Income versus Expenses: How Are We Faring?

Income Expenses

Singapore is not cheap, which makes you wonder, how do we thrive? To help us understand better, let’s talk about our cost of living.


In general, the property prices in Singapore are going down, thanks to the efforts of the government, including reducing the loan-to-value ratio and capping home loans up to 35 years. Moreover, you have several property options, although more than 75% of us live in HDB flats, of which the cheapest can be a 2-room home with a possible net selling price (after grants) of $52,000.

But this would need a median income of $1,500 and a monthly instalment to income ratio of 11%. So far, as of 2014, the median income calculated during the mid-year was $3,770. If you can’t afford to buy the property yet or you have no intention of doing so at least within a few years, you can take this time to start saving, managing your debt for a better total debt servicing ratio (TDSR), and comparing mortgage loans.


Singapore promotes a universal healthcare program. Under this are Medisave, Medishield, and Elder Shield, to name a few. A part of our CPF contributions is intended for healthcare by the time we’re old (and, yes, our population is getting way older than before). Other countries have commended our healthcare system for having some of the best hospitals and well-trained staff with training and expertise comparable to that of European and North American countries.

But our healthcare isn’t immune to inflation, and premiums for coverage such as Medishield are expected to go up. Moreover, the government provides only subsidies, which means you still have to pay for the remaining healthcare costs. If there’s some good news, it’s that many companies do provide healthcare and even life insurance at no extra cost on your end.


Singapore stresses the huge importance of education, so much so that it allocates at least 20% of its annual budget to it. It is also compulsory for children between 6 and 15 years old, but it’s not unusual to see children as young as 4 to go to school, which means education expenses can also start early, and a nursery class may cost $900 per year. University is expected to go up by as much as $30,600, but subsidies can greatly help by decreasing tuition fees by as much as 26%.


A huge chunk of a family’s budget goes to food, and the expenditure keeps on increasing every year. In 2013, the average food expenditure was $1,188, an increase of $239 from 2008. There are two possible explanations for this: inflation and our penchant to eat out.  We are the highest spenders in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of dining out with a monthly expense of around $324.

Can We Afford It?

The high cost of living, however, is just a partial way of evaluating our capacity to thrive in the country. The much bigger question is if we can afford our necessities. Thankfully, the answer still remains yes.

More households are earning $20,000 and above a month (including CPF contributions), and even if our total household expenditures have gone up through the years, they’re still lower than our average monthly wages.

This doesn’t mean, though, you won’t go bankrupt or continue to live from paycheque to paycheque. Your own spending habits and financial decisions can have a significant impact on your expenses and income. As an example, while you have many choices for credit cards, going for the ones that help you earn rewards with your credit card is more sensible as you can take every dollar you spent further.  

To conclude, whether you’re living in Singapore or anywhere else in the world, being financially smart can shield you from all the money woes.

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5 Budget-Friendly Ways To Train Your Brain

We use our brains on a daily basis but, do we bother optimizing its abilities? Well, there are still some people who refuse to let their brain rut. These type of people are curious and intellectually stimulated. If you want to be one of them, start by training your brain with these five ways:


Storytelling can strengthen your relationships and help exercise your brain. Its benefits including putting events in a cohesive framework, remembering the events better, associating emotions with the events, focusing on the vital details, and improving your memory in general. In fact, it has been used as a treatment for people with Alzheimer’s disorder.


Studying a new language makes your brain grow as new connections are made in the process. It may be hard at first but, it is surely rewarding. When your brain makes new connections, you will be able to communicate creatively with more people. Learn a new language online without spending a dollar with Duolingo and other resources.


Puzzles in general, will help you to concentrate, sleep, and remember better. One type of puzzle that is very popular is the “Sudoku”. Sudoku is a logic-based numeric puzzle with the objective of filling up the whole grid.

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Improve your problem solving skills by downloading free Sudoku puzzle App on your iOS or Android device.


Writing your thoughts by hand on a piece of paper instead of typing them out on a computer screen, can ignite your creativity and fuel your memory. The act of writing it out by hand can stimulate more parts of the brain than by merely typing it. So, try to write your thoughts with the pen you want then, notice how it changes you.


You can widen your brain’s scope by listening to a genre of music that you are not familiar with. Do this with someone who understands that type of music so, he or she can welcome your questions. Listening to music has many benefits such as soothing stress, improving cognitive function, and helping one perform better in challenging situations.

All you need is to hook up the headsets or earphones to your mobile device and play the music as you travel. By doing so, you not only trained your brain but you also got to play enjoyable tunes! 🙂

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1 & 2


Surefire Ways To Stay Productive At Work

The lack of productivity can lead to stress, missed assignments, overlooked opportunities, demotion, suspension, and even termination. Thankfully, you can gain productivity through healthy and inexpensive ways. All you have to do is to feel great. You read that right! If you feel better holistically, you become an efficient worker.

So, stay productive at work with these five tips:


Waking up early gives you an opportunity to get more things done and to earn more in the process. Also, mornings are usually the time when your brain is most focused and alert. Not to mention, there are fewer distractions in the early hours of the day anyway so you can really achieve more things, smoothly.


Much like a computer, your brain will needs resetting, refreshing, and de-fragmenting of data in order for the information and memory to be in order. And, if you are able to organize your memory and thoughts properly, you will be able to receive and digest new information easily. Furthermore, you can even solve the problems you had pending! A good 5-20 minutes of break will do the trick.


In a world where the Internet rules, you must avoid distractions by closing tabs that you do not need, keeping your phone on silent, and by not logging onto your social media accounts. If your browser and phone are kept away and only to be used in emergency cases then, you will find yourself to be more productive than ever!

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)


A study found that 30-60 minutes of lunch break spent on exercise boosted the workers’ overall performances by approximately 15%. These employees reported better time management skills, increase in satisfaction, and increase in ability to meet the deadlines. Thus, taking a break to keep your blood pumping at work can elevate your productivity.


Getting enough sleep brings you more energy and mental clarity. If your new sleeping arrangement does not seem to work, you can consider to take polyphasic sleep. Polyphasic sleep is a practice of sleeping multiple times throughout the day. It is usually consist of sleeping more than the two times a day. In result, you spend more time awake each day and that could make you more productive.

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1 & 2


6 Things That Will Sabotage Your Chances At Job Interviews

Knowing how to smoothly glide through a job interview with grace is highly desirable.

Avoid common interview mistakes by following these six tips:


It is certainly obvious why showing up late can blow your chances of getting the job. It gives a sense of irresponsibility. Counter this by scheduling your arrival at least 20 minutes in advance so you can find a parking spot or have leeway in case you get lost. Also, the extra 5 to 10 minutes will give you the enough head start to prepare for the challenge ahead.


Coming unprepared is unacceptable that you might as well just walk out of the room. Take some time to learn about the company and the duties of the position you are applying for. Gather data on the company’s basics such as the its mission and vision because this will help you answer the questions later on. Also, prepare extra copies of your C.V. or resume.


It is very disruptive if your Smartphone or mobile device rings in the middle of the interview. Not to mention, it is rude. So if you want to please your interviewer, remember to turn your phone off or to keep it on silent mode.

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)


Talking about your potential salary or potential raise can send a wrong message to your “would be employer”. Thus, you must not speak about money unless you are asked.


Talking about money is one thing, not talking is another. Skipping the interviewer’s questions is undesirable. Do not be shy to ask for the interviewer to repeat the question if you did not understand it at first. Then, speak up. Speaking up will show that you are interested in the job.


Do not go rumbling about your other offers or mention that you are in the early stages of screening in other companies. You must show the interviewer that you are 100% passionate about the position you are applying for!

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Good luck! 🙂

Sources: 1 & 2


Every Singaporean’s Survival Guide To Working Overseas

It is undeniable that having a global outlook and international experience are desirable characteristics that employers sought for. Working alongside people from different cultures can open a lot of opportunities. For instance, Brazil and Mexico have skills shortage, particularly in life sciences, finance, and engineering. Going to Hong Kong for business is an attractive option too because English is widely spoken.

So, if your heart is set to living and working outside Singapore, here are a few smart tips you shall consider:


As an independent employee working abroad, you have many responsibilities to fill. From getting legal documents to opening bank accounts and learning the local language, you must research the needed requirements beforehand. Start by browsing the web or asking your friends and family about the foreign land. Also, you can go on an educational trip at your chosen country. For instance, you can extend your vacation to finalize whether or not you are willing to move in abroad. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the working and living conditions.

Then, keep in mind that the Singaporean passport is a powerful means of travel. Singapore citizens have visa-free or visa on arrival access to about 169 countries. You would not have to apply for visa in United States of America and People’s Republic of China. But, visa is required in countries such as Afghanistan, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.


It is important to know your own rights as you are required to pass contracts, permits, taxes, and so much more. The first thing you shall be familiar with is the length of your stay. For most countries, your length of stay depends on the length of your employee contract. And, once your contract expires, you must find a different way to stay legally in the country.


You are diving in the foreign country alone…with no access to affordable food at the “Hawker Centres”, what shall you do? Well, you must budget your money and do your best to save extra cash for emergencies. Know how much you will need for food, housing, transportation, and other expenses every month. Then, plan your living costs accordingly. Seek help from your local friends to make your life easier.


You are not living in one of the safest countries with a safety index of 82.92! While you are living and working overseas, you are accountable for the laws of that country. Do not take them lightly and respect them instead. Stay safe by avoiding walking alone at night and by keeping your money in more than one location.

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)


Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , & 4