from University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.


If you are holding items in both hands then, it will be difficult to grab food. Fold clothes while watching T.V., groom your pet, plant a herb, or do anything that interests you. An alternative is to occupy only one hand by holding a heavy glass of beverage. This way, you have to put down the glass in order to get something to eat. Then, you become more aware of what you are consuming.


Remember those enjoyable activities you wish you had time for? Well, you can do it now. List down the things you would want to do, whether it be going to a concert or organizing a board games night with your close friends. Pick one fun activity instead of snacking.


Taste is pleasurable but so are other sensations. You do not have to spend too much to achieve it. You can just smell the warm scent of a cinnamon aromatherapy candle while you are reading a book. Or, descend into a bubble bath while listening to your favorite music.


Whenever you feel angry, depressed, stressed, or bored that you want to eat something…put loose change in a “temptation” jar instead. As those money piles up, so does your confidence. These temptations that you overcome increase your earnings.

Image Credits: frankieleon via Flickr

Image Credits: frankieleon via Flickr

Use the money you accumulate from it to reward yourself. You deserve it.


9 Budget-Friendly Ways To Look Younger And Beautiful


People who stand up straight would convey a figure that looks more attractive and smarter. Also, research show that it facilitates breathing, increases happiness, and improves concentration. Give it a try. It is a free boost anyway.


If you are ever going to get a haircut, ask your stylist for long side-swept bangs to cover any obvious wrinkles in your forehead.


Square tips with rounded edges tend to look more youthful and clean. Cut your nails straight across then smooth the corners round with a nail file.


Curl your lashes and finish it with mascara. Curly and thick looking lashes give you an instant eye-lift that makes you seem alert and younger. For best results, wash your curler with hot water or blow-dry it for at least three seconds before using it.


Face powder can produce fine lines and lifeless look. So, switch to BB or CC cream instead. It will give a natural radiance to your glowing skin.


Go for a color that softens your lips by being not too nude, sheer, and bright. A berry hue is just right. Also, it is universally flattering for all skin complexions. Try Clinique’s Berry Blush Butter Shine Lipstick for S$16 or Broadest Berry Chubby Stick Lip Balm for S$17.


Pair two solid color or two patterned clothing together to give a bold and youthful statement. For example you may pair a floral skirt print with a striped blouse.


My mother is one of the women who buy one size larger so that the clothing is more comfortable but it is less flattering. Whether something is too tight or too loose, the result remains constant: looking larger that you really are. So, shop and wear clothes that fit you well.


Image Credits: Ansel Edwards via Flickr

Image Credits: Ansel Edwards via Flickr

If you do not want to wear contact lenses, a new color of frame shape will take years off your face. A frame shape that you may try is the modern take on the cat-eye. The upward tilt has a lifting effect. For the colors of the frame, warm hues exude youthfulness.