Great Eastern’s GREAT Comprehensive Care insurance for freelancers

Freelancers, rejoice! Great Eastern has rolled out an insurance just for you. Coined as the ‘GREAT Comprehensive Care‘, it allows you to enjoy the healthcare support you need for lower than a dollar a day. Now, you can continue the flexibility you’ve always fancied without worrying about coverage.

The insurance is a policy in partnership with Doctor Anywhere. Doctor Anywhere is one of the telemedicine providers we’ve previously covered in one of our articles. Carry on reading if you’re keen to know more about the key benefits and more information about the insurance plan.


There are three main benefits of the GREAT Comprehensive Care insurance. They are convenient outpatient care, personal accident coverage, and daily hospital cash.

Convenient outpatient care

This refers to the online video consultations with a doctor. You can benefit from up to 12 consultations via Doctor Anywhere. Say goodbye to physical queues and hello to convenience from the comfort of home, wherever that might be.

Personal accident coverage

Get the protection you need against death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) in the case of an accident. First up, for deaths and TPD due to an accident, you will get 100% of the sum assured as stated in your Certificate of Insurance. Next, for deaths in Singapore due to COVID-19, you will be assured 10,000 SGD.

Daily hospital cash

In short, you will receive a daily hospital allowance if required to stay in a hospital in Singapore. This only applies if you’re warded for at least 12 hours with the reason being an illness or accident that has happened within 36 hours. There’s also additional daily cash allowance if you’re admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Exclusions may apply.


There are two plans to choose from – basic and deluxe. The key difference is in the maximum payout amount should you submit a claim. Thus, do expect to pay a different price under each plan.


The basic plan starts from $264 per year while the deluxe plan from $446 per year.

Outpatient care

The basic plan allows up to six video consultations. The deluxe plan at twice the amount, at 12 video consultations. This benefit is transferable to your friends and family members. You can do so via the UPGREAT mobile app.

Hospital and surgical benefits

Under the basic plan, you will obtain a daily hospital cash amount of 100 SGD. In addition to that, if warded in the ICU, you will receive another 100 SGD per day. While for the deluxe plan, both amounts are at 150 SGD respectively.

Personal accident benefits

For deaths and TPD due to an accident under the basic plan, you will get a lump sum payout of 100,000 SGD. As for the deluxe plan, you will secure 150,000 SGD instead. Both plans provide a payout of 10,000 SGD if the death is caused by COVID-19.


Great Eastern has done a great job with this infographic. Take a look at the scenario created to have a better idea of how the GREAT Comprehensive Care insurance works.

GREAT Comprehensive Care insurance

Image Credits:

Check out the FAQs here. If you have more questions, contact their customer service via 6248 2112. You may also email them at [email protected].


Need Help Looking for a Job? Get Your Job Search & Career Related Questions Answered for Free!

Looking for a job after graduation?

Feeling like you’re fighting a losing battle against this bad job market?


The job market is a very different one now from when it was pre-COVID…

So maybe what you need is actionable advice and someone to answer your job search and career-related questions.

If that sounds like a good idea, then this latest SeedlyTV episode will help you better prepare yourself as a job seeker and increase your chance of securing a job.

Just tune in on Tuesday, 30 June 2020, at 8pm to find out more about:

  • What do job seekers need to know about the current job market?
  • Why is it dangerous if job seekers stay unemployed for too long?
  • What can we do to leave an impression during an interview since virtual job interviews are becoming more common?
  • Will a low starting salary affect your career, especially for fresh grads embarking on their first job?

And many many more.

If you’ve got questions of your own, you can also start ask your questions now and tune in later to have them answered LIVE!

Not sure why you should watch this episode of SeedlyTV?

Well, here’s why.

The Seedly team has brought on thought leaders and career professionals who can resonate with your job-search problems and offer real career advice and help.

Here’s a snapshot of who they are.

The Thought Collective

The Thought Collective is a group of social enterprises which aim to create a new generation of socially-minded Singaporeans.

For this SeedlyTV episode, you’ll get to interact with Tong Yee (Co-founder, The Thought Collective) who is a sought after public speaker, trainer, and thought leader who shares his insights with various national level committees.

He will be speaking about what fresh graduates need to know about the current job market, how it is changing, and what to watch out for.

If you’re looking to score a job, he’ll also be sharing about how you can stand out amongst the numerous candidates.

And give valuable tips like how to leave an impression during a virtual job interview.


Glints is a career discovery and development platform which has helped over a million young professionals discover their dream careers.

Goh Duo Geng (Special Projects Lead, Glints) will be sharing the macro trends in the APAC and Singapore job market and how does that apply to you in your job search.

(Hint hint: you might have a better shot if you know which industries or businesses are actively looking to hire)

And if you’re a fresh graduate or a mid-career job seeker looking for a job or a job switch right now.

He’ll share more about what you can do to improve your chances during your job search.

Jeraldine Phneah (Seedly Community Member)

Jeraldine is a Seedly Community member who contributes actively on the Seedly platform.

She has voiced her opinions on topics like how to build rewarding careers and how to navigate difficult times like this COVID-19 pandemic.

On her personal blog, she has shared job search tips like what are the best job portals in Singapore for millennials and how to optimise your LinkedIn profile.

Discussed sensitive topics like whether it is disadvantageous to graduate from a private university in Singapore.

And how effective is MyCareersFuture — a government initiative to help Singaporeans find jobs smarter — as a job search portal.

Look out for her during the SeedlyTV episode as she’ll be sharing her personal experiences and lessons!

Special Bonus: Receive a Super Exclusive Seedly Career Assistance Package

To give you as much help as you can get.

The Seedly team also wants to send YOU a super-exclusive Seedly Career Assistance Package!

All you have to do is sign up for a FREE Seedly account and look out for it in your email.

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Whether you’re a fresh grad, a mid-career jobseeker, or would like to explore your options in the job market (read: because your job sucks).

The package includes the best career and job search-related content and resources from local personal finance sites and platforms like SG Budget Babe and The Woke Salaryman!

To help you with your job search and to get your career on track!

Sounds good?

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Just remember to sign up for a FREE Seedly account.

And the Seedly team will send it to you!

If you already have a Seedly account, just make sure you sign in to your Seedly account between 30 June 2020 to 12 July 2020!

You can ask or answer questions or leave a review.

Or catch the SeedlyTV episode later if you missed the live screening.

Just be active on the Seedly platform and they’ll send the package your way!


Dash EasyEarn: The easiest way to save for a rainy day

We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and with the economy swinging up and down, protecting and growing your money is a common concern. Some people may find it easier to save now that they’re home more often, but putting your paycheck in the bank isn’t making the most of your hard-earned savings, especially with banks reducing interest rates across the board.

In these uncertain times, it is definitely prudent to consider safe and flexible options to save smarter and grow your hard-earned savings. There are many financial tools available in the market that offer this, and you should choose one that gives you the best peace of mind, without compromising on your returns.

With that said, you might be excited to find out about the latest addition to the all-in-one mobile wallet Singtel Dash: Dash EasyEarn, a unique insurance savings plan underwritten by Etiqa Insurance, which will help you save better for a rainy day. This insurance savings plan offers an astounding 2% p.a. returns for your first year* with a minimum starting amount of S$2,000.

The best part? You can sign up directly through Dash on your mobile phone, with just a few clicks. Read on to find out more!

Enjoy attractive returns with capital guaranteed

Dash EasyEarn is capital guaranteed AND offers a very competitive 2% p.a. returns for your first year*, regardless of market movements. So if you’re risk-averse, especially in these uncertain times, you can rest assured that your savings will be safe – even if you have to withdraw it in times of need. Dash EasyEarn also has no lock-in requirements – which brings us to the next point on its flexibility.

NB: With effect from 25 September 2020, Dash EasyEarn will be revising its bonus rate to 0.3%, bringing the rate to 1.8%^ p.a. for the first policy year**.

Existing Dash EasyEarn users will continue to enjoy 2% p.a. (guaranteed 1.5% p.a. + 0.5% p.a. bonus) for the first year starting from their policy start date, including subsequent top-ups.

In addition, Etiqa Insurance will be extending an additional Financial Assistance Benefit for COVID-19 to all new and existing Dash EasyEarn policy holders. For more information on the benefits and other terms of this Financial Assistance Benefit, please visit

Ultimate flexibility with no lock-in period  

Image credits: Singtel Dash

Another great thing about this product is how flexible it is. After you’ve transferred your initial minimum premium of S$2,000, you can always make additional top-ups^ when you want, or withdraw what you need with no penalties.

There is no lock-in period, so if an emergency should arise, you’ll be able to access your funds immediately by withdrawing directly into your bank account or Dash wallet to tide you over.

^Maximum account value is S$20,000. Each top up must be a minimum of S$500. Minimum account value of S$2,000 must be maintained to be eligible for returns.

Open to everyone

Whether you’re a student, young professional or already savvy at saving, anyone can download Dash and sign up for Dash EasyEarn – all you need is S$2,000 to start growing your savings. As an insurance savings plan, Dash EasyEarn also comes with a layer of insurance coverage of up to 105% of account value in case of death.

Can’t wait to get started? Simply download the free Dash app today to sign up for Dash EasyEarn, and watch your savings grow.

It only takes 3 simple steps to start your savings journey with Dash EasyEarn.

  1. Sign up for Dash EasyEarn through the app
  2. Top up your Dash EasyEarn plan with your bank account
  3. Watch your savings grow!

Image credits: Singtel Dash

For more information, please visit


  • The information is meant purely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon as financial advice.
  • This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. (Company Reg. No. 201331905K). Protected up to specified limits by SDIC. As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value, if any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. You should seek advice from a financial adviser before deciding to purchase the policy. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider if the policy is suitable for you. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Information is accurate as at 29 June 2020.
  • *Effective for sign-ups up to 24 September 2020 (date inclusive): Guaranteed at 1.5% p.a. + 0.5% bonus for the first policy year.

  • **Effective for new sign ups from 25 September 2020: Guaranteed at 1.5% p.a. + 0.3% p.a. bonus for the first policy year, available on a first come, first served basis.


People’s Association online courses below 15 SGD


While the majority of us are out and about during phase two, it’s still important to abide by the rules. Rather than keeping to hearsay, it’s wiser to refer to authentic news sources. Here’s all you need to know as we’re a week into phase two.

And of course, that’s not the aim of today’s article. For those who are still staying home as much as you can, thank you. We appreciate you being careful towards Singapore’s reopening of the economy. Hence, we’ve searched on a couple of online courses by the People’s Association (PA) you can attend in July. Better still, you can get 2% off the course fees if you register online from now till 31 March 2021! Here are some courses below 15 SGD. All prices shown are after discount.


Date: 11 July 2020

Time: 9am to 10am

Public fee: 4.90 SGD

Get your heart pumping with an hour session of piloxing via Zoom. As the name suggests, it is a type of exercise involving a mixture of pilates and boxing. Let the team from Nawal Haddad Fitness lead you in this cardio-heavy workout that’s bound to work up a sweat! For more details, please refer to the course page.


Date: Several dates throughout July to August 2020

Time: Varies across sessions

Public fee: 9.80 SGD

Health Qigong is a type of mind body exercise (MBE). It uses repeatable physical movements and is not a physically strenuous activity. Thus, Health Qigong makes a suitable exercise for the elderly to take part in. Think of it as the Chinese version of yoga, just less intense.

Health Qigong

Image Credits:

If your parents or grandparents aren’t tech-savvy, how about signing them up for one or a few sessions? We saw a couple of dates available throughout July and August 2020. Click through these links for easy sign-ups:

Or simply search for ‘Health Qigong (Online)’ via onePA’s website for other available dates.


Date: Several dates throughout July to August 2020

Time: Varies across sessions

Public fee: free to 14.70 SGD

I’ve personally tried Zumba before. Not going to lie, it wasn’t easy for my very first session. The hand-leg coordination was my roadblock. If you’re a perfectionist like I am, then it will be really stressful wanting to master the dance moves. But that’s not the point! I’ve learnt how to feel the music, let go, and have fun during Zumba sessions. You can too!

There’s one free session coming right up on 1 July 2020. Registration closes on 28 June 2020 so fastest fingers first. Here are the next available dates:

You can also search for other available dates in August using this keyword: ‘Zumba® Gold (Online)’.

There are also other free online courses on selected dates. If you’re keen to check them out, click through these links:


Ways to conserve water at home

Tap water

Based on the Public Utilities Board (PUB)’s Household Water Consumption Study in 2018 / 2019, showering accounts for the highest water usage at home. Flushing takes up to 17% and the water used in the kitchen at 16%. An average person uses up to 141 litres per day in 2018. To put it into perspective, that’s about 94 bottles of coca-cola (1.5-litre size) per day!

While Singapore has a sustainable supply of water through these years, it’s up to each and every one of us in the community to help conserve it. As such, we’ve researched several ways to conserve water at home. Follow some of these tips if you want to save water or attempt to bring down your monthly water bills.


As advised by PUB, they have come up with water-saving tips using the mnemonic W-A-T-E-R. Here’s a quick look:

  • WASH clothes on full load. This means if you have to pile up laundry, here’s the reason to justify your procrastination. However, a full load does not mean overloading. Make sure they are about 3/4 filled so your clothes can swish-swash freely and be cleaned properly.
  • ALWAYS use half-flush when possible. As we’ve mentioned earlier, flushing takes up to 17% of our total water usage. If you can’t reduce the times you visit the loo, then at least utilize the half-flush for liquid waste.
  • TURN off the shower when soaping. If you have to take your own sweet time to soap and make sure you’re squeaky clean, turn off the tap while doing it.
  • ENSURE tap is off when brushing teeth. Similar to the previous point, do not let water run unnecessarily if possible. If you have to, use a mug to contain the water you need to rinse your mouth.
  • RINSE vegetables in a container. Again, this is similar to the concept of running water needlessly and mindlessly. In fact, you might get rid of sand and pesticides better by soaking in a container than washing it under running water.


Wander why your sinks are never dry? Or the bathroom floors are always wet even after hours of not using it? It might be a leak somewhere so do a check to see where the source is and repair it.

I’m personally guilty of leaving water leaks untouched simply because the damage doesn’t seem big enough at that particular moment. But that one drop of water will become a bottle of water, eventually, litres and gallons wasted over time. So please don’t underestimate that small leak thinking that it’s insignificant. Every little drop adds up!


PUB Water Saving Kit

Image Credits: PUB

How about gifting yourself a free gift? Those without water-efficient faucets at home, you may request for a water-saving kit via PUB’s website. The set will come with three- or four-hole metal rings that you can attach to your tap or showerhead to regulate water flow. By using the kit, you can save up to 5% of your monthly water usage.


There are different ways to reuse water. If you own freshwater aquariums, do not discard the water when cleaning and refilling. Use the ‘dirty water’ to water your plants instead. If you’re able to collect rainwater, you can also use that for your gardening needs too.

When showering, leave an empty bucket or two beneath your shower head and use the collected water to flush toilets or wash floors. You can also gather the water discarded from laundry to do the same. If you have any other innovative ideas of reusing water, do share it with us!


We’re not asking you to shop online or head to the retail stores right away to buy yourself water efficiency labelling scheme (WELS) products. But the next time when your washing machine breaks down and you need a replacement, consider purchasing WELS rated products.

The water you save today means savings for tomorrow.