Tips for motivating yourself to follow through on your gym membership

empty gym in black and white Image Credits:

You joined the gym with the best intentions early this year.

The New Year’s resolution to get in shape, the vision of the beach body you’ve always wanted…

You were ready to crush it!

But fast forward to June 2024, the motivation faded.

Suddenly your schedule is too busy or you need to be more energized after work.

We’ve all been there and that’s why this article is for you.

Get in the right mindset
  • Start small and build up slowly

Don’t feel overwhelmed by the thought of a full-hour workout.

Use a 15-minute rule and commit to just 15 minutes of exercise.

This can help overcome the mental barrier of “I don’t have time for the gym today.”

Once you complete the first 15 minutes, you’re likely to feel motivated to continue for longer.

  • Set clear and realistic goals

Figure out why you want to go to the gym and set specific and realistic goals to work towards.

Maybe you want to lose 5 kg in 3 months or build enough strength to do 10 pushups.

Whatever it is, having a goal and tracking your progress towards it can enhance your motivation.

Celebrate small wins along the way.

Helpful tips to encourage yourself to go to the gym
  • Dress for a workout, even if you’re not feeling up to it
woman and sports bra and leggings

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Put on your gym clothes and sneakers as soon as you leave work.

You will likely feel more in the mood to work out and clock in that session.

  • Get a workout partner to keep you accountable

Find a friend with similar goals and arrange to meet a group at the gym.

You will be more inclined to show up so you don’t leave them waiting, and you can spur each other on during your workout.

If you can’t find a real-life partner, consider hiring a personal trainer (though that will mean forking out more $$$).

  • Reward yourself for going to the gym

Set small rewards along the way to stay motivated, like treating yourself to a healthy smoothie after every 3 visits to the gym or a massage after hitting 10 visits.

Having these rewards to work towards will make you want to keep going back.

  • Proper nutrition and rest are essential for workout motivation

Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep every night will fuel your motivation.

When your body feels good, you will be eager to get to the gym and make the most of your workout.

Staying in shape and building strength requires commitment, so do what you can to help set yourself up for success.

Now, we hope you have no excuse not to get to the gym anymore! Start by setting realistic goals and tracking progress. Reward yourself for hitting milestones. Find an accountability partner to help keep you motivated. And once the routine is in, those endorphins will get flowing and you will be excited to keep at it. So put on your favorite shoes/outfit, grab your water bottle, and go get the body you want!

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