5 Things To Know When Choosing a Boiler Cover Plan

A lot of people overlook boiler cover, but it is only a small price that you pay to escape larger problems in the long run. If you don’t know, a boiler cover is a plan that covers boiler repairs and maintenance throughout the year. Secondly, if you have an elaborate plan for your boiler, the company might also replace the entire equipment if it breaks down. The boiler is not just an option but the need of the hour, both in winter and summer season. In general, an insurance plan provides a 24/7 coverage, which covers repairs and maintenance of the boiler. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a boiler plan:

  1. The Age Factor

Keep in mind, if you want your boiler to get insured, it has to be over 7 years of age. Most insurance companies don’t register boilers who are less than the mentioned age. However, some companies conduct a boiler inspection to register cases where the machine is underage. Age factor is an essential thing you need to consider when choosing a boiler plan.  Find out more here. If you don’t intend to buy an insurance plan for the boiler for the next few years, it is essential to buy one with the best quality.

  1. Excess Fee

Every company has its own set of rules and policies. Although mainstream insurance companies don’t but few of them have an excess fee for a boiler insurance plan. This is when you need to settle for a cheaper plan in the market. A cheap insurance plan will entail bargaining but will not carry an excess fee. The additional costs associated with boiler cover plans are usually between $50 to $100. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to choose an insurance plan, which doesn’t have hidden costs.

  1. Hidden Charges

Gone are the days when companies would showcase all charges on the table in front of the customers. Today, people are not even aware of the extra costs they have to pay after the signing of the contract. Therefore, it is wise enough to read the entire insurance plan in detail before signing it. Hidden charges can add to the yearly cost of an oiler cover, which is why as a client, you should know about the route of every penny you are paying. Hidden charges often get a lot of people in trouble in the long run when they’re unable to pay for them.

  1. Call Out

A lot of people often engage with boiler issues throughout the year. However, you must not forget, there is a certain limit on the number of call-outs you can make. You cannot call the insurance company to fix a broken or damaged boiler every 3 months. Depending on the payment you’re making to the company, the number of call-outs will vary for sure. So just before you sign the contract, ask the agent about the number of call-outs you are allowed per year.

  1. The Boiler’s Type

As a general rule, insurance companies provide coverage for all kinds of boilers. This means you are eligible for applying for a boiler plan if you have conventional gas boilers, condensing boilers, biomass boilers, combi boilers, and wood pellet boilers. You can also get a customized insurance plan according to the boiler type. This might cost you a little more as compared to conventional plans but will surely suffice for your needs. Most people who can afford to splurge often pay more for boiler covers and also get several call-outs in a year.



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