Singaporeans, Must You Discuss Your Salary To Your Spouse?

If you were tasked to participate in a television game show to test your knowledge about your spouse, how well do you think you will do? Getting your spouse’s full name correctly is easy. But will you still get it correctly if you were asked about your spouse’s exact income?

According to a 2015 survey by Fidelity Mutual, 43% of the participants had no clue about each other’s earnings. The percentage of couples who were ignorant about their incomes have grown compared to the survey 3 years ago. Furthermore, 1 in 10 people was off by US$25,000 (S$33,700). This is no laughing matter.

You cannot blame these numbers on poor communication alone as the ever-changing economy may also be the malefactor. A shift in the workplace is seen as many employees become freelancers while others work on multiple jobs with unpredictable hours (much like Uber drivers). If your spouse belongs to the cluster of people whose income is relatively unpredictable, you still have to be informed.

Asking anyone how much they make is a taboo subject especially in our Asian culture but if you are planning to spend the rest of your lives with the person, you have the right to know. Your annual household income dictates how you are able to save and your quality of life in general. Knowing each others’ assets and liabilities can help plan your future well (including your plan for retirement).

To put that in perspective, you have to realize that our lives are filled with uncertainties. Emergency expenses, hospitalization fees due to chronic illness, loss of a spouse and unemployment can affect your finances. You have to be prepared. This is why it is vital that married couples communicate and cooperate in managing their finances no matter how much they earn.

As you begin to open up about this subject, it can be uncomfortable for some and fight-inducing for others. Given the extent to which our society judges the person based on how much they earn, this particular subject is susceptible to dangers. Dangers that the other person can feel insecure, frustrated or inferior. But as Richard Vondra, the first Vice-President of Spire Investment Management, once said: “You don’t have to be rich, but you do need to make sure you’re able to support each other.”

Beyond your fear of being judged, knowing your spouse’s income is one of the most basic elements of your finances.  Moreover, it may just be the key to your marital bliss! Studies have shown that the happiest couples talk about money and stay out of debt.

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Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Ask yourself: “Will having this financial information change my life?” Then take action based on your answer.

Sources:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6


Important Money Matters In Marriage

As you may know, money is one of the biggest reasons why couples get divorce. Perhaps the reason why people fight most about finances is because of its measurable nature. With money, the give and take parts are quantifiable. Thus feelings of inequality and resentment can arise.

Discussing money matters may not seem romantic but it is very essential. Here’s where you shall start:


Setting long-term and short-term financial goals such as establishing realistic budget should be done together. Along with the goals, you must assign financial responsibilities to each other. Who shall pay the utility bills? Who shall do the bookkeeping? Consider various factors such as time, knowledge and skills when deciding which of you shall take the primary responsibility for each task.


The vow of “for better or worse, for richer or for poorer…” entails an important promise to live in a financially able home. Buying appropriate insurance coverage, to safeguard you from unforeseen financial hardships, can help embody this vow. Consider these types of insurance:

a. Life Insurance: This policy protects you and your dependents by giving the sum assured under certain circumstances such as being permanently disabled or critically ill. The agreed amount of money is intended to help you and your dependents meet your financial needs.

b. Health Insurance: This policy covers accidents, illnesses, and disabilities that affects your health. To help you and your family deal with the expenses, different health insurance policies are available in the market.

c. Home Insurance: This policy is designed to protect your home and its contents as well as covering any renovation work. Usually, homes that are less than 10 years old or those that are renovated within the last 10 years cost less to insure.


If you are planning to spend your lives together, it is only fitting that you learn to manage your finances as a unit. Once a month, evaluate your expenses and review important documents (e.g., credit card billing statement or utility bills) to help you create a realistic spending and budget plan for the weeks ahead. Make this a healthy habit to shield your family from piles of debt.


A Will is a legal document that communicates an individual’s final wishes. It determines not only the distribution of your properties but also the guardianship over your children in the event that both you and your spouse die.

Some people find it difficult to discuss about creating a will as the thought of it seems unpleasant, pessimistic, and morbid. However, think of it as an insurance tool that protects your assets and ensures its smooth transition. It is ideal to make a Will before having children or while they are still young.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


7 Painless Ways To Curb Your Energy Bills


During summer and hot days, roll down the blinds to prevent extra heat from coming in and prevent your air conditioner from running more on energy. Do the opposite during the cold weather to keep your home naturally warm.


If the blinds are still inferior with the Singapore heat, consider investing on window film or window tint. Believe it or not, window film eliminates as much as 90% of the heat and about 99% of the UV rays passing through your windows. As lesser heat is accumulated in your home, there is a great chance that you will use your Air Conditioner less (eventually lowering your electricity bills).

You can either have a professional install your window film or save more money by installing it yourself. Get a Korean Solar Film for only S$29.90 at Qoo10.


As you shop for a new television, refrigerator, air-conditioner, or dryer, consider the ones that are energy-efficient. Energy efficient appliances can help you save several dollars each month on your water and electricity bill. These seemingly minute savings add up quickly to about hundreds or thousands per year.

To check if the appliance is energy-efficient, please refer to the Energy Label issued by the National Environment Agency.


Instead of constantly putting your clothes in the dryer, hang them properly in a clothesline. The dryer can contribute to a major chunk of your energy bill because it feeds on a lot of energy. By letting your dryer rest, you can save about S$103 a year. That is if you regularly have 6 loads per week and take 20 minutes per load.


Like the dryer, the air conditioner eats up a lot of your energy bill. To lessen your Air Conditioner’s (AC) energy consumption, let it run for an hour before you go to sleep and switch to a fan after the room has cooled down. Alternatively, you can set the timer of your AC unit off at least 30 minutes earlier than usual.


Power strips or otherwise known as power bar, extension block or trailer lead, can spike your electric costs even if you turn it off. Accounting for about 5-10% of your home’s energy bill, the best way to save from this is to unplug it completely. Unplugging your power strips can save you approximately S$70-330 per year.


Once every 2 months, SP Services send someone to read the your electricity meter outside your home. This reading is usually estimated. So prevent overcharging by submitting the current meter reading to SP Services’ Whats App number: 8482 8636. You may also call 1800 2222 333 for other billing and meter reading inquiries.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Consuming energy efficiently will not only save you money but it can also contribute to saving our Mother Earth.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


A Newbie Freelancer’s Guide To Getting Paid On Time

According to the recent survey by Freelancers Union, 44% of the participants (freelancers) reported problems with getting paid. Some are even tracking their clients for owning more than S$13,000 (US$10,000). Yes! Getting paid is one of the most frustrating and stressful aspects of being a freelancer.

In a world of fixed expenses and variable income, the stress of a freelancer comes when they have to deal with stubborn clients. While frustration arises when the client piles up more work when you still have not gotten paid yet.

Although this dilemma can be overwhelming at times, find fulfillment with this clever plan to get what you de$erve:


For your first client, shall you charge a flat rate or shall you give a discount? No matter what you choose to do, do not start working until you get upfront. This is the best case scenario!

As cash flow is the core of most freelancers, you do not want your finances to crash just because of the debt of your clients. Ask them to pay at least two weeks in advance before you commence your work to avoid chasing for your clients.


If your client cannot pay upfront due to valuable reasons, consider requiring a down-payment to send a message that you mean serious business. As a newbie in the field, it is understandable to feel uncomfortable as you do not want to make demands that could ruin the new relationship you have with your client. I felt the same way in the first few months. However, like any professional services firm, you must require a down-payment to ensure that your client is capable of paying you.


It is better to stick with a billing schedule to keep track of everything. Whether you would like to send the invoice every month or bi-weekly, you must bill on time. To put things in perspective, you may treat your client’s payment as something you can deduct to your credit. For example, deduct the “total bi-weekly due amount” to the credit pool upon making an invoice for it. This way, you are giving more importance to time and money management.


For late payments, act immediately by sending a friendly reminder to your client. Give him and her the benefit of the doubt by assuming that the lack of payment is due to a mistake, medical reason, or an oversight. That is all it takes to get paid – sometimes.


To prevent the unwanted “late payment scenario”, you need to have a contract that defines when you will get paid and includes a clause for when you do not get paid on time. In your contract, you must guarantee that…

a. the client does not own anything they have not paid for,
b. the client will be charged with an interest for overdue invoices, and
c. the court shall give you the right to get your money back.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

This binding contract protects you in case legal matters arise.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


5 Efficient Ways To Manage Your Elderly Parents’ Money

Three months ago, social workers observed that there were more senior citizens who had been cheated or financially abused by their own children. There were some cases where the children would manage their parents’ money and end up taking their savings for themselves. While others trick their parents into selling their homes and leave them homeless. This is the sad truth that we have to swallow!

However, if you belong to the fraction of people who love their parents and want to take care of them from the goodness of your heart, consider these 5 Ways To Manage Your Elderly Parents’ Money:


You have one task – to organize your elderly parents’ financial life. Know what issues or topics to discuss that will aid this task. Due to the declines in someone’s body as they age, topping the list is healthcare. You must introduce the advantages of life insurance, medical insurance, or long-term care coverage policies. Also, talk about estate and other assets. Having a last will and testament ready is a crucial thing. Then, talk about what they want to accomplish with their money.

Emphasize on the benefits of the talk and speak with love. Delaying the talk will only be more expensive because as health declines, premium prices increase.


After seeing eye to eye on the important topics, you must prepare the documents needed. These documents are the bank statements, credit card bills, tax records, investment accounts, insurance policies, and so on. Review their current financial situation with these documents. Then put these in one safe place such as a relatively small safe deposit box at home. Grant access only to the people who are really trusted (e.g., the lawyer or immediate family members).


Each month you must ensure that their bills are paid, their income are accessible, and their living comfortably.

To pay recurring bills automatically, some banks enable automatic transfer of payments. Use this system to pay for credit card bills, loans, and rent. To make their income from investments accessible, help them set up direct deposits. Lastly, to help them live comfortably, you must review their financial activities each month.


From fake contractors to reverse mortgage scams, con artists of today had come up with more sophisticated ways to fool elderly people to get money or to sign away equity on their homes. Aside from this, handphone scams are on the rise. Common handphone scams occur when an unknown number contacts you and tells you to collect your prize or to pay for your kidnapped relative.

This is why it is vital to keep your parents updated with the newest scams. Visit Scams Singapore – a blog dedicated to identify and relay information about the existing frauds.


Protected by the law, senior citizens who are unable to sustain their lifestyle can apply to the court in order for their children to provide a monthly allowance. With the Maintenance of Parents Act, you have a responsibility to support your elderly parents. Instead of providing them with a certain percentage of your pay, it is good that you discussed their spending needs and goals first.

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: (CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1,  2, & 3