6 Things That Make a Co-Worker Feel Furious with You

Image Credits: unsplash.com

In the realm of Psychology, vivid nightmares can hold symbolic meaning. Recently, my uncle shared a distressing dream in which a collapsing mountain caused panic among people. Curious about its significance, he sought my help to analyze it. Surprisingly, this type of dream often serves as a warning, urging the dreamer to break free from detrimental habits and start anew. Reflecting on this, I realized how negative habits and behaviors in the workplace can hinder our careers.

Being a bad co-worker extends beyond mere annoyance; it can detrimentally impact one’s professional trajectory. However, the good news is that worst co-workers aren’t inherently evil and can be effectively addressed, according to Jody Foster, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.

Let’s examine 6 common behaviors that can ignite fury among co-workers. By striving for self-improvement and actively addressing these habits, we can foster a more harmonious work environment.


Initially, you may boost someone’s ego or compliment others, just like friends do. However, over time, you may begin to manipulate others or openly display mean behavior. This type of behavior can harm relationships among your co-workers.


Are you a narcissist? Signs of narcissistic behavior include exaggerating accomplishments, blaming others for your shortcomings, interrupting others, taking credit for other people’s work, and lashing out when questioned. If you are one, you should try to step back and maintain a good relationship with your co-workers without compromising your integrity.


Whether you call yourself lazy or a slacker, you complete your work, but only just enough to get by, and you thrive on doing the bare minimum. Working slowly may work to your favor, but this behavior becomes frustrating to your co-workers, especially if your team’s success relies on it.


You consistently interrupt your co-workers, bosses, or other professionals, and this is annoying. If you interrupt others because you feel it is the only way to be heard, you should consider having a conversation with your boss to establish healthier communication habits. This way, you won’t have to resort to cutting off others to express your ideas.


While there’s such a thing as harmless office gossip, it can sometimes go too far. You talk behind others’ backs and spread unverified rumors. Anyone who remembers high school knows how this behavior can cause harm. Put-downs and gossip have no place in the workplace.


Everyone experiences delays or occasionally needs to leave early for important obligations. However, consistently arriving late or leaving early will eventually lead to the perception that you are not truly committed to your job or employer. This can result in a negative view of your workplace ethics, and you may end up missing important meetings or company updates because you are not as involved.

Furthermore, being constantly engrossed in your mobile phone can signal disengagement and distraction, especially during meetings or conferences. Such behavior is not considered good workplace ethics.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Remember that nobody is perfect. Success in your job doesn’t mean you can never make a mistake. The best professionals take their mistakes, analyze them, learn from them, and strive to grow and improve as a result.

Sources: 1 & 2

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