Tennis superstar Serena Williams’ outlook on money: Be responsible and manage your spending

Serena Williams

Serena Williams, a notable tennis player, has earned millions during her dazzling career. The former world number one in women’s single tennis says her outlook on money has not changed: Be responsible and manage your spending.

Know the difference between needs and wants
needs vs wants

Image Credits: Medium

“My family wasn’t wealthy, but we were always taught that when you work hard, you reap the benefits as a result,” Williams told NBC News via email.

“I think it’s important for young people to really understand how to spend money — including how to better self-evaluate needs and wants — to make truly informed decisions versus spending from pure emotion.

This is still something that’s true for me, and an approach I believe is incredibly important for parents to teach and model, as well.”

The importance of savings
importance of savings

Image Credits: Value Research

“At a young age, it was instilled in me that I shouldn’t splurge,” Williams said. “I remember going to parks and playing tennis with my dad and he’d say, ‘Athletes always lose their money.’ He made it clear that as an athlete, there was a risk of losing what you earned.”

She added, “I think this idea rings true no matter what you do. As a result, the concept of saving money stuck with me throughout my career. Even early on, I remained focused on the fact that when I earned money, I needed to be mindful of how those dollars were either spent, invested, or saved.”

“When I received my first bit of prize money, I knew right away I needed to put it in the bank,” Williams, who has earned another $90 million in endorsements over her career, said.

Learn to manage money for the future
managing money for the future

Image Credits: Freepik

“Though I had the money, what I didn’t have was the understanding of how it works. For example, what happens if you put money into a savings account, invest it, or just deposit it in a checking account? I didn’t learn those things until later in my career.

However, as I matured, I realized that earning money is a reward, and those rewards have to be treated with the utmost care and consideration, and it is important to keep more of what you earn and make it grow for the future.”

“Learn! Think about new skills. Innovate. Get creative with your time. And in all of that, think about how to make the most of any money coming in,” she said, adding, “the earlier we learn how to manage what we earn and save, the more ready we are to face life’s ups and downs.”


An HR expert weighs in on job-searching advice such as the need to stay in a company for at least 2 years and more

Job search advice

Currently on the hunt for a new job or internship? If you’re relatively new to job searching, you may be confused with the many pieces of advice out there. Here are some job-related articles we’ve written recently that you will find helpful:

For today’s article, we will be focusing on the wise words of James Goh, founder and CEO of ACCESS HR & Talents, regarding the common job-searching advice out there. ACCESS HR & Talents is a by-invitation-only job portal that promises a minimum pay of S$2,800 across the board.

Let’s dive right in.

#1: Stay at least two years in a company before you move on to a new opportunity.

“No. Ignore. This is an old belief system. The current climate has evolved. Staying two years at a company does not boost your chances in any way.”

#2: Talk about your strengths only during interviews, avoid bringing up your weaknesses.

Image Credits: PNGitem

“I agree with this. It might not decrease your chances to bring it up, but it will not increase it. Unless the interviewer brings the topic up, it would be safer to state your strengths primarily.”

#3: Accept all job interviews offered to you even if you don’t think you’re suitable for it.

“Yes. Most job descriptions are brief and not in actual fact of how the job would be. An interview offered would be an opportunity for both parties to tango and find out more. One might find herself being wooed by the actual job.”

#4: Stick to your chosen field only and accept relevant jobs.

Image Credits: Abacus Group

“No. Ignore. Many of my mentors who are industry giants, have worked in different fields and have “irrelevant” jobs in their resume before ending up in their current position. Senior partners, CEOs, founders, all had non-linear career paths.

There are many paths to success, and knowing what you are innately good at and having the intangible skills are the ingredients that will bring one to succeed.”

#5: Never try to explain the gaps in your work history.

“No. Ignore. HR departments and recruitment consultants are human too. If you have gaps for any reason, it is okay to be sincere and honest. It pays. Gap years are now less uncommon in today’s climate.

Many graduates and mid-career switches often have gap years to find out and deliberate over their next step. Your potential employer might even feel more confident about you after you have deliberated and are certain of the job you are interviewing for.”

#6: You should follow your passion.
passion or money

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“Yes but only to a certain degree. Passion is a first-world privilege. You cannot pursue passion if you are worried about where your next meal is going to come from. We are in a privileged position where most Millenials and Gen Zers are degree holders, not having to worry about rent or their next meal.

In the countries that I have worked in, such freedom of choice comes as a luxury. Your passion usually is a good indicator of what you will do well in. Passion breeds excellence. Excellence breeds success. And people pay for excellence. As much if possible, chase passion. And let success keep up with you.”

#7: It’s alright to apply for jobs you are under-qualified for.

Crossing industries does sometimes work even if you do not seemingly have the relevant experience. But the basic paper qualifications that the employer will seek are usually set in stone, especially for MNCs. If you think you qualify for the job even if you are in the opposite spectrum of a potential employee, then go for it! But in terms of required paper qualifications, one should manage their expectations a little.

I know of a candidate looking for a role in a FinTech firm, however, he graduated with a history degree from London School of Economics and Political Science. He aced the interview and is now rising through the ranks in that particular FinTech firm in London.”

#8: Personalize your cover letter and resume to each company you apply to.
personalized resume and cover letter

Image Credits: Human Resources Online

“This I personally believe to be true, albeit tedious. At ACCESS, our core belief is that there is more than one way to succeed. Many skillsets are transferable across industries. If someone is charming and does well as a salesperson, she would do equally well as an HR consultant. If someone is caring and articulate as a manager, she would do as well being a teacher. Similarly, if companies are from different industries or you are applying for a different type of placement, your resume should boast the qualities of your skill sets that the new placement and company would appreciate.

Some HR departments shortlist candidates only by looking at the candidate’s prior company and work experience, thus I believe it to be important to highlight certain skills which your new potential employer could be on the hunt for. A sales manager looking to go into teaching, for example, could highlight her subordinates’ achievements and how under her guidance led to those.”


Here’s what to take note if you frequently consume over-the-counter painkillers

Panadol Extra

It’s easy to pop a pill when you encounter a headache, fever, or pain. Do you know that other than paracetamol (commonly known as Panadol), there are also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)? They include ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. According to general practitioner Dr Jonathan Ti from DTAP Clinic Robertson, some NSAIDs come in creams or patches as well.

Yong Pei Chean, the president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS) also draws our attention to topical painkillers. These pain killers such as counter irritants and local anaesthetics are available for purchase without the need for a prescription.

She explains that counter irritants generally contain ingredients such as capsaicin, menthol, and camphor. When applied on the skin, you will feel a warm or cool sensation which distracts you from the actual pain.

As for local anaesthetics like lignocaine, you can usually find them in antiseptic creams and gels. “When these are applied, it temporarily numbs the area and reduces the ability of nerves to transmit pain sensation,” said Yong.

If you frequently consume over-the-counter painkillers, here’s what to take note of.

NSAIDs may not be suitable for everyone
pregnant woman taking a pill

Image Credits: SBS

While NSAIDs can be an alternative if you are allergic to paracetamol, it may not be suitable for everyone.

“NSAIDs are known to have some blood-thinning effects and may increase one’s risk of bleeding, especially when it is taken together with medicines or herbal supplements that have similar properties,” cautioned Yong, referring to the blood thinner warfarin, and herbs such as ginkgo and ginseng.

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK advised the public to check with their doctors before consuming NSAIDs. This is especially so for people under 16 or over 65 years old, pregnant or trying for a baby, breastfeeding, asthmatic, had previous stomach ulcers or allergies to NSAIDs, have problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, blood pressure, circulation or bowels, and/or taking other medicines.

In addition to that, SingHealth has noted that NSAIDs should be taken once or twice a day, swallowed whole (unless otherwise informed), and taken after food to prevent stomach upset.

Avoid taking painkillers with other medicines
Different pills

Image Credits: Mylan

“For instance, a patient may be taking Anarex, which contains paracetamol and orphenadrine, for chronic pain. If he purchases Panadol Cold Relief (it also contains paracetamol as well as phenylephrine) to self-medicate and relieve symptoms of the flu, he could unknowingly be overdosing on paracetamol,” said Yong.

“This frequently occurs when medications are obtained from different sources, such as when they are prescribed by two different doctors or pharmacists.”

Yong also mentioned the risk of overdosing. This happens very commonly in patients who are underweight or have existing kidney or liver problems, the elderly, and children.

“A child may be previously prescribed with 5ml of a 120mg/5ml preparation by a doctor. Should the parent subsequently purchase a 250mg/5ml preparation and give the child 5ml as per the previous doctor’s prescription, the child will be given double the dose.”

Stick to the given dosage
Medicine dosage

Image Credits: Burt’s Pharmacy

“Different medications will have different onset and duration of action timings. Oral paracetamol and ibuprofen generally start working within 30 minutes, and effects last about six to eight hours,” said Dr Ti.

The same medicine created differently can influence the duration of action. For example, diclofenac’s sustained release may last for up to 24 hours and is taken once a day. While diclofenac’s immediate release can last only eight to 12 hours and may be taken two or three times a day, added Yong.

She also noted that a person should not exceed eight 500mg tablets of paracetamol in a day. This is because taking more painkillers than you should can ruin your liver in the long run.

“For paracetamol overdose, symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, sweating, and changes in mentation (mental activity),” stated Dr Ti.

In the case of overdosing on NSAIDs, the signs are more severe. Individuals might encounter acute kidney injury and/or bleeding in the stomach or intestines. “This bleeding may present as nausea and vomiting, blood in the vomit, or as black, sticky stools with or without sharp gastric pain,” said Yong.

If you suspect an overdose, head straight for the hospital emergency centre, advised Dr Ti. “They will require specific treatment protocols and close monitoring, which would not be available at a regular GP.”

“It can be helpful to bring along the box or leaflet of the medication the patient has been taking to help the medical team accurately identify the cause of the overdose,” suggested Yong.

Side effects of painkillers
Drug allergy

Image Credits: Healthline

If you spot rashes, swelling of the eyes and lips, and/or difficulty breathing after taking paracetamol, visit a doctor immediately. This could be due to an allergic reaction to paracetamol.

As per the NHS, those who regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week, have kidney or liver problems, and/or are on epilepsy medicine might want to avoid taking paracetamol.

According to SingHealth, NSAIDs may also cause common side effects like dizziness, nausea, gastric irritation, and increased blood pressure. Individuals may also face fluid retention and/or worsening asthma.

“When in doubt, it is advisable to consult the doctor or pharmacist for advice,” said Yong. “This is especially important if one has any medical conditions, is on long-term medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding.”


Internships & Jobs: NTU, UOB Kay Hian, and Ezbuy are hiring

job opportunities

How’s your job search coming along? If you need help brushing up your resume, read our recent article on the art of writing a resume as advised by experts. Meanwhile, check out these new job and internship opportunities with NTU, UOB Kay Hian, and Ezbuy.

#1: Nanyang Technological University – Trainee, Research Assistant in Parent-Infant Neural Connectivity

Image Credits: NTU

Allowance / Remuneration: S$1,800 – 2,500 monthly

NTU’s School of Social Sciences has nearly 100 faculty members and more than 1,700 undergraduates who major in the four-degree programmes the school offers: Economics, Psychology, Public Policy and Global Affairs, and Sociology. There are more than 180 graduate students in their PhD and MA programmes (by research), and MSc programmes in Applied Economics and Gerontology.

The Baby-LINC Lab in the Division of Psychology is headed by Asst Prof Victoria Leong. The lab conducts world-leading research on interpersonal neural connectivity between parents and infants, using a technique called “dual-EEG”. During early life, social interactions between infants and caregivers “gate” learning processes in the infant’s brain.

In this project, the candidate will learn to analyse dyadic-EEG data concurrently collected from infants and their parents during naturalistic learning scenarios. The aim will be to examine how the parent-infant neural network is modulated by social cues such as eye contact and infant-directed speech in order to facilitate early learning. This project can be completed through 100% virtual coaching since a large amount of data has already been collected and is ready for analysis. However, should circumstances permit, hands-on training in EEG data acquisition may also be provided to enhance the trainee’s learning experience.

Job Qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree in relevant field
  • Basic proficiency in Matlab (preferred) or other programming languages
  • Good knowledge of statistics and statistical software packages such as R and Statistica (preferred)
  • Interest in neuroscience and/or psychology
  • Good attention to detail
  • Effective communication and report writing skills 
Key Responsibilities
  • Assisting with pre-processing of EEG datasets (e.g. checking for errors, removing artefacts)
  • Video coding of infant and maternal behaviour
  • Statistical analysis of behavioural data
  • Recruitment and screening of participants
  • Coordinating day-to-day (online) research activities (e.g. recruitment and scheduling of participants)
  • Performing other related duties assigned in support of the research projects
How to apply?

Apply via this link.

View the job post in full here.

#2: UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd – Operations Temp
UOB Kay Hian

Image Credits: MoneyDuck

Allowance / Remuneration: S$1,000 – 1,500 monthly

UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd claims to be the largest stockbroking house in Singapore with a strong presence in key financial centres in the region, UK and US. They provide a wide range of services to a diversified client base that includes corporations, institutions, and local investors. Clients can rely on the brand’s knowledge of key Asian financial markets to improve their investment decisions and portfolios.

Job Qualifications
  • Must be able to commit for at least 3 months, Mondays to Fridays
  • OT is required for this role
  • At least a Diploma holder
  • Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel
  • No experience required, fresh graduates are welcomed
Key Responsibilities

This position will report to the Contracts Department, with the following duties:

  • Perform trade processing for Equities and Unit Trust
  • Checking of reports, data entry, and processing contra
  • Handle administrative tasks such as photocopying, faxing etc.
How to apply?

Submit your application to Angel Wong via this link.

View the job post in full here.

#3: Ezbuy – Human Resource Intern
Ezbuy logo

Image Credits: Ezbuy

Allowance / Remuneration: S$800 monthly

Formerly known as 65Daigou, owned by EZbuy Holdings Limited, Ezbuy is a provider of online global shopping services. Founded in 2010 by a group of aspiring entrepreneurs, Ezbuy quickly rose to become one of the largest global shopping platforms.

According to the company, they currently provide global shopping services from China, USA, and Taiwan to more than 1,000,000 customers across Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Job Qualifications
  • Poly students or university students are welcomed to apply
  • Possesses basic knowledge of HR procedure
  • Active, pleasant personality, and cheerful
  • Good team player and able to work under minimal supervision
  • Proficient in MS Office, especially in MS Excel
  • Excellent English and Chinese speaking and writing skills are advantageous (in order to liaise with the Chinese speaking associates)
Key Responsibilities
  • Monitor staff’s time attendance
  • Basic recruitment
  • Staff communication & correspondence
  • Employee welfare, benefits & compensation
  • Creating quarterly newsletter
  • Basic administration work
  • Communicating with vendor or supplier
  • Assist to fixed asset management
  • Ability to manage and organize data and information for HR and finance
  • Assist document filing and receiving, basic paperwork
  • Additional duties assigned by the Management from time to time
How to apply?

Submit your application to Emma via this link.

View the job post in full here.

#4: Ezbuy – Marketing Intern (Beauty Marketplace)

Image Credits: The Low Down

Allowance / Remuneration: S$800 monthly

Formerly known as 65Daigou, owned by EZbuy Holdings Limited, Ezbuy is a provider of online global shopping services. Founded in 2010 by a group of aspiring entrepreneurs, Ezbuy quickly rose to become one of the largest global shopping platforms.

According to the company, they currently provide global shopping services from China, USA, and Taiwan to more than 1,000,000 customers across Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Job Qualifications
  • Ability to speak both English and Chinese – in order to liaise with Chinese speaking associates
  • Good skills in using office software including excel, ppt, etc.
  • Having photoshop skill will be advantageous.
  • Actively looking out for the latest trends.
  • Have good written and speaking skills.
  • Good understanding of beauty products.
  • Being fast and accurate.
  • Having analytical skills.
  • Being detail-oriented.
  • Able to adapt to different working environments.
Key Responsibilities
  • Communicate with beauty marketplace sellers to plan for campaigns and execute them with the guidance of the marketing team (in both English and Chinese)
  • Managing the beauty marketplace.
  • Creating new ideas to promote for sellers.
  • Managing and updating the website on the latest trends.
  • Analyzing sales, prices, and preparing recommendations.
  • Conducting research on the market competitiveness.
  • Critical thinking and able to work independently.
  • Assist in local marketplace operations.
  • Maintaining onsite assets such as campaign landing pages.
How to apply?

Submit your application to Tee Hao Wen via this link.

View the job post in full here.


Five Reasons Why Having Auto Insurance Is a Must

Tip on Car Insurance

Having insurance on your car or truck is a smart idea for numerous reasons, not just because it is usually required but also to give you the peace of mind you deserve when something happens to your vehicle. After all, an accident can happen at any time and if your auto insurance isn’t current, you might have to pay for all of those repairs yourself. Regardless of your income, this is a huge burden for most people, especially when you consider what most car repairs cost these days. This is but one of the reasons why having car insurance on your vehicle is a must and below are a few other reasons as well.

  1. It Is Often Required

Car insurance is often required by law, with each location being a little different regarding what you’d be responsible for if you are involved in an accident that is determined to be your fault. This is an important fact to consider because if this type of insurance is required and you aren’t covered, you’ll not only be required to pay for the costs of all of the repairs but you could also get fined because you didn’t have insurance in the first place. It is especially troublesome because let’s face it, car repairs can cost up to ten-thousand dollars in some cases.

  1. It Can Help Protect Your Investment

The right type of auto insurance will help you keep your car well-maintained, and this is important since your vehicle can be one of the biggest investments you make. Especially if you own an expensive vehicle, you’ll want to make sure it stays in great shape year after year, and if you get into an accident without the right type of car insurance, or not enough car insurance, you may not be able to afford to get all of the work done that’s necessary for your car to look good. Of course, taking good care of your vehicle is about more than it looking good – it has to run right as well, and an insurance company will help make that happen whenever an accident occurs.

  1. It Saves You a Lot of Money Over Time

Everyone thinks that car insurance is expensive and even though it can be a bit pricey depending on the circumstances, just one accident can make that amount of money seem insignificant. The longer you have car insurance, the more money it saves you. While it’s true that you can take your chances by not paying for this type of insurance and think that you’re saving money, you could easily be paying way more money than just the amount you’ve paid for car insurance up to that point when you have an accident while driving your car. Through the years, having up-to-date car insurance can save you a lot of money indeed.

  1. Protection Against Mother Nature

Of course, car accidents aren’t the only reason to always keep your car insurance up to date. Mother Nature can also wreak havoc on your vehicle with hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, and all other natural disasters that can cause huge damages to your vehicle. Even if you never get into an accident, the elements can cause very expensive damages from falling limbs, heavy winds and rain, and flying debris that could come crashing into your vehicle at any time. Without insurance, this can damage your budget but you won’t have to worry about any of this with the right type of auto insurance.

  1. You Can Enjoy Some Legal Protection

Even if the accident is deemed to be truly no one’s fault, this doesn’t mean that someone on the other side won’t try and sue you. This is where your insurance company can be a big help. If you get sued, the insurance company’s legal department will jump into action and help you every step of the way, fighting for you so that you always have someone by your side. Being sued can be very nerve-wracking for the average person but insurance companies have legal representatives who go to bat for you so that your side is represented from beginning to end, providing you with the peace of mind in these circumstances so that you’re much more likely to be successful in the end.