Here’s how to continue eating your favourite hawker dishes guilt-free

Singapore hawker foods

Eating is a way of life. Or rather, should I say eating well is a way of life? Either way, I think it is safe to say that many Singaporeans live to eat. I’m part of the gang. Well, blaming no one here with the range of food options in Singapore. From local to international delights, a glutton like me is truly satisfied with this sunny island. What about you?

But to be honest, I sometimes fall into the guilt cycle of wanting to eat my favourite hawker foods but yet worried about the weight I’m putting on.

That’s why we went on a search for ways to lower some calories so we can all continue eating our favourite hawker dishes guilt-free. Or at least, attempt to lessen the times we feel bad about it. Ready to go on this learning journey with us? Let’s roll with some of the popular foods and tips!

wonton mee

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Wonton mee is love. Who can say no to flavourful roasted char siew and silky smooth wantons? We know we can’t. That’s why we will continue to slurp our noodles but along with some tips to note.

As you walk through the stalls, see if you can spot one with a Healthier Oil decal. When you’ve decided to order, get the soup version, politely ask for more vegetables, and request for steamed wontons instead of fried ones.

Here’s the explanation. Firstly, the soup version means you will do away with the sauce that comes with the dry wanton mee. Seasonings add to the calories you’re consuming so it’s better to avoid them. Secondly, adding vegetables should be self-explanatory. Greens are good for health! Thirdly, we all know that compared to the steamed method of cooking, deep-fried foods (though extremely tasty) are high in calories and fats.


  • Spot a stall with a Healthier Oil decal
  • Get the soup wanton mee instead of the dry version
  • Politely ask for more vegetables
  • Request for steamed wontons rather than fried ones
yong tau foo

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Do you like your yong tau foo dry or with soup? I’m a soup lover so I would opt for the soup version over dry and I’m glad I’m on the right track.

Using what we’ve learned for wanton mee, for the dry version, your beloved hawker will usually drizzle generous portions of sauce. Remember what we mentioned earlier? Sauces are generally high in calories and salt content so make the right choice. Next up, opt for clear soup over laksa or curry gravy and say no to deep-frying your items.

And if you need an explanation, here it is. We’ve already made our point previously on the sauces and deep-fried foods so we shall skip that. For laksa or curry gravy, just think of what goes in during the cooking process – ingredients like coconut milk. Don’t get me wrong. I adore the taste of coconut milk in my laksa or curry gravy. But do you know that 100g of coconut milk has about 230 calories? Eliminate unwanted calories if you want to eat healthier.


  • Go for the yong tau foo soup
  • Opt for clear soup over laksa or curry gravy
  • Say no to deep-frying your items

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When was the last time you had rojak? My mum used to tell me not to eat too much rojak because of the amount of palm sugar and sweet dressings this ‘mixed salad’ has. Guess what? She’s right, but only to a certain extent.

That’s because you can make certain tweaks to lower the calorie count. Can you guess one of the most sinful ingredients used to make our favourite rojak? Apart from sugar and sauce, it’s you tiao. Some of you might know this as fried dough fritters. In replacement of that, ask for more fruits and vegetables. Also, ask for less sweet sauce, please.

Feeling unjustified? Listen to us. Firstly, you need to bid goodbye to that stick of shiny-looking deep-fried you tiao because one stick of you tiao has 285 calories. Secondly, everyone needs to eat at least two servings of fruits and vegetables so adding more is a given. Thirdly, sweet sauce is high in sugar content. To put it into context, 100g of sugar is equivalent to 387 calories.


  • Give up your you tiao (fried dough fritters)
  • Replace that with more fruits and vegetables
  • Ask for less sweet sauce
chicken rice

Image Credits: Time Out

Craving for a fragrant plate of warm chicken rice right now. Coupled with some black sauce, minced ginger, and spicy garlic red chilli sauce… it’s heaven in the form of food. But hold up, go easy on the sauce. Almost got carried away, my bad.

To lower the calories, remove the chicken skin before digging in. The Health Promotion Board (HPB) encourages us to opt for plain or brown rice. Honestly, that’s a little too much for me to sacrifice. So instead of swapping the entire plate, you can opt for less rice. As for the cucumber slices, you should know what to do! Request for more greens.

One chicken wing with skin (about 34g) has 99 calories. When compared to the same without skin, it’s only about 42 calories. Eating it without the skin will allow you to cut your calories intake by more than half! Just imagine the amount you can lessen if you remove them from your plate completely.


  • Remove chicken skin
  • Opt for plain / brown rice or ask for less rice
  • Request for more cucumber slices
nasi lemak

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To round up this article, we have our all-time favourite nasi lemak. This dish rich in coconut milk is usually served with fried anchovies, toasted peanuts, and cucumber slices. Oh yes, and accompanied with addictive sambal chilli.

If you’ve faithfully read this article from start to end, you should know where this paragraph is heading towards. First up, ask for less coconut rice. We hope you’ve not forgotten what we shared before – how 100g of coconut milk has about 230 calories. Secondly, if you’re serious about your health, choose vegetables over fried items. Lastly, go easy on that gravy.


  • Ask for less coconut rice
  • Choose vegetables over fried items
  • Go easy on the gravy

We’re sure it won’t taste 100% the same if you heed our recommendations. But, your body will thank you in the long run. On a positive note, you don’t have to give up on your favourite local hawker foods and survive just on salads. Isn’t that something worth rejoicing for?


5 Mistakes Women Make When Dealing With Health And Fitness Issues

In the last few years, the quest towards women attaining perfection has reached bizarre levels. Beauty and fashion companies have been guilty of projecting women according to a certain standard. In other words, a global benchmark of beauty has been imposed on the entire women population of the world.

All this has taken the attention to be healthy in one’s own body type. All human beings have been made different when it comes to our bodies. What works for one body type, might not work for the other one. In this article, we look at the top five mistakes women are making when it comes to health and fitness issues.

Why Women are confusing Health and Fitness with something else?

Women are going to extreme lengths to adhere to the global norms of beauty, style and fashion. Women are crash dieting to lose twenty pounds in a week. Going to the gym twice a day to gain muscle mass, or even going under the knife to get that flawless body types and sizes.

Health and fitness is being confused with beauty and fashion. Being size zero might be something, which a fashion magazine is promoting, but it can lead to serious health issues and loss of productivity. Our internal organs need to be healthy to perform day-to-day tasks efficiently. Going for a crash diet and fainting at work is not being healthy.

A serious problem in today’s society is that beauty and fashion magazines have substituted the advice of doctors, nutritionists and other certified medical practitioners. Women are learning what it means to be healthy from sources who do not have any expertise in the same.

5 Mistakes women make when it comes to health and fitness: The List

1. Getting influenced by Social Media and Peer Pressure-

The rise of social media has brought in the trend of making unhealthy comparisons. This has been more pronounced when it comes to issues like women’s health and fitness. It is best that women avoid getting influenced by what is happening on social media. This will prevent them from engaging in unrealistic expectations and focus on their own individuality. This will also allow them to take help from experts rather than influencers.

2. Not taking help from Medical Experts-

With the advent of digital and social media platforms, women have stopped paying attention to critical health and medical issues. For example, it is advisable that women do regular checks for breast cancer. However, the quest towards superficial and surface-level beauty makes them ignore this. Women should definitely check out treatments for breast cancer by Thomson Medical to look after themselves

3. Following a Food or Diet Plan blindly-

It is not necessary that a Keto diet or a Paleo diet might be good for you. It is advisable that before you start a diet plan, you should discuss it with your doctor or nutritionist. What might suit someone on social media, might not suit you. Even though you want to experience the same results, following a diet plan from the internet is not advisable under any circumstances. It is best to leave this to experts.

4. Too much Gym Time and Burnouts-

Everybody is made different and reacts differently to different kinds of activities and exercises. During the pandemic, so many health and fitness influencers have come on social media and started discussing home gym tips. This is wrong, as they are not taking into consideration the individuality or the health issues of their users. Always remember, if you want to change your body, 80% of it has to do with your diet, and 20% to do with your exercises

5. Not being Regular or Consistent in your Health Plans-

When it comes to health and fitness issues, it is important that we follow a steady and consistent regime. This helps our body become familiar with something, over a period. Following the familiarization, the body starts reacting to the same in a favorable manner. If you start a trend, a fad and keep abandoning it when the next one comes about, you will do your health a grave injustice. Being consistent always reaps rich dividends when it comes to health and fitness.


By avoiding the above-mentioned five mistakes in their lives, women can improve their health and fitness issues. Women should always remember that every one of us has been made special in our own way, and hence we should treat our bodies accordingly. Can you think of some other mistakes we can add to the list?


Apply basic maintenance to your electronic gadgets to help them last longer

Electronic gadgets

With layoffs and lost job offers due to COVID-19, this period is probably not a good time to spend too much. With that said, while the new phone advertisements may be attractive, it’s better to think twice. There’s no better time than now to save for a rainy day.

I’m personally guilty of having the mindset of changing a new phone or laptop once it shows signs of slowing down. Well, apart from living in a fast-paced society, I’ve only got myself to blame. But you don’t have to be like me. Apply these basic maintenance tips to your smartphones and laptops to help them last longer!

Battery health

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Prior to writing this article, I did a check on my phone’s battery life. The capacity is currently at 82%, which is considered an okay level. We will show you how to check yours in a while.

Just take note batteries that are charged more times than they can endure will become progressively worse over time. Think of it as the concept of wear and tear on clothes or on your car tires. If the battery capacity falls below 60%, it’s about time you change a new one. As in, a new battery.


If you own an Apple product, go to your iPhone or iPad and open the Settings, then tap Battery and select Battery Health. Android users can use third-party apps like AccuBattery to check on your battery’s health.


For MacBooks, click on the Apple icon, then About This Mac and then the System Report. Next, click on Power to see the reading on your battery’s health. Windows users can use the app BatteryInfoView to check your battery’s capacity.

Delete files on windows

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Like your home, your electronic gadgets require some spring-cleaning as well. One of the reasons why your smartphones or laptops are slowing down is because of the storage space it’s taking up.

To lift the weight off your storage, delete old or irrelevant data regularly. If you don’t have the time to do so as often, then set a reminder to clear it as at least once a year. Maybe mid-year’s a good time?


As an iPhone user, I often take advantage of the iPhone Storage tool to see my last used apps and how much space it’s taking up on my device’s storage. If you own an iPhone too, go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage to see yours. For Android users, look out for the tool called Files.


Not sure where to start deleting? Open a folder and sort the files based on date. Chances are, you may find documents that you’ve not opened in a long time. For the fickle-minded, investing in an external storage device and transferring your files over to it is a good idea. This will greatly offload the operating system, helping it to run faster and longer.

Clean your phone tools

Image Credits: Business Insider

This time round, we’re really recommending you to clean your devices, physically. We’re not talking about just the surface. Though that’s important too, since your phone is 10 to 20 times dirtier than a toilet seat.

Dirt fragments clogging up your electronic gadgets can lead to overheating. Overheating is a big no-no, as it shortens the lifespan of your devices.


Shine a torch and check the ports. Dust and tiny food scraps may sometimes be stuck in the charging ports. This might slow down the charging process, lengthen the time needed for a full charge, and cause unnecessary overheating.


Open up your laptop or desktop to clean the fans. Just like your ceiling fan gets dust stuck onto the blades, your device’s fans also pile up dust and even hair strands over time. A dust-filled fan will run slower and in turn, result in overheating of your laptops. You can get rid of the dust using a small vacuum cleaner.

We hope you’ve found what we shared useful. Know of other valuable tips and tricks? Let us know!


Planning to get married? Here’s how much it costs in 5 years time

According to a study conducted by ValueChampion in 2019, the average cost of getting married in Singapore  is consistently increasing over the years. The average cost of a wedding banquet skyrocketed from S$923 in 2011 to S$1,392 in 2019. That’s an increase of 51% in just over 8 years, far outstripping MAS core inflation rate of 14% during the same period. There is little to suggest that this upward price trend will not continue once things stabilize post Covid-19.

Cost of a Dream Wedding in 2025

Based on past wedding inflation rate of 32% over a 5-year period, the estimated total cost to hold a dream wedding in Year 2025 would be $100,000.

While Year 2025 may seem too far away to start planning for your dream wedding, the figures have shown how frightening wedding inflation rates have been and will continue to be. $100,000 is an intimidating amount for any young couple to cough up. Therefore, it is important to start planning and saving up for your dream wedding early. For a start, angbaos from family, friends and guests received will definitely help to reduce the total size of the bill. Here are some ways you can mitigate the costs of your dream wedding.

Negotiate with Wedding Vendors

While this may sound obvious, many customers hardly negotiate as they are afraid of embarrassing themselves for fear of appearing “too cheap”. Sometimes, negotiations need not always come in the form of price reductions. For instance, one can ask for freebies such as flower bouquets or floral lapels from the vendor before committing to a bridal package. Wedding banquet providers may also be willing to sponsor wedding favours and waive corkage charges.

DIY For a Personal Touch

Not all of the items need to be procured from wedding vendors. Couples can borrow certain items from friends or simply just do-it-yourselves (‘DIY’). For instance, there is no need to hire a professional company to dress up the reception table. There are plenty of images on Pinterest and Instagram that serve as easy references for couples to do-it-themselves. Furthermore, DIY adds an element of personal touch that will leave a lasting memory for your guests.

Choose the Right Financing Option

The most significant part in mitigating the cost of your wedding is choosing the right financing option. A Personal Loan should definitely be considered if a one-off borrowing is required. A personal loan is a more financially prudent option compared to credit card debt. For example, OCBC is levying 0% interest rate and only a one-time processing fee of 4.5% (Effective Interest Rate 5.20%) for its Balance Transfer Loan. This is significantly lower than a typical credit card interest charge of 25% for roll over amounts. For a $50,000 loan, the savings in interest payments is easily over 5-figures over a 12-month period! Hence, a personal loan can be more a financially prudent alternative to a credit card debt.

To access Balance Transfer Loan, simply borrow from your unused credit limit from other banks to enjoy 0% interest rate. Alternatively, one may turn any unused OCBC credit card limit into cash via the OCBC Cash-On-Instalments with no need for additional income documents. Repay with fixed instalments over 12 to 60 months and pay effective interest rates as low as 9.06%. Such smart cash flow management would net you tremendous savings since interest on credit card debt is easily a staggering 25%!

Finally, even if one does not have any existing unused credit card limit, do not worry as one can still tap the OCBC ExtraCash Loan or EasiCredit. The loan amount disbursed will be dependent on your annual income. Inclusive of the one-time processing fee, the effective interest rate for ExtraCash Loan could be as low as 10.96% with fixed repayments over 12 to 60 months. On the other hand, EasiCredit offers greater flexibility as you withdraw what you need at 1.74% interest rate per month.

Application for personal loans from OCBC Bank can be performed conveniently via MyInfo. This minimises the waiting required which can help to lessen any wedding jitters! A host of convenient repayment options exists to ensure that you never miss your monthly bill!


Holding a dream wedding in front of your loved ones is the aspiration of many lovebirds. When planning for your dream wedding, consider the suite of Personal Loans from OCBC since this is a superior financing option over credit card debt. Proper financial planning ahead can go a long way to ease the financial burden of holding a dream wedding in Singapore.

Visit OCBC for a comprehensive suite of personal loans that grant you easy access to cash without having to wait for an eternity:


Up your stay-home experience with activity kits like making kueh lapis

Are you still staying home for the most part of the weekend? Running out of things to do? Up your stay-home experience with activity kits from! The platform is an extension of Style Theory, a clothes rental subscription platform.

There are kits in the category of craft, cook, and kid-friendly activities. At the time of writing, the kits are going from 16.90 SGD. We took a browse through their website and found some interesting kits like making kueh lapis. Upon your purchase, you can immediately access the recipes or tutorials online. You will receive your physical kit in seven days!

Kueh Lapis

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Some of us identify kueh lapis by its Chinese name, 九层糕, which literally translates to nine-layer cake. This multi-layered sweet treat actually originates from Indonesia and is a type of Peranakan food.

Instead of buying ready-made ones for snacks, how about doing it yourself? This is a kid-friendly activity so if you’re thinking of keeping the little ones occupied at home, here’s one solution.

What’s in the kit?

  • Easy-to-follow pictorial instructions
  • Fresh ingredients
  • A measuring cup
  • Foil tray

Kueh Lapis Sagu Kit‘s price: 32 SGD

Modern Calligraphy Kit

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I’ve personally attended a brush calligraphy class before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks to The Letter J Supply, you can now pick-up a new skill at the comfort of home.

The Letter J Supply has two types of kits you can choose from – the brush calligraphy and modern calligraphy. Both activity kits are suitable for teenagers aged 12 and above. It really requires patience as you attempt to master the basic strokes. But once you look at the finished product, you will be oh-so-proud of yourself!

What’s in the kit? (brush calligraphy)

  • A brush calligraphy booklet
  • Palette and brush pen
  • Two bottles of ecoline ink
  • Three sheets of watercolour paper

What’s in the kit? (modern calligraphy)

  • A modern calligraphy booklet
  • Pen holder and pointed nibs
  • A bottle of sumi ink

Brush Calligraphy Kit‘s price: 68 SGD

Modern Calligraphy Kit‘s price: 68 SGD

Drip Coffee

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Hook Coffee will help you start your day right with its beginner’s coffee kit. If you have a slight coffee intolerance like I do (but still love coffee the same), this kit would be a life-saver. This is because it comes with a bag of Sweet Bundchen.

Sweet Bundchen is one of Hook Coffee’s best sellers and it’s not hard to understand why. With a little milk added, it might remind you of Kinder Buenos. You will get a taste combination of rich milk chocolates and nutty hazelnuts. How can we say no?

What’s in the kit?

  • A V60 dripper
  • Filter paper
  • A bag of Sweet Bundchen coffee (200g)

Standard Beginner Coffee Kit‘s price: $32.20

For more activity kits, shop via this link. Have a good time!