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In the Singapore calendar, Chinese New Year (CNY) is one of the most awaited events. The Lion City is hopping with excitement in anticipation of the festivities ahead. To save money when celebrating the first day of CNY on January 22, please remember not to waste your money on the following items.
Making your own decorations should not only be reserved for preschoolers. If your home looks attractive to the hungry ghost, start brightening up the place with a few vibrant red decorations. These CNY decorations do not need to be brand new. You can recycle old red packets and revamp your last year’s CNY decorations. To recycle your old red packets, you can follow this video tutorial:
Long queues will flock Changi Airport the evening before CNY. As Singaporeans are desperate to make the most of the long weekend, many people have booked their air tickets in advance. If you have not already booked your air ticket or your hotel stay, you are sure to pay ridiculous prices. Moreover, some tickets or rooms may be sold out. Save cash by opting for a three-star hotel or a local day tour instead.
Whether you are looking forward to peonies or kumquat plants, stocking up on seasonal plants can add up. These seasonal plants carry higher price tags as the CNY approaches. Channel NewsAsia reported that the price hike is due to bad weather conditions, transportation constraints, and increased labor costs.
Your guests look forward to eating bak kwa, cornflake cookies, and pineapple tarts during the party. However, these goodies are more expensive as you get closer to January 22, 2023. Since CNY goodies are available throughout the year, it is ideal to buy them in advance.
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Family is at the heart of Chinese culture, which is never more apparent than with the CNY reunion dinner. The best-case scenario is to have a relative who can accommodate the entire clan in their home. Otherwise, you can try your best to book a few tables at a Chinese restaurant nearby. Expect insanely inflated prices at restaurants during this time.
If these dinner parties are a yearly affair, you would save more money by booking at least 12 months in advance.
With change being a prominent theme during Chinese New Year, it is believed that wearing brand new clothes on the first day of the new year is symbolic of making a new start. Whether you opt for traditional clothing like a qipao or tangzhuang, or a contemporary smart casual outfit, the most important thing to consider is color. Red is the color of choice for many during CNY.
Wait for the sales to hit to purchase your new red clothes to save more money. Alternatively, you may re-style your old CNY clothes or wear them in a different way. You can add accessories or pair your red blouse with a patterned skirt to create a flowing dress.