4 essential economic relationships Singaporeans need to know

Featured Image Economy

We frequently hear of the word “economics” in papers or conversations, but how useful or applicable is this course of study to the real world?

Understanding economics is in reality fundamental to understanding the price movements of every single good and service in our economy. It is the aggregation of the demand and supply forces.  Indeed, when we see the airfare skyrockets after the end of school term, it is economics at work. Huge travel demand outweighing limited supply of passenger seats leads to propped up prices. As such, appreciating and capitalising on economic knowledge could end you up in deeper pockets.

While it may be too time consuming and superfluous to master all the economic theories, knowing a few essential concepts may come in handy in guiding our financial and behavioral decisions.

  1. Inflation and savings
Inflation and Interest

(Image credit: http://inflationdata.com)

Thanks to the prudent policies administered by MAS,  Singapore enjoys a low inflation rate of 2.8% on average since 1962. However, a simple comparison between the interest rates offered by various banks indicates a mere 1.3% as the most competitive rate for 1-year fixed deposits.

What this means: The fund sitting in your bank is losing 1.5% of its value to be exchanged into goods and services annually. Given that you have $100 in your bank today, you can afford to buy 50 McChicken burgers. But one year down the road, you can only afford to purchase 49.25 of them.

Course of actions to be taken: Since the saving rate is not commensurate with the inflation rate, we may be better off investing in alternative assets  that provide higher yields. However, if every rational and irrational soul is doing that, risks abound as illustrated below.

  1. Stock investment
Stock Investing

(Image credit: thenest.com)

Investing in stocks can yield 2 kinds of returns, namely dividend yield and capital gains yield. The former tends to be more predictable than the latter, especially if the company holds a long term track record of constant or growing dividend stream.

How to value stocks: Dividend yield is an objective measure in guiding investment decisions since they are realised returns and a better indicator of future returns. On the other hand, be extra cautious during stock encounters with historically impressive capital appreciation. Gullible investors may be tempted to buy these shares as they often fail to realise  the high variability of capital gains yield could be complicated by the problem of information asymmetry where insiders possess and exploit private information to the disadvantage of outsiders.

Course of actions to be taken: Both insiders and outsiders have to keep abreast of news and developments in the macroeconomy and international economies as they affect stock returns systemically.

Specifically for outsiders, it is crucial to have a good grasp of the economic fundamentals (such as the consistency of dividend payouts and growth potential) of the company that helps to steer towards a proper valuation. A long term investment horizon is more favourable as it puts them on a more level ground with the insiders. If the outsiders were to invest in the short term, speculation is usually involved since by definition, the fact that they do not possess the superior private knowledge is prejudicial to them.

  1. Property investment


For more well-heeled investors looking to diversify their portfolio, real estate investment seems the way to go. Similarly, real estate assets provide 2 types of returns, specifically rental yield and capital gains yield. Best of all, a residential property provides its owner(s) a physical shelter to live in. Despite these benefits though, investors should be wary of overpaying for homes.

How to value property: Rental yield is an objective measure in guiding investment decisions since it measures the payback period of the hefty mortgage loan that homebuyers commit to. The URA Masterplan and a concise understanding of demographics are vital tools in predicting the capital gains yield.

Course of actions to be taken: Beware of one-off anomalous sale transactions that are not reflective of the true market forces. Stay out of homes in which the overinflated prices are not underpinned by strong economic fundamentals  (such as location, amenities and size). Buy during a recessionary period instead of an inflationary period. Timing the market makes an enormous difference in your bank account.

  1. Employment

Investments aside, most of us contribute to the economy through our employment. But to maximise the return on our faculties and time,  insights have to be drawn from the demand and supply forces.

Some simple mathematics to gauge how financially rewarding is a particular industry: If the staff turnover is high (due to long working hours, poor welfare, unchallenging job roles etc.), companies should offer higher wages to attract or retain workers.

However, this is not happening. Reason being a ready supply of potential (local and foreign) employees provides  virtually no impetus for corporations to raise salaries. Does this plight sound familiar?

Course of actions to be taken: Instead of complaining about meagre wages, pursue a career in an alternative industry with market dynamics (i.e. less competition) working in your favour. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, you actually build greater wealth bucking the norm and doing what others don’t do.  Better still, venture into a new industry and gain the first mover advantage.

Now you see, having a good understanding of economics is useful in our day-to-day living as it forms an integral basis for making financially sound decisions.





Have A Good Night’s Sleep Without Breaking The Bank

When you are sleep deprived, you feel less patient, less concentrated, and easily irritated. This can increase your stress levels. Give your body the restorative rest it deserves.

A good night’s sleep is not only about the amount of hours you sleep but also about the quality of sleep. Better sleeping patterns can positively impact your health and your ability to manage the daily challenges ahead. To have this, you will need to spend only S$4 or less…just follow these tips:


The first step to have better sleep is to be aware of your previous sleeping patterns. Keep a sleep journal (i.e., costing S$2 or less in Popular Bookstore or Daiso) where you will write significant events in your day, your lifestyle habits, and your sleeping patterns. Answer these questions in your journal or notebook for at least 3 days:

a. How many hours did you sleep in total?

b. How many times did you wake up in the evening?

c. What time did you go to sleep?

d. What did you do to help you fall asleep?

e. What did you eat before sleeping?

f. Did something stressful or depressing happened today causing you to be worried?

Now that you are aware of your sleeping patterns, you will know which ones you shall change.


In order to have a restorative sleep, your bedroom must be inviting. Keep the room’s temperature cool (i.e., 18C-24C) and use curtains to block the light. To keep the noise to a minimum, you may wear earplugs (i.e., costing S$2 in Daiso). Or, you may play relaxing music while you sleep.

Image Credits: Enkhtuvshin via Flickr

Image Credits: Enkhtuvshin via Flickr

Eliminate distractions such as the television, tablets, laptops, or your phone. The LED light emitted by these electronics can cause your mind to think that it is still daytime.


Having a sleeping routine within thee recommended hours programs the brain to automatically have its “body clock” that will help you to fall asleep consistently. Take these steps for 7 days:

a. Set a time for sleeping and waking up.

At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal for teens and adults. Perhaps you may sleep at 11 PM and wake up at 6 AM. Stick to this by canceling your late night plans for the week and by setting an alarm.

b. Create a pre-sleep routine.

What relaxes you the most? Whether it is taking a warm bath, practicing yoga exercises, and reading a book, do these pre-sleep routine at least 30 minutes before you sleep.

c. Use your bed primarily for sleeping.

If you use your bed for working or eating, you will lose the automatic cue to sleep. So, use your bed primarily for sleeping.

d. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.

This last step will save you money and help you to sleep better. Alcohol may help you to sleep faster but it also causes to have interrupted sleep. While caffeine will keep you stimulated throughout the night. Avoid these two.

Image Credits: Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr

Image Credits: Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Leading Fixed Deposit Rates In Singapore

First, you must know the nature of fixed deposits (FD), its advantages, and disadvantages. A fixed deposit is a financial tool offered by the bank, which, provides clients (like YOU) with a higher rate of interest than a savings account.

In Singapore, a minimum deposit of S$1, 000 is required to open an account. The fixed deposit rate will only be given within a maturity term. The term ranging from 1 to 36 months depends upon your bank here. Once the money matures, you will get back your initial deposit with the interest.



Fixed deposit is a more stable and safe route than other investments. Since not everyone is willing to risk it all with bonds and property investments, fixed deposits offer guaranteed money back.


Because the rates vary based on the time on hold, the amount you put in, and the bank you chose…there is a good chance to get the highest interest rate possible. All you have to do is to research and compare the workability or flexibility of the FDs available.


Your money that resides in a fixed deposit account is a surefire liquid asset (i.e., can be converted to cash). So, after the money matures, you can withdraw cash for any purpose such as weddings or medical emergencies.



If you invest all of your wealth to FDs then, you will not indulge on the benefits of diversification. Diversification is having investments in real estate, gold, and stock markets.


The returns of the FDs are lower if the inflation is very high. To put it in perspective, the interest rate may not change but you will still lose money if the Singapore dollar significantly drops.

To the most exciting part, we shall go…


Here are the banks that provides the best interest rates if your savings is S$10, 000 within an annum:

1. RHB Singapore Dollar Time Deposit

Interest Rate: 0.63%

Returns: S$63

2. CIMB Why Wait Fixed Deposit-i Account

Interest Rate: 0.50%

Returns: S$50

3. UOB Grand Senior Citizens Fixed Deposit

Interest Rate: 0.38%

Returns: S$38

4. Standard Chartered Singapore Dollar Time Deposits

Interest Rate: 0.35%

Returns: S$35

Here are the banks that provides the best interest rates if your savings is S$100, 000 within an annum:

1. CIMB SGD Fixed Deposit

Interest Rate: 1.30%

Returns: S$1,300

2. Maybank iSaVvy Time Deposit

Interest Rate: 0.85%

Returns: S$850

3. Maybank Singapore Dollar Time Deposit

Interest Rate: 0.70%

Returns: S$700

4. Bank of China SGD Time Deposit Account

Interest Rate: 0.60%

Returns: S$600

Image Credits: Will Clayton via Flickr

Image Credits: Will Clayton via Flickr

The data above goes to show that the strength of the fixed deposit rate truly varies upon the amount you saved and the bank you chose. Hence, it is important to educate yourself first before diving in. ☺

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Budget-Friendly Ways To Amuse Your Children

Spending quality time with your children need not be costly! What is important is to shower them with your unconditional love and undivided attention. Here is a list of “Budget-Friendly Ways To Amuse Your Children” especially this upcoming school break…


Entertain your kids with a solid hour of board games, cards, and puzzles. If you need to purchase a board game, you may check out Toys “R” Us. Toys “R” Us provides huge selection of toys and infant products that, are priced to give you value for you money.

Round up your kids and play the Disney Assorted Inlay Wood Puzzles (S$9.95), UNO® Disney Frozen Cards (S$11.90), or the Pavilion Wooden Snakes and Ladders (S$19.95).


Going to the nearby playground and watching your child get active would not cost you a cent! Alternatively, you may take your child to the nearby parks (e.g., East Coast Park, Bishan Park, and Lower Seletar Reservoir Park) to have a simple picnic or to play outdoor games and sports such as Frisbee, Hula Hooping, and Cycling.

For a complete list of parks in Singapore, visit: nparks.gov.sg.


Nothing screams fun with kids more than a sunny day at the Palawan Beach at Sentosa. Enjoy building sand castles, splashing water, and running around on the shore with your children. It is not only fun for them but it will definitely send them to a peaceful sleep afterwards. And if your child is still fueled with energy, experience the beauty of nature and the variety of its species as you go to Imbiah Lookout, Sentosa’s Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom. An admission rate for children aged 3-12 is S$10 while it is S$16 for adults.


Gather the available Arts and Crafts you have at your house to make a crafts box. If you fall short with items such as scissors, glue, crayons, stickers, and assorted colored papers, you can always go to Daiso as everything is priced at S$2 only. Each kid has a unique artistic expression so it is best to introduce your child to the different outlets such as drawing, singing, music, or dancing. The cost of these outlets is less than S$10!


Activate your child’s imagination by going to the libraries or museums. At the libraries, you can save more money by borrowing books and graphic novels rather than buying them. At the museum, you can ask your children to imagine that they are traveling in a different place as an archeologist, a historical writer, or an adventurer.

Image Credits: chriskay via Flickr

Image Credits: chriskay via Flickr


Extend The Products’ Longevity And Save More Money

Stretching the use of a product as much as possible will not only reduce waste but also save you a couple of dollars. These hacks ahead will help you extend the lifespan of your soaps, printer inks, laptop batteries, and more.


The basic mindset that you should adopt is to regulate the consumption of household products. For example, to ensure that you would not waste your dishwashing liquid, use an olive oil bottle as its container. Just make sure to label it correctly to prevent confusion.


Use only the necessary amount of soap. No more and no less. If you are using a hand soap dispenser and there are still left over soap at the bottom that you cannot squeeze then, add few drops of water inside by unscrewing the top. Use this leftover soap before refilling it.


If you want to save money on printer ink or toner, one thing you should do is to change the font size and the fonts that you use for printing. Ecofont, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, Garamond, and Courier are some of the fonts that naturally use less ink. Also, you can print fewer pages by converting the file’s format to PDF.


A few steps can maximize your laptop’s battery life (i.e., the amount of time your device spans before it must recharge). You may bring down your screen’s brightness, turn off the Bluetooth connection, and calibrate your battery every 2 to 3 months. To calibrate your battery, follow these simple steps. For MacBook or Apple laptop users, Apple suggests to upgrade to the latest software as the updates often include advanced energy-saving technologies.


Disposable razor maybe cheap but if you have to constantly replace it, is it really worth it? The good news is that your may extend its use by keeping it sharp. To maintain its sharpness you can try to rub the razor backwards across an old pair of blue jeans. Also, always dry your razor after use.

Image Credits: wikihow.com/Make-a-Disposable-Razor-Last-Longer

Image Credits: wikihow.com/Make-a-Disposable-Razor-Last-Longer

Sources: 1, 2, &  3