Can’t live without your smartphone? You’re not alone. Singapore is one of the most wired countries on the planet, with 88% of Singaporeans owning at least one smart phone. With smartphone usage being such an important part of your daily life, phone bills at the end of the month can sometimes get rather monstrous. We want to help you out. Here’s 4 tips on how to reduce that phone bill.
Sign Up For A Corporate Or Student Plan
Companies often tie-up with phone service providers to offer special corporate plans for their employees. These special plans can entail reduced rates, additional data and more! While it can be certain that most large companies have such mobile plans for their employees, some smaller businesses also provide such benefits as well. Sometimes these special corporate plans aren’t very well communicated by the company management, so remember to take the initiative to ask.
If you’re a student, there are plenty of student plans abound from each of the phone service providers, so feel free to take your pick. Some of them offer free campus calls, or unlimited text messages, so choose your plan wisely
Use Free Apps
Why text, when you can use Whatsapp, Line or Telegram? Why call someone using the conventional calling function when you can use Vibre or Skype? There are plenty of free apps abound on the Apple App Store and Google Marketplace that allow you to make full use of the internet connectivity of your smartphone. Most, if not all, of the functions which make use of your normal mobile plan features such as texts and calls can be replaced by these apps. Doing so would definitely minimise your phone bill, as you would be using less of what can be charged to you.
Do take note of your 3G/4G usage, as all these apps would make use of the wireless connection. But hey, you’re in Singapore, one of the most wired countries on the planet! This means you should…
Use Wifi Whenever Possible
Remember to make sure you log in to your home wifi whenever you reach home. Imagine the rude shock you would receive if you were watching videos all night, only to realise you had forgotten to connect to your house wifi! Most malls now have wifi as well, so visitors just need to create and account and log in to use it. The government is also in the midst of installing wifi accessibility in 36 MRT stations, so you can eventually even use wifi when while waiting for the train!
Use Prepaid
Sure this might not be the coolest thing around, but if you’re someone who can survive without being on Youtube and Facebook 24/7, this is a very viable option. You only need to pay a small minimum amount to get started with using a prepaid, after which you can top-up if you need to! Using a prepaid card also means you can better regulate your phone usage, because once you run out of prepaid credit, you literally can’t use your phone anymore to call, text or surf the net. If you use a mobile plan, you run the risk of going overboard each month if you don’t make the effort to track your usage regularly