Why Money Is A Major Factor In Dating

For a blossoming romance, a lover’s worth cannot be measured by his or her bank account, neighborhood, and car. The lack of these “financial signifiers” may serve as warning signs along the way but not as the destination itself.

However, the weight pressed on money when dating hardens as the relationship grows. Couples begin to examine whether they can trust each other’s financial decisions as well as whether they can make sacrifices for the common good. Nobody wants to end up with someone who has no motivation (slacker) and discipline (deadbeat)!

Particularly, money is a major factor in dating when…


There is nothing wrong with spending a date at home with a bunch of DVDs and home-made meals every once in a while. But if low-cost dates are the only types of dates you can afford due to your outstanding debt and insufficient income then you may be in trouble.

According to Toni Coleman, a Psychotherapist and relationship coach, regularly suggesting to do cheap activities can be a serious red flag for your date. If you are essentially broke and your debt affects your romantic life, consider spending more time satisfying your credit score first instead of “pleasing” a potential partner.


You see, all of us hold a set of beliefs about money (e.g., how it should be spend or how it should be earned). Whether we learned it from childhood or thru our experiences, we will carry these beliefs for a lifetime. If your lover sees no point in spending lavishly on dates and gifts when courting you and you desire that, then you can get into an argument. You cannot throw all your goals and values in the rubbish just because your current partner has different beliefs.

You have to do what is best for you and your finances.


It is never attractive to talk about how expensive things are and how these negatively impact your life. Your date does not want to hear you complain about what you can and cannot afford because it makes the person feel that he or she is an added financial burden.

If you have been a couple for over two years then it is okay to share your financial issues as relationships are built on trust and respect. But if you have not been dating for that long, think about the wrong message you are sending thru your constant money complaints.


Having a substantial debt with a bad credit score is a deal breaker for lots of people! FreeCreditScore.com polled 1,000 adults in 2013 and found that about 30% of women and 20% of men said that they would not marry a person with a low credit score. In contrast, a good credit score proved to strengthen the union of two people.

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Although money is not a major factor in the first stages of dating, few years down the road you will realize how important it is in a relationship. After all, money or the lack of it, is usually the predictor for most divorces.

Sources:  1,  2, 3, & 4


Welcome To The Wide World Of Freelancing

Aaahh FREELANCING! What started as a theoretical idea became a reality with the launch of “e-lancer” websites such as Guru.com (1998) and Elance.com (1999). Back then, clients from around the world posted jobs that are bound to be completed after a day, a month or a year. The virtually connected e-lancers join together into temporary networks to sell goods and services. Once the network dissolves its e-lance members become independent contractors again.

Apart from its name, freelancing has evolved throughout the years. Freelancers today have the option to work on a full-time or a part-time basis as they are essentially self-employed. With the big players such as UpWork and Freelancer, the world of freelancing is more competitive than ever. A testament to that are the other websites that offer relatively “cheap” labor to a wide variety of global clients. Here are just some of them:


Codeable is unique in every sense as it focuses on the outsourcing services for WordPress. This niche site started back in 2012 and has since grown due to its dedication to hire excellent WordPress developers. These developers are then connected to the clients that are in need of on-demand website support.


Project4Hire aims to meet the outsourcing needs of small business owners, individual webmasters, and large companies due to its variety of professionals. With hundreds of project categories, it makes it easy to determine jobs that suit your skill sets.


Toptal’s approach to outsourcing is different as only the top 3% of applicants are allowed to be on the site. Toptal is sure to reward your prowess with meaningful projects and fair compensations from renowned clients such as Airbnb and J.P. Morgan.

4.  99 DESIGNS

Originally from Australia, 99 Designs became one of the world’s largest online graphic design marketplaces. They have been connecting designers to customers who are in need of quality yet affordable designs. If you have always been good and passionate at Photoshop or any graphic design tools then 99 Designs is perfect for your skills. Simply enter t-shirt, logo, website, and print design contests to win and earn money.

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

As you explore freelancing as a viable career option, do not forget the important factors such as time, effort, and cost!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Useful Financial Tips For Bread-winning Wives

Over the past few decades, the workplace culture has shifted towards equality of genders. Gone are the days when every woman stay back to take care of their children and the entire household.

Based on a study by Prudential Company in 2012, approximately 53% of the sample were women breadwinners while only 22% were married or living with a partner who made more than them. Aside from these numbers dual-career bearer households have increased globally. The fact that women are working more nowadays is something that society is beginning to accept – regardless of gender stereotypes.

When women earn more than their husbands or when they solely provide for their families, there can be an unwanted tension between the household and the finances. Here are some useful tips to handle it:


Psychotherapist Olivia Mellan shares that many new-age women are not raised with the expectation that they need another person who earns more than they do. This empowered attitude may be difficult to adopt especially if the people whom you interact with (e.g., your peers) are opposed to this idea.

They might not be ready for a modern-aged Superwoman but here you are! Accept and embrace the reality that you are an accomplished breadwinner. All your hard work and ambitions led you to this moment and there is nothing to be ashamed. Your capabilities allow you to provide a comfortable life not just for yourself but for your children.


To help secure the financial security of your family, get a proper insurance coverage for both you and your beneficiaries (i.e., your spouse and children). You may consider purchasing a life insurance policy to secure your dependents’ future after you die. However, you must consider your current financial situation as well as your standard of living in order to maintain the lifestyle of your dependents.

If you are single, purchase a life insurance policy and designate a close family member as your beneficiary. He or she will pay off your expenses and other issues should something happen to you.


It is always a good idea to save some money for the rainy days. No matter how long you work or how many jobs you have, you are limited by the uncontrollable factors. These factors include age, time, economy, and incentives. Since you are the primary provider for the household, it is important to save in case these said factors are negatively affected.

Experts suggest to have an emergency savings amounting to least 6 times your monthly salary. This will help ease abrupt unemployment.


Working your body to its limits will eventually bring more harm than good. Understand that it is acceptable if you cannot do it all. Enlist your husband’s help as much as possible. It will not only give you breathing room but it will also make him feel that he is not dispensable.

Couples shall work together and communicated openly on financial decisions in order to share the responsibilities and keep the balance in order.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5


Stay Away From Business Jargon If You Want To Be Believable

Business writing and speeches are notorious for its adoration for complicated terminologies.These terminologies belong to a specialized language called business jargon. It is used by the members of companies, corporations, and bureaucracies.

Little do you know that some people consider this specialized language as a serious office pet peeve.


A collection of business jargon that no longer holds any relation to what is actually being said can be misleading. To perfectly illustrate this, here is a portion of the speech that Ford Australia CEO Robert Graziano gave last 2013:

“To better position the company to compete in a highly fragmented and competitive market, Ford will cease local manufacturing in October 2016. All entitlements are protected for the 1,200 employees whose jobs are affected, and the company will work through the next three years to provide support.”

Did you get that? He said that 1,200 employees were fired from their jobs.

As you can see, business jargon has a way to mask the reality. Jennifer Chatman, management professor at the University of California, even adds that people use it as a substitute for talking clearly about the directions and goals they want to give others. In some cases, it is better when business people adapted a simpler means of communicating.


Just when you thought that using business jargon (e.g., synergy, drilling down or core competency) can make you sound knowledgeable and believable, science comes in and proves you wrong!

The 2010 study of New York University and a Swiss university showed that using simpler language makes you seem more trustworthy. 2 out of 4 experiments found that statements of the same content were judged as more likely to be true if they were written in concrete language than when they were written in abstract language. For instance, consider these two sentences:

“In Hamburg, one can count the highest number of bridges in Europe.

Hamburg is the European record holder concerning the number of bridges.”

These sentences mean the same thing but when you ask people to rate their “truthfulness”, more people will rate the first one better. This is because it is way simpler. This study coupled with Psychological principles suggest that our minds process simpler statements much faster and we automatically associate fast processing with the truth. Furthermore, when something is easier to visualize and recall, it seems more plausible.

So if you want to come across as honest and direct, stick with the language that is easier to understand and visualize. Use concrete verbs such as lead and award and avoid ambiguous words such as spearhead and incentivize!

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Sources: 1, 2, and 3


Local Tech Startups That You Do Not Want To Miss!

As I was looking for the textbook definition for “Technology Startups”, I was surprised with the scarcity of written works that directly answer my question. Try to Google “What is a technology startup?” to see for yourself. Hence, I must define the term by dissecting each word – much like how Lance Weatherby addressed the situation.

According to Weatherby, defining a startup is the easy part. He was right! A startup is a company that it is in its first stage of operations. The founders of a startup often attempt to make money by developing product or service that they deem to be in demand. Startups are all about finding a market and a business model that works. Skype and Airbnb were once examples of tech startups but they have since grown to become established companies.

On the other hand, defining technology can be quite difficult. Technology is a broad and pervasive scope that encompasses something as simple as a wheel to something as complicated as an IPhone. In terms of technology startup, something must be made as a result of engineering or science.

Tech startups are on a mission to offer something to solve a problem in a different manner. In general, tech startups are unique and innovative.

On that note, here are some of the amazing tech startups in Singapore:


Since its inception in 2013 with a funding of S$500,000, HipVan has been making waves regionally due to its lifestyle design inspirations and great sales. HipVan is a fashion-tech startup founded by Danny Tan, Kevin Vo, Deborah Wee, and Shobhit Datta. It is an online store that offers up to 70% off the retail prices of furniture, accessories, kitchen-wares, and so much more. Check their collections at www.hipvan.com.


Ranking as #9 in Singapore at startupranking.com, Burpple shines from the rest due to its clever and beautiful way of discovering and sharing food experiences. You know how Singaporeans love MAKAN! Burpple allows its users to submit eatery listings and reviews with appropriate photographs. It is now downloadable on both the App Store and Google Play.


Founded by Vishesh Mittal and Tseng Ching-Tse, the Vault Dragon is basically your “Dropbox” for tangible items such as your secondary school books and holiday sweaters. You simply have to put the items on the storage boxes they delivered (i.e., free delivery of storage boxes but you can use your own too) and they will collect it and store it securely. Worry not about the prices as they are all affordable!

Communication is done through their website or through their number: +65 9385 9924.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1,2, & 3