You’d Be Surprise At How Much Professional E-Sports Players Make

Playing video games or online games is now recognized as a sport. Better known as E-sports, the professional players are earning from their passion and are making more than you may think.

The “e-Sports Earnings” has ranked the 100 players with the highest overall earnings from competitive gaming without taking sponsorships or streaming income into account.

In this list of 12 Highest Earning E-Sports Professional Players, games such as DotA 2 (Defense of the Ancients), StarCraft, and WarCraft are the ones on top.

Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2) is a multiplayer online game that is an expansion for Warcraft III. StarCraft, on the other hand, is a science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released for Microsoft Windows. Many critics have lauded the game to be one of the best video games of all time.

Lastly, WarCraft is a real-time strategy game where players command virtual armies against each other.

Isn’t it amazing doing something you love everyday and get paid for it? Truly, being a professional player is a dream of many teenagers today. On that note, here are the 12 Highest Earning E-Sports Professional Players

12. Jang, Jae Ho (Moon)
Korea’s Jae Ho has proven to be unstoppable at WarCraft III with a total earning of $461,590.68.

11. Jang, Min Chul (MC)

One of the top StarCraft II players in the world, Korea’s MC has made $490,772.98 by regularly placing in tournaments of all sizes since 2010.

10. Lee, Young Ho (Flash)

Another successful Starcraft player from Korea is Flash. He has made about $495,091.53 from StarCraft: Brood War and StarCraft II.

Image Credits: włodi via Flickr

Image Credits: włodi via Flickr

9. Lee, Jae Dong (Jaedong)

Jaedong, from Korea, has been making a huge pool of money ($569,616.64) by playing StarCraft: Brood War before moving on to StarCraft 2 in 2012.

8. Oleksandr Dashkevych (XBOCT)

Finally deviating from StarCraft and Koreans, Ukraine’s DotA 2 champion XBOCT has been bringing home about $591,943.76 since playing in 2011.

7. Danil Ishutin (Dendi)

Another successful fellow from Ukraine is Dendi. He has earned about $594,889.85 and has proven to be one of the world’s most threatening DotA 2 players.

6. Clement Ivanov (Puppey)

Puppey from Estonia has earned approximately $612,296.75 from competitively playing at DotA 2 tournaments.

5. Zhang, Ning (xiao8)

Ning from China has earned $1,102,698.15 that is hugely because of their recent DotA 2 international tournament win.

4. Zhang, Pan (Mu)

Hailing from China, Mu has earned about $1,168,495.86 from the world famous game called DotA 2.

3. Wang, Zhaohui (SanSheng)

SanSheng is also a pro DotA 2 millionaire from China. He has earned about $1,179,959.08.

2. Jiao, Wang (Banana)

Jiao, Wang has earned about $1,185,934.87 by being a power fist at DotA 2 tournaments.

1. Chen, Zhihao

You guessed it! Also a DotA 2 player from China, Zhihao or “Hao” has earned a huge sum of money by playing his passion. He has earned a total of $1,198,585.88.

Image Credits: dfactory via Flickr

Image Credits: dfactory via Flickr

Sources: Wikipedia and e-Sports Earnings


Things to look out when investing in 2015

investing plans

An investment can often be effected by unforeseen circumstances. No matter whether it is a financial crash like in 2008 or a natural disaster like the earthquake in Japan – the market is never entirely save from unexpected disturbances. Therefore, expecting the unexpected will also be a credo for 2015. There is more to be considered. The global market seems surprisingly stable and might be able to excel further in 2015. But there are still a few things to keep in mind when putting your money in the market.

The oil price has fallen significantly within the last three months and even went to $53 US dollar on the last trading day of 2014. Although the supply has been reduced in order to stop the landslide, it doesn’t necessarily mean a halt for now. The oil price will most likely continue to affect the markets for a substantial part of the year. Sudden unforeseen events, like a military conflict or further overproduction, could trigger the oil price to go either way. This could therefore heavily disrupt an oil-dependent economy, such as Russia that is already unstable. When investing in 2015, one should consider to what extent the invested industry is subject to the oil price. If an investment is co-dependent on the rise and fall of the black gold, a seemingly stable share can fall rapidly just like the oil price and the Ruble did. Therefore, it is advisable to check the loose ends of your investments in order to see where they might get caught up in 2015.

The Federal Reserve in the US is said to raise the interest rate again later this year. Why is this interesting for anyone outside the US? At first glance it isn’t. But it is nonetheless a factor that one should keep in mind when investing internationally. Firstly, the raising of the FED interest rate can have a significant impact on the other markets in Asia and Europe. The markets are especially unstable in the days before the Federal Reserve is going to announce the raise. There is a good chance that shares will start to wager heavily for a short while. This might be a good chance to jump on some low prices before they will regulate themselves after the excitement around the interest rate has quietened down.

It might seem very obvious, but IT sector should not be left out of sight. Several shares are continuing to grow beyond everyone’s expectations. Certain stocks have been growing for more than five years straight and there isn’t an end in sight. That means not only that an investment in the IT and tech sector is potentially very lucrative and brings favourable returns, but is also a possible long-term investment that is crisis-safe. Tech shares have gained up to 20% and more in 2014. Charlie Morris from the HSBC Global Asset Management said that the tech sector will literally go ‘nuts’ this year. Stocks like Facebook, Google and Apple seem a very obvious choice – this is for a very good reason though. Investors have made profitable returns in the last years and will do so in 2015 as well. There are however more tech stocks to watch out for. Furthermore, paradoxically some tech indices have fallen throughout the year. They are predicted to take up speed this year again, as the tech stocks are gaining too. Therefore, the low prices of the tech indices offer an interesting opportunity to get involved and make reasonable profits. Even though the indices aren’t bringing as much return as perhaps Facebook and Apple, they still can be very beneficial for investors.

There are, however, certain investments one should be careful with, but definitely watch out for. One of those is gold. The price for the shiny metal has fallen to $1131,24 US dollar an ounce in November, which was the lowest in four years. Part of the reason for the drop is the US dollar, as gold is priced in the American currency. As the US dollar has become very strong throughout 2014 and risen to a seven-year high, the gold price went down. Furthermore, the price had suffered due to the low inflation. The latter is used as a hedge to prevent rising prices. This however makes gold more expensive in other currencies. However, there are analysts that predict the gold price could rise up to $1500 US dollar an ounce in the next years. Depending on the inflation rate, some even expect a raise to $3000 US dollar in the next ten years. This could mean a high potential benefit for investors in the long-term. Even though the very near future of the gold price might be rather slow, it seems very unlikely to fall substantially further. The demand for gold in China, India and other Asian markets is already growing and will continue in 2015. Jeffrey Nichols from Rosland Capital predicts a move of investments away from stocks and bonds back to gold. It seems that the signs are all set golden.

When investing within Europe, one should keep certain dangers in mind. The most prominent for numerous analysts is the political situation. If the UK was to vote on exiting the EU, the financial sector could be shaken up significantly. The European market has been suffering from a lack of trust for several years now. The rebuilding of faith in the industry has started, but remains slow. One should take the political instability in consideration when investing within the EU.

Although there isn’t much trust from the public and the politicians, the global financial market has recovered. Indicators such as the S&P 500 have gained over 12% throughout the year. Many analysts even claim the market is doing too well. Hence, there could be an instant eruption. Therefore, depending on your financial goal, it might be wise to only take the risks that are really necessary. The risk one takes with its investment should be matched by the financial aim of the investor. If risks are being taken then it is advisable to invest within one’s comfort zone. Don’t invest in what you don’t know.




Fundamental Analysis: Guide on Ratios

There are many different areas to look at when performing fundamental analysis. One of the important things to look out for are the financial ratios of the company. These ratios provide a very quick overview of a company which I feel is great especially when filtering out companies! Ratios are easy to understand and it’s a very good place to start off for beginners trying their hands on fundamental analysis! There are many ratios out there and I have chosen a few that are easy to understand and meaningful to talk about which new investors can try their hands on!

Debt Ratio

Debt ratio can be obtained by taking Total Debt/Total Asset or Debt/Total Equity. This shows you how leveraged a company is. Depending on the type of company, business cycle, and the industry the company is operating in, the debt ratio varies from industry to industry. For example, a company in the growth stage might have a high debt ratio because they need to borrow money to expand their business. Therefore, you need to take into account at what stage of the business cycle is in before you deem it over-leveraged.

Why I like to look at the debt ratio of a company first is because if I don’t feel comfortable with the sort of risk they are taking, then I don’t think it’s a business worth being in my portfolio. Every portfolio has a different risk tolerance and depending on your strategy, put in only the companies that you like and can understand.

Generally, my favourite types of companies are companies that have low to zero debt levels and remaining profitable. There are however, pros and cons to very low debt levels. The pros are obvious, the business is self-sustaining without need for additional cash to finance operations. The cons is that the company is not growing at it’s full potential. Debt is a leverage, a double-edged sword. If used right, it magnifies the gains. If used wrongly, it can potentially be the downfall of the company.

Liquidity Ratio

Liquidity ratio of a company can be found by looking at either the company’s Current Ratio or Quick Ratio. Why these ratios are important is because they give you a sense of the company’s liquidity. When considering liquidity of a company, it’s all about the cash and cash equivalent. As we all know, cash is the lifeblood of any company. Without cash, a business simply cannot operate efficiently or pay off it’s debts. What results after is the potential liquidation of the company or having to resort to financing their short-term debts with high interest rates. This would then have a direct impact on the share price.

A ratio of >1 is generally good because if you look at the formula to calculate Current Ratio, Current Ratio = Current Asset/Current Liabilities. This means that the company likely has the capability to pay off their short-term obligations. What you need to look out for when considering companies to invest is when Current ratio is <1. It is an indication that the company has more obligations than it has in it’s current assets. However, always do look further into the numbers and balance sheets if you really think the company has potential. These ratios are more for preliminary scanning only and to be used only as a guideline.

Returns Ratio

You may have always heard about people saying things such as ROA and ROE. These numbers are categorized as efficiency ratios. These ratios depicts the efficiency of the manager running the company. It shows how well the company is at generating returns in terms of it’s Assets(ROA) and Equity(ROE). Generally, the higher these ratios are, the better. Because if an efficient manager can utilize what they have so well, they can do so much more when more money is given to them to invest in the company’s assets and further growth of the company as well as maximize returns for investors.

My eyes would open up whenever I see a company having double-digit ROA and ROE because it speaks well of the people running the company. They must have been soon something right. Of course, always take note if these ratios are sustainable or not and not simply a one-off occurrence. Again, these ratios can be very easily retrieved from SGX’s website which helps greatly when you are doing your research.


I hope this post would help you to start off your first fundamental analysis of your investment journey. There are many ratios out there but I felt that these are the few easier ones to understand and to apply. Keep reading, find out more information and understand in greater detail the things you already know! As they say, “Knowledge is power” and it is the same knowledge that will make you profitable as well!


You Will Be Sorry If You Missed The Lowrys Farm’s Farewell Sale

Lowrys Farm Blog

If you haven’t heard of Lowrys Farm’s plan to exit from Singapore, it would be a pity if you miss out their clearance sale happening right now.

Lowrys Farm opened its first store in Ikebukuro, Tokyo in March 1992. The brand managed by Point Inc has since expanded to all other parts of Japan and other parts of Asia such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Singapore.

Based on the concept of casual and comfortable wear, the brand prides itself to carry quality and trendy apparels.

Quality usually come at a price. Most shoppers who reviewed in a local review website, TheSmartLocal, said that the clothes are trendy and of high quality, albeit a higher price tag. That is no surprise considering how Japanese worker uses artisanal skill to produce denims and other apparels in their production line, spotting every  misaligned eyelets and stitches.

Unfortunately, the strategy didn’t quite worked out in Singapore as the fashion industry is very competitive with brands such as Uniqlo, H&M and Forever21 dominating the market offering cheaper alternatives.

Nonetheless, if you want to own a piece from Lowrys Farm (either for memory sake or simply a purchase for the upcoming Chinese New Year), it’s the best time to do so as they prepare to clear stocks.

Here are a few tips on how you can make use of their Farewell Sale to slash their usually high premium price to make your purchase.

Lowry Farms


1. Get 50% off when you purchase 5 or more items

Usually shoppers are attracted by banners with words such as ‘Sale’ and ‘X% off’. They were usually blown up big to catch your attention but there are two words ‘Up to’ that are strangely downsized to protect retailers from misrepresentation. And most of the time, you walk out of the store with disappointment as the favourite pieces are not included in the sales item.

But look, now you can get 50% off EVERYTHING when your purchase 5 or more items. This has to better than another store that offers ‘Up to 75% Off’ on a few limited items.

This shoe originally retails for $129.90, but after 50% discount, it costs you just $64.95.

Lowry Farms Shoe

2. Make up 5 items with lesser priced items

Found something you like but don’t have the budget for 4 more items? Then make use of this trick to qualify for the 50% off. Look for cheaper items such as ear rings, socks and belts to make up the shortfall.

Take this pair of ear rings for example:

It is priced at $7.90.

Lowry Ear Rings

If you purchase 4 of this, it will cost you $15.80 and you can essentially buy another big ticket item such as this leather jacket that costs $129.90. Oh wait, $64.95.

Lowry Farm Jacket


Or a bag at $44.95. (R.P $89.90)

Lowrys Farm Bag


If you are going to need this fluffy item in a winter country, after discounts it cost $79.95.

Imagine a family of 5 who purchase 5 of these which amounts to a saving of $400.

Lowrys Farm Coat


3. Shop with friends or family members

(Image credit:

(Image credit:

If you want to be exceptionally frugal and don’t even want to spend $15.80 on 4 other items, there is no better reason to preach this clearance sale to your family members or friends with Chinese New Year around the corner.

Bring your siblings, or a couple, or three friends to raid the store. Good things must be shared right?

4. Organise a trip in a community

Lowrys Farm Community

(Image credit:


No one in your family is interested? Then organise a trip with a few others in your community. You don’t need me to teach you how to use popular forums such as Hardwarezone, SGForums and Cozycot right? If you don’t use any of those, you ought to have a active Facebook’s account.

5. Just walk into the shop and roped in other buyers

Lowrys Farm Shop

Don’t worry if you are an independent warrior, just walk into the store and look for what you want to purchase AND look for other shoppers with items in their hand. Ask if they want to combine purchase and i don’t see why would anyone rejects you when it is a win-win when both of you are enjoying the discounts.

If you own a credit card that offers rebates, then that’s even better. You offer to pay for the items with your card and get other shoppers to pay you in cash.

When will this last?

It will last all the way until the last day they withdraw from Singapore or while stocks last. We have no definite date yet but as a ballpark, we were told by the salesperson that it will be some time before Chinese New Year.

So happy shopping.


6 Ways to get Cheaper Books

6 Ways To Get Cheaper Books

If you’re a booklover and a voracious reader, chances are that you spend way too much money on books, with an average paperback book going for about $15 in the local big bookstores. It can be difficult to read as much as you would like with the costs involved, so here are some ways to save money while reading books!

1) Online retailers

Often, you can save a good deal of money simply by buying the books online, where prices can be up to 50% cheaper than the retail price in Singapore bookstores.

Some popular options are:, an international site that offers free shipping to your doorstep, and carries a very wide range of all books;
local online retailer, OpenTrolley, which allows local pickup at a retail location, or shipping for a fee.

Other common options are eBay and Amazon, however, beware of shipping costs for these options.

When buying books online, be sure to also check out, which searches all these online retailers and more, including Kinokuniya and Popular online, for your specific book and allows you to comparison shop for the cheapest price.

Generally, my go-to book retailer is BookDepository as they usually offer the most competitive prices with a large range of options.

Be sure also to check out the different editions of the book, as the softcover is usually cheaper than the hardcover.

2) Book Sales

The popular bookstore chains in Singapore, such as Times and MPH, regularly have warehouse sales a few times a year, either at the Singapore Expo or other locations. Be sure to keep updated on when the next sale will be so as to be able to grab books for really low prices, like $5 each new, or even lower!

3) Secondhand books online

There are a few options I would recommend for buying secondhand books online. Sites like or are frequently updated and have a good number of books listed by sellers.

Recently, the Carousell application has also seen quite a lot of use for buying and selling books, which is another option you may want to consider.

4) Secondhand bookstores

There are a few secondhand bookstores currently operating in Singapore, although they are a dying breed, and a few have closed their shutters. Bras Basah Complex is one place where you may go to find secondhand books and textbooks.

5) Book exchanges

If you’re looking to clear some of the unwanted books lying around your house, why not try to swap them?

For instance, the NLB has an annual book exchange where we can exchange our unwanted books for other donated books. You may also have some luck trying to swap books online.

6) Ebooks

Buying an eBook may not necessarily require you to purchase an expensive eReader! There are many eBook readers available for free to download on your smartphone or your computer. Ebooks are also significantly cheaper than physical books, and usually cost you a couple of dollars at most. Just be sure to convert your eBook into the desired file format for your downloaded eReader (ePub is generally able to be read by most eReaders).

Reading doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket, but with these tips, books may start to take up way more space than availabe in your house!