Cheapest 1Gbps Broadband Deal EVER in Singapore, found at CEE 2017!

Effectively at $18/month for 1Gbps Home Fibre Broadband, and you only need to commit for 12 months!

This is the cheapest 1Gbps home fibre broadband plan we have ever seen in Singapore. Effectively, you’re only going to pay $18 per month for a 1Gbps home fibre broadband plan, and you only have to commit 12 months instead of the industry standard of 24 months. The super deal is for real, at the Consumer Electronics Exhibition (CEE 2017), at Suntec Convention Centre. Only from 1 to 4 June, this deal is available for the first 50 customers per day who register at WhizComms booth (Booth 8501).

A few of the telcos are also introducing Mesh Network at the show, to enhance your home WiFi. Many people may not know how to use such equipment, and many do not know which ones to get to suit their home environment and usage. WhizComms Broadband is the only telco so far we’ve found, to be offering WiFi Clinic service to their customers, which is an essential onsite home WiFi Audit Service and installation service of the most suitable equipment for their homes, and how to place the equipment to maximise WiFi coverage at their homes.

Now back to the prices. With 2 big shows – the PC Show 2017 and the CEE 2017 happening over the same weekend at 2 different locations, you will want to plan your travel wisely to avoid disappointment. We’ve summarized the prices of all the telcos at the show and their locations in the table below. We believe this will greatly ease your job in making comparisons for the best WiFi deal in town.

Our conclusion?

  • If you want the cheapest 1Gbps home broadband, go for WhizComms. They give the lowest priced home broadband deals, short contract period at 12 months, and also a WiFi Clinic service, which no other telco provides. You’ll definitely want to check their booth out if you’re at CEE 2017 this weekend!
  • If you want any commitment shorter than 12 months, go for MyRepublic with no contracts. Be prepared to pay $59.99/month, no free months available.
  • Singtel has the cheapest WiFi mesh service at an additional $10/month for AirTies WiFi Mesh. Do remember to take the monthly subscription fees into consideration, with AirTies WiFi Mesh, the monthly subscription fees will be $69.90/month before the free subscription promotion.


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